
Dialogue 丨 She is the "pot aunt" who came down from the bus

author:China News Network

Beijing, January 27 (Reporter Yuan Xiuyue) Red plastic bags, pressure cookers, "Cannon" mobile phone ringtones, Tao Yinghong's crying and smiling expression... These have recently become the "psychological shadows" of many netizens.

Dialogue 丨 She is the "pot aunt" who came down from the bus

Stills from "The Beginning"

The web drama "Beginning", starring Bai Jingting and Zhao Jinmai, recently ended. With its popularity, the actor Liu Dan in the play has received a lot of attention.

Tao Yinghong, played by Liu Dan, is a passenger on the No. 45 bus and a former middle school chemistry teacher. Five years ago, her life with her husband was thrown into chaos because of the unexpected death of her daughter. Five years later, she was the culprit in the "bus bombing."

From a people's teacher to a "criminal" who carries a pressure cooker to hurt innocents, what has Tao Yinghong experienced? Not only was the audience curious, when Liu Dan first received the invitation, what he wanted to know most was this past.

Dialogue 丨 She is the "pot aunt" who came down from the bus

Tao Yinghong, played by Liu Dan. Stills from "The Beginning"

In the play, the role of Tao Yinghong is not much. She was neatly dressed and had an indifferent expression, and only her daughter could make waves in her heart. Some people use "calm and madness" and "pain and determination" to describe her, and the most intuitive feeling of more viewers is "scary".

"Aunt Pot" is actually an old acquaintance. From "The True Colors of Criminal Police" and "Children of the Qiao Family" to "Skyscraper", "Love is Delicious", "The Sea of Stars", etc., Liu Dan has accumulated in the film and television industry for many years. Less well known is that she was also a child actress, starring in "Syracuse" in 1987, her first TV series. In addition, she is an actress in the National Drama Theatre and has been active on stage.

When people suddenly became popular due to a drama in middle age, Liu Dan did not feel regrets. She told the China News Network reporter that after the age of 30, it is when the actor really begins to mature.

Dialogue 丨 She is the "pot aunt" who came down from the bus

Liu Dan. Courtesy of respondents

A summary of the dialogue is as follows:

"At first, I didn't understand Tao Yinghong's approach"

Reporter: How did you get involved with this show?

Liu Dan: At the beginning, the company told me that there was a play that wanted me to act, but there was no script, only a novel. After reading the novel, I found two quite interesting points: one is the form of the cycle, and the other is the role of Tao Yinghong. At that time, I still had some doubts about this role, in addition to writing about Tao Yinghong's "explosion" action in the novel, her past was not very rich, so I decided to meet with the director to talk about the details. At that time, the three directors were all there, and they probably told me about the way to shoot in the future, including whether to extend Tao Yinghong's past. After some chatting, everyone felt that there was a possibility of cooperation, and I dared to interpret it.

Reporter: What is the most attractive thing about this role?

Liu Dan: I want to find out what is going on, because I don't quite understand why Tao Yinghong did this. As a teacher and a woman, it is really difficult to understand what she has experienced when she finally comes to "bombing the car for revenge" or even "hurting the innocent". I think the tension of this character is particularly large.

Dialogue 丨 She is the "pot aunt" who came down from the bus

Reporter: In the eyes of many people, most of the mothers who have suffered the pain of bereavement are in a state of "crying and weeping". But many times, Tao Yinghong is very restrained, why?

Liu Dan: If she (Tao Yinghong) can find the means of catharsis, she can cry out and vent, maybe she will have a chance to save herself, Tao Yinghong really has not been able to walk out. Her daughter lost her life, she wanted to know the truth, but before she could find the answer, her dead daughter was violently abused by the Internet, and all her ideals collapsed. She seemed to have been abandoned, thrown into a place where no one could see or understand, and all she had to face was to swallow herself, probably a feeling. So I think that with so much indulgence in the pain of losing my daughter, it seems that it is not easy to cry in the car.

Reporter: When Tao Yinghong's "car bombing plan" was discovered, she was hysterical again. How to express her despair and obsession?

Liu Dan: In fact, I didn't think about how to express this mother's despair and madness, I didn't think about it, [I] just did my best to understand her past, her ideals and the shining things in her humanity. The calm after the belief collapse was really scary, and I was just trying to think about the process, and only noticed the "terrible" thing when the audience had feedback.

Dialogue 丨 She is the "pot aunt" who came down from the bus

"'Cannon' wasn't that scary for me"

Reporter: "Cannon" has become a psychological shadow for many people, will you be afraid when you hear this bell?

Liu Dan: It's not so scary for me, because that's Tao Yinghong's clarion call to do this. It's like going to war and hearing the drums, there's no feeling of fear. In reality, you may hesitate to hear the bell and regret it, but obviously that is another play.

Reporter: Some netizens refer to Wang Xingde and Tao Yinghong as "Si Guo Auntie", what do you think about this?

Liu Dan: I think it's very cute, the Internet is a little more young people. Everyone will give others nicknames because they like it.

Dialogue 丨 She is the "pot aunt" who came down from the bus

Stills from Skyscraper

Reporter: During the filming process, which scene was the most difficult to shoot? What is it like to cooperate with Huang Jue, Bai Jingting and Zhao Jinmai?

Liu Dan: The crowded scene is slightly more difficult, because we have to perform the content, but also can't mess up, and we have rehearsed together many times.

There is a scene with Huang Jue going to the bridge to see her daughter is more subtle, how to more accurately represent Tao Yinghong's current state, I have also been thinking. Huang Jue is a very gentle person, he is very cute, we will discuss some details together, including how to say the lines will be better, and we trust each other.

Bai Jingting and Zhao Jinmai are simple, bright and cute, and they can do anything for the role. I remember that on the first day of acting with Bai Jingting, I would still be a little scrupulous, and our opponent play had a lot of tearing parts. I said, "Please take more care," and he said, "It's all right, sister." "It's ripe, and I'm relieved." And Mai Mai (Zhao Jinmai), too, I will tell her, how will I go later. She said, "Sister Dan doesn't matter, you can do whatever you want." ”

Dialogue 丨 She is the "pot aunt" who came down from the bus

"'Drama throwing face'? There's not much to say about it."

Reporter: Many netizens call you a "drama throwing face", what do you think of this evaluation?

Liu Dan: "Drama throwing face" is also highly malleable, which can create different character images. I think that's what actors should do, there's nothing special to say, it's our job in the first place.

Reporter: Your first play was "Snow City", did this play have an impact on your subsequent acting career?

Liu Dan: In 1987, when I was in my second year of junior high school, the TV series "Snow City" came to Harbin to shoot, and by chance, I played one of the small roles. Director Li Wenqi said, "Liu Dan, you are so powerful, you have all been one, you really should be an actor, and you will enter the film school in the future." "Later, I was admitted to the acting training class of Harbin Youth Palace and met Gao Lan, a teacher at the Harbin Drama Theatre, and at that time I began to like acting. After having the affirmation of the two teachers, he was even more determined to go further on this road.

Dialogue 丨 She is the "pot aunt" who came down from the bus

Reporter: You are also an actor at the National Drama Theatre, how has the experience of stage performance helped you?

Liu Dan: Because the drama is rehearsed, you will have more time to consider the accurate scale of the play, the positioning of the characters, how to act, etc., (that) is also a very exercise in the actor's thinking, will help the actor to learn to think, understand themselves, find the right way to create. When filming film and television dramas, not only do you need to use your emotions, your understanding, your cognition is also very important, which may have a lot to do with performing on the stage for many years.

Dialogue 丨 She is the "pot aunt" who came down from the bus

Liu Dan (left). Courtesy of respondents

Reporter: In your opinion, what are the advantages of middle-aged and young actresses? What difficulties do you face?

Liu Dan: I think that after the age of 30, it is when actors really begin to mature. Before the growth period, in the trial and error, are accumulating experience in various aspects, may not be until the age of 30, to better understand themselves and others, as well as the relationship between themselves and the group and so on. That is to say, it has begun to be qualitative, has experienced some time tests, is more sober, and has a more interesting understanding of the world.

I read a book about actors' performances, called "The Legend of The Wind and The Flower". Probably because the flower that bloomed when you were young was because of your talent, your youth, your newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, may have good intuition, but do not know much about the difficulty of this line. Only after experiencing bumps and wind and rain can it slowly mature, and the flower that blooms after maturity is the real flower.

Everyone encounters difficulties in the process of growing up. In fact, when people are alive, a very important thing is to learn how to face their own predicament, how to get out of their own predicament, and then go in the direction they want to go. (End)

Source: China News Network