
Chen Zhe, deputy editor-in-chief of the 2022 Beautiful Space Summit | Economic Observer: A good space is a blueprint for people

Chen Zhe, deputy editor-in-chief of the 2022 Beautiful Space Summit | Economic Observer: A good space is a blueprint for people

On January 21, 2022, the "2022 Beautiful Space Summit" hosted by the Economic Observer was held online, and the event invited decision makers, representatives of development companies, architectural planners, artists, sociologists, etc. to jointly discuss the future space of the city.

Chen Zhe, deputy editor-in-chief of the Economic Observer, delivered a speech for the event, saying that a good space is a blueprint for people.

The following is the full text of the live speech:

Welcome to the 2022 Beautiful Space Summit, I am Chen Zhe, on behalf of the Economic Observer and Jingguan Media, I would like to express my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all guests and friends for coming.

This year is already the third year of the new crown epidemic, and meeting on the cloud has become the norm. We say that e-commerce has made the online consumption the mainstream, the epidemic has made the online communication the norm, and the popularity of the meta-universe concept has triggered people's new thinking about the form of time and space.

Good spaces are blueprints for people. First of all, the charm of space is irreplaceable, especially for Generation Z and post-00s Internet natives, the sense of experience, immersion, humanity and interactivity in offline space will be scarce in the future. In recent years, the museum fever, bubble mart, universal paradise, secret room, new Chinese architecture and other spatial forms brought by the Forbidden City have become the most important places for people-to-people exchanges.

Secondly, as we all know, the rapid urbanization of the past 30 years has become a strong and sustained driving force for China's economic development, and in recent years, real estate alone has contributed 1.7 billion square meters of commercial housing per year. With the urbanization rate exceeding 63% and the proposal of "housing without speculation", we have basically bid farewell to the stage of lack of housing. The creation of new spaces urgently needs to move from quantity and scale to humanism and quality.

What is a beautiful space, I think this is a topic that has been explored in human history, with the current needs, a good space should be human-oriented, bringing vitality and innovation to the city, it should have diversity, intensification, aesthetics, wisdom, health and so on.

Over the years, the Economic Observer has been committed to promoting the accumulation and creation of a new paradigm between cities, spaces and people, and today's invited guests include policy makers, representatives of development companies, architectural planners, artists, sociologists, who are the most important members of China's urbanization construction and operation, and their research on the above issues is in-depth and cutting-edge, and I look forward to their sharing and exchanges, which can provide useful perspectives and inspiration for future space construction.