
The right way to use TheShy? Sofm: Let him play on his own!

On January 26, the LPL Spring Tournament ushered in the duel between WBG and V5, the first game Rich selected a single Akshan, and forced TheShy to lead the team to win the game; the second game Sofm rhythm was full, not only his own development was very good, but also fattened up the double C, so he easily won the V5 equalizer; the third game of the decider Sofm selected the robbery, the early stage with the teammates to get the head many times, the middle of the game was opened every time, and finally led the teammates to win the game, so that one chase two won the BO3.

The right way to use TheShy? Sofm: Let him play on his own!

It is worth mentioning that WBG seems to have found the correct way to use TheShty, the second and third games are basically stocking TheShy, every time TheShy is captured, others can get resources through other places to develop, and TheShy, although killed many times, can still play its role in the team battle every time! For example, in the last wave of team battles in the decider, TheShy's four consecutive deaths in the front row of Then Top is still very deterrent, V5 does not dare to open the group, but TheShy decisively opens the group, and finally WBG plays a big victory!

The right way to use TheShy? Sofm: Let him play on his own!

After the game, Sofm also talked about TheShy players in the interview, Sofm said that through the first game, he found that V5 had been targeting TheShy, so the later game changed the hero selection and the route of brushing the wild, and let TheShy play on the road, he was a little bitter about the line, and he played the advantage on the road! In other words, Sofm felt that TheShy was targeted without deliberately helping, and let him play on his own!

The right way to use TheShy? Sofm: Let him play on his own!

The biggest charm of TheShy is that it can also play a certain role in being targeted, in many games TheShy has staged a grass milking play, this time WBG let one chase two of the next two games also proved this again, combined with Sofm's statement in the interview WBG is likely to find the correct way to use TheShy!

The right way to use TheShy? Sofm: Let him play on his own!

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