
Women must see the "Women" documentary

author:It's Meow Adult Ya

Women are wonderful! The documentary documents more than 2,000 women's discussions around topics such as development, pregnancy, childbirth, marriage, and life.

(1) Talking about "circumcision", when they were still ignorant, they pulled into the small black room, two adult women, put them behind a circle the size of a coffee cup, took off their pants, and there was blood on the ground, and they kept begging not to hurt them. She asked her uncle why? Her uncle said: "Because you're a girl."

Women must see the "Women" documentary

(2) A woman's breasts begin to develop at the age of 8, and her father's eyes stay on her body, and she is sexually abused by her father between the ages of 15 and 18. She cut her hair short, trying to remove all feminine features.

Women must see the "Women" documentary

(3) On the bus and on the road, women do not dare to walk sexily, wear sexy clothes, for fear of encountering danger.

(4) A woman is a survivor of sexual violence and human trafficking. She climbed countless mountains and ran through the desert. She broke the Guinness book of the longest Triathlon. The bravest thing she did was to tell a group of people what had happened to her. Violence grows in silence, and when we avoid talking about it, people always say that the victims are not speaking out. "Of course we have a voice, but you don't want to hear our story."

Women must see the "Women" documentary

(5) A woman who took maternity leave was disliked by the leader, saying that the child would have a great impact on her work.

(6) A woman was 18 years old when her parents married her to a 52-year-old man. If not married, either commit suicide or be killed by their parents, and peek at the first night of supervising them.

Women must see the "Women" documentary

(7) A woman has been abused domestically for eight years.

Women must see the "Women" documentary

(8) A woman is hurt, but she is still beautiful.

Women must see the "Women" documentary

(9) A woman is busy with work and taking care of her family. When she was sick, she began to pay attention to how to dress herself and how to make herself happy.

Women must see the "Women" documentary

(10) They were also sold in the 20th century, picked by men, perhaps in exchange for $5, perhaps in exchange for a box of cigarettes, or even given away for nothing.

Women must see the "Women" documentary

(11) In the concentration camp, a nine-year-old girl was raped, and more than 30 women in captivity could only listen to her cries.

Women must see the "Women" documentary

(12) A woman was abducted by terrorists, gang-raped, stabbed into her genitals with a knife, and stuffed grass into her anus.

Women must see the "Women" documentary

The documentary outputs a lot of ideas:

Knowledge is important, independence is important.

Love is beautiful, encounter is lucky, love regardless of age, regardless of gender, is a natural thing. Some people meet at the age of 58, and some people meet in their 40s to know which is true love. Sex is not shameful, two people who love each other, enjoy sex is an expression of love.

Marriage is only a life choice, not the whole of life, and women should enjoy the freedom of marriage. Reproductive freedom is a woman's right, and forced abortion and forced childbearing deprive women of their rights.

Domestic violence should not be suffered in silence, women should speak up and resist.

Women can also hold important positions at work, senators, ministers, and they also shine at work. Women's beauty should not be defined, and every woman's beauty is unique. Whether you wear makeup or not, it's all about pleasing yourself.

Women are not weak at all, she is strong, she gives birth to the next generation, she is great.

Women must see the "Women" documentary