
Bad Guys: Five versions of Lee Nebula, which one do you think is the most handsome, smart people say Figure 5

Now the fifth season of "Bad Guys" has been launched, but the content of recent episodes has little to do with the protagonist Li Xingyun, basically performed by Ji Ruxue, Luo Xiaobei, A Jie, etc. Even the poster only gave Li Xingyun the opportunity to show his back, and he seems to have gradually become a supporting role. It is worth mentioning that this time Li Xingyun's modeling has finally changed compared with before. So the question is, counting different fields such as games and television, five versions of Li Xingyun, which do you think is the most handsome?

Bad Guys: Five versions of Lee Nebula, which one do you think is the most handsome, smart people say Figure 5

The comic version, "Bad Guys" also has a comic version of his own. This work still has Li Xingyun as the male protagonist, and the main story line is also developing according to the anime version. However, the comic version of Li Xingyun is a bit domineering style, and the good heroic male Number one becomes a fierce person in seconds. This version of Old Li was dressed in red, carrying a huge Longquan Sword, and the whole person had a feeling of being frightened. But in terms of plot alone, this comic version is still faithful to the original, but the characters are too murderous and not very beautiful.

Bad Guys: Five versions of Lee Nebula, which one do you think is the most handsome, smart people say Figure 5

In the game version, the "Bad Guys" mobile game is more popular, and several games have also been launched. Comparatively speaking, Li Xingyun of the mobile game "Bad Guy 2" is the most representative. This version of Li Xingyun looks very fresh, he has a neat short hair, holding the Longquan Sword, this shape gives people a more handsome feeling. However, Li Xingyun's dress is a bit fashionable, especially the short-sleeved coat seems to have a sense of modern T-shirt, which is a bit out of tune with the ancient sense of the late Tang Dynasty.

Bad Guys: Five versions of Lee Nebula, which one do you think is the most handsome, smart people say Figure 5

Tv version, in 2016, the TV series "Bad Guy" came out, and actor Zheng Yecheng played the male number one Li Xingyun. From the perspective of attire and hairstyle, Zheng Yecheng's version of Li Xingyun is almost the same as that of anime, but the appearance of real people is always a little different from the ideal state. Zheng Yecheng was born in 1993, ran a dragon set in "Ancient Sword Qitan", and has a martial arts background, so he starred in "Bad Man". Judging from the evaluation of fans, the martial arts of The Zheng version of Li Xingyun are impressive, but he cannot be regarded as a particular classic, after all, most of the anime die-hard fans do not have a very high evaluation of it.

Bad Guys: Five versions of Lee Nebula, which one do you think is the most handsome, smart people say Figure 5

The movie version, some time ago, suddenly came out of the live-action version of the movie "Bad Man" to start the news, and this time the person who played Li Xingyun was called Li Yan. Just like the previous TV series, this time Li Xingyun is very similar to anime in terms of clothing, but the actor's personal image has been criticized. In the stills, Li Yan's whole person looks slightly dark, and his height seems to be less than 1.8 meters, which is a bit different from Li Xingyun's tall image. So needless to say, his image is not the most handsome.

Bad Guys: Five versions of Lee Nebula, which one do you think is the most handsome, smart people say Figure 5

Anime version, now "Bad Guys" has reached the fifth season, and Li Xingyun has always been the first male protagonist, and his role is the most. In the story of the first four seasons, Li Xingyun's modeling is basically the same, which can be roughly summarized as "holding the Longquan sword in his hand and dressing up in a short martial arts suit". However, in the fifth season, Li Xingyun changed to the image of a "bad handsome" wearing a bucket hat. Overall, the anime version of Li Xingyun is an artistic model, and the overall feeling is far beyond the previous live-action and games and other different versions. In other words, the anime Li Xingyun is the original in the end, so it is the most handsome. After the comparative analysis of each version, there are small flaws in the live-action version, the game version is a bit avant-garde, the manga is too domineering, only the anime version looks the most handsome, and the smart people also choose the anime Li Xingyun in Figure 5.

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