
With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

author:Mi Li's mother channel
With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

Text | Rice grain mom

Rice grain mother remembers that when she was in elementary school, she had read Bingxin's works in textbooks, and later went to the bookstore to buy a set of "Send a Little Reader", and now rice grains have also begun to read, and sure enough, the classics are immortal.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

As a leading figure in the literary world at that time, Bing Xin left us with too many popular works.

And the ice heart known as the "old man of the century", her life, is also very legendary.

Born in a military family, but good at liberal arts, all the way to "learn to bully" to read a master's degree, MingMing poetry is the most famous, but peers said that her prose is more outstanding, and Lin Huiyin fell in love and killed each other for many years, until the end did not argue out of a reason.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

A happy childhood is the blessing of a lifetime

Bing xin is the standard "post-00s", in 1900, Bing Xin was born in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, and her family named her Xie Wanying.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

Coincidentally, the "Xie Family Compound" that Bingxin lived in Fuzhou when he was a child was bought by his grandfather Xie Luan'en from Lin Juemin's family.

Lin Juemin is Lin Huiyin's uncle, the famous "Letter with Wife" is from his hand, the rice grain mother remembered that she was super touched when she first read this article, and cried a lot.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

▲ Lin Juemin

The Xie family, who can buy the Lin family's house, is naturally not an ordinary person.

Bingxin's grandfather Xie Luan'en was a man who was known as The Duke of Dade and was very famous in the local area.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

Bingxin's father was the third oldest, graduated from the Beiyang Naval Academy, and was also a proper high-quality student in that year, and once served as a gunnery officer of the Beiyang Naval Division and the principal of the Yantai Naval School.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

▲ Ice Heart and Father

Bingxin's mother is named Yang Fuci, born in The Xiangmendi, can poetry and literature, gentle and virtuous.

The father is a soldier, in a high position, the mother has read books and is cultured and virtuous and beautiful, how does the rice grain mother feel a little "parental love" that smell?

Bing Xin was the eldest sister of the family, and before her, two older brothers had died one after another, and these things had brought a great blow to the family.

At that time, my father went to sea all year round, and my mother often looked at the window in a daze and sat for a long time.

Therefore, the arrival of Bingxin brought vitality to this deserted home, and it was the existence of a small lucky star, and the parents were very fond of this hard-won daughter.

When Bingxin was born, a fortune teller said:

"There is Wen Changxing in the eight characters, but it is a pity that it is a woman, otherwise she would have been allowed to do Hanlin."

This fortune teller is really accurate, but even if it is a woman, Bing Xin has made great achievements, not inferior to men.

When she was three years old, due to the change of her father's job, the whole family moved to Yantai to settle down, and in Yantai, Bingxin spent her colorful childhood.

She was lively and active since she was a child, did not like to dress up, but liked to wear men's clothes, did not pierce her ears, lived like a girl, but wanton and free.

Bingxin's father participated in the Battle of Jiawu, and under the influence of his father, she often shouted:

"Only Yantai is ours!"

The hatred for Japan and the love for the motherland are all family heirlooms!

At a very young age, Bing Xin entered the shushu to study, came into contact with various chinese classical literary masterpieces, and read "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin" at the age of 7, and also read some foreign masterpieces.

After reading the stories of so many talented women in the Republic of China, the rice grain mother found that almost all of them began to learn from a very young age, and sure enough, reading should be early, this sentence is correct in which era, enlightenment education is very important!

Looking at Bingxin's works, you can know that her mother has given her a great influence on her life, and it is all positive.

In Bingxin's eyes, the mother is not only the mother, but also the best friend, and many whispers that cannot be spoken with the father and classmates can be discussed with the mother.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

▲ Ice Heart Parents

My mother loves to read books and newspapers, from novels and commentaries to magazines and newspapers, she loves them and will read them with ice hearts.

Perhaps, from a very young age, her mother's behavior deeply affected Bingxin and planted a literary seed in her heart.

In the eyes of the rice grain mother, Bing Xin is lucky, the father is in a high position, the family is well-off, do not have to worry about starvation and freezing, the mother is gentle and virtuous, and gives Bing Xin unlimited love, such reincarnation, it is also a first-class.

A happy childhood can heal a lifetime, is the driving force for the future life, rice grain mother seems to be able to understand why Bing Xin would write so many poems about maternal love and innocence.

At the age of 18, Bing Xin entered Concordia Women's University, and at that time, she was dreaming of becoming a doctor.

However, after participating in the May Fourth Movement, Bing Xin gave up the idea of studying medicine and decided to abandon medicine and enter the liberal arts department of Peking University.

This is already the n Republican figures who abandoned medicine and followed the literature that The rice grain mother saw, and had to sigh that people who were favored by fate could always find their own way through the fog of the times

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?
With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

Shine in the literary world

In 1919, at the age of 19, Bing Xin was inspired by the Indian poet Tagore and wrote his first collection of poems, "Stars and Spring Water".

The collection of poems is compiled by Bingxin's "feelings and memories anytime and anywhere" that Bing Xin usually writes down, and is recognized as the highest achievement of small poems, and the writer Mao Dun calls it "star grid" and "spring water body".

After graduating from Yenching University, Bing Xin went to Boston, USA to study and continue his studies.

On the President Jackson cruise ship to the United States, Bing Xin met Wu Wenzao, and she did not know at that time that this person would become her husband in the future.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

At that time, Bing Xin studied English literature at Wellesley College (Wellesley College was ranked in the top three of the national liberal arts colleges, and was also the alma mater of Hilary, Song Meiling, and Albright), while Wu Wenzao studied sociology at Dartmouth College (Dartmouth is one of the Ivy League schools), and the two of them left each other's letter addresses before disembarking.

In those days in the United States, they often exchanged letters and knew each other more and more.

What is this romantic movie plot?!!!

The two were bound to be on the shore of The Ice Lake, and before the formal exchange, Bing Xin carefully asked for his father's opinion and was blessed by his parents.

The feeling of being blessed by parents can be long-lasting, and a hundred years ago, Bing Xin understood this truth.

In 1929, Bing Xin and Wu Wenzao, who returned from school, held a wedding ceremony at Yenching University, and after the marriage, the family was harmonious and the two were deeply in love.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

Talented children and talented women are happily married, really worthy of a face!

After getting married, Bing Xin still did not give up studying and writing, since 1929, Bing Xin and her husband have visited Japan, the United States, France, Italy, the Soviet Union and other places to exchange and study with writers from all over the world.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

After the end of the Cultural Revolution, Bing Xin returned to Beijing and began to accept translation tasks, and she collaborated with her husband Wu Wenzao and the famous sociologist Fei Xiaotong to translate works such as "Outline of World History" and "World History".

Can write and translate, all-round talented woman!

In 1980, Bingxin first suffered from cerebral thrombosis and then fractured, that year she was eighty years old, in an extremely difficult state, she still insisted on creating, wrote "Life Begins at the Age of Eighty".

Bing Xin has been writing continuously all her life, from her teenage years to middle age to her later years, she has devoted her limited life to great literature and art.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

However, the evaluation of Bingxin's people and her works is mixed.

Su Qing once said that Bingxin's works were "beautiful and fascinating", but after seeing her, she suddenly lost her beauty and instead pretended to be a posture, Mao Dun criticized her for being "a good person with soft bones in the novel", and Lu Xun also angrily scolded Bingxin in front of the students, without mercy.

But this is not Bingxin's fault, it is the problem of the times.

In that era, everyone was satirizing the dark reality and fighting with the pen as a gun, but Bingxin exalted the "philosophy of love", the style was elegant and light, and her writing style seemed out of place at the time, so abrupt, so that Bingxin could not really integrate into the circle of literati at that time.

There are also people who understand her, such as Barkin, who once said:

"Generations of young people have read Bingxin's books and learned love: love the stars, love the sea, love the motherland, love all beautiful things.

I hope that young people will read a little bit of ice heart books and have a sincere heart of love. ”

Mi Lian Ma feels that Bing Xin's works are not only art, but also a kind of inheritance.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

Hustle and bustle, right and wrong

The story between Bing Xin and Lin Huiyin, I believe no one does not know it.

At that time, Beijing's literary and art circles always liked to hold all kinds of gatherings, and as long as they had time, they were willing to call a group of acquaintances to their homes to talk about the world and exchange art.

Among the gatherings organized by these people, the most famous ones are the gatherings of Lu Xiaoman, Lin Huiyin, and Bingxin.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

Later, someone summed up the characteristics of the three people's party:

Most of Lu Xiaoman's family gathered artists, celebrities and celebrities, Lin Huiyin's family gathered mostly scholars and cultural elites, and writers and poets went to both families.

And Bingxin's living room is not so lively, only people who can't squeeze into the front two families will go to Bingxin's home.

This summary is to the point, but it is really good to lose.......

Perhaps because the people from his family's party were not as good as the previous two, bingxin felt angry, and in 1933, bingxin published a novel in the Ta Kung Pao Literary and Art Supplement called "Our Wife's Living Room".

In the text, "our wife" is a social flower surrounded by men and loves to be in the limelight, and the artists, poets, and all others at that time sent themselves to the living room of the wife's house as long as they wanted to relax, and everyone could get everything they wanted.

The article is not long, well written, especially the portrayal of details, can not hide, is the author's irony.

As soon as the novel was published, it set off a bloody storm, and the guests who often came and went to Lin Huiyin's living room at that time seemed to be able to match the characters in this article, Liang Sicheng, Xu Zhimo, Jin Yuelin, and even Lin Huiyin's daughter Liang Zaibing.

The social flower "our wife" in that article is naturally Lin Huiyin.

When the novel was published, Lin Huiyin was still inspecting ancient buildings in Shandong, not in Beijing, proud as she was, and immediately sent a pot of Shanxi famous vinegar to Bingxin.

The subtext is: You're sour.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

▲Lin Huiyin

At this point, Lin Huiyin and Bingxin officially turned their faces, and they did not interact with each other.

Rice grain mother secretly poked and poked and thought, this cultural person is not the same, quarrels are so interesting, hahaha.

Later, in his later years, Bing Xin came out to clarify, saying that the article satirized not Lin Huiyin, but Lu Xiaoman.

But not many people believed it, because the directivity of the article was too strong.

The background of the novel is Beijing, Lin Huiyin's home is in Beijing, and Lu Xiaoman was far away in Shanghai at that time.

Most of the guests in and out of the living room in the novel are cultural elites, while most of the guests in and out of lu Xiaoman's living room are celebrities and artists.

There is even a girl named "Binbin" in the article, Lin Huiyin's daughter, whose nickname is also Bingbing, and Lu Xiaoman has no children.

Therefore, although Bing Xin personally came out to clarify, it was still difficult to convince the public.

Both are talented women of the Republic of China, and The rice mother feels that no one is right or wrong. After this incident, I actually felt that Bing Xin was a very cute temperamental person.

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

▲ Lin Huiyin and Bingxin

Among the many goddesses of the Republic of China, Bingxin can be regarded as the luckiest.

She was born prominently, her father was in a high position, her mother was kind and gentle, and she was the most beloved eldest daughter in the family from an early age.

Because of the May Fourth Movement, she abandoned medicine and literature, and at the age of 19, she wrote "Spring Water of The Stars", became famous in the First World War, and her happy childhood made her works always full of love.

Her lifelong events, marriage and love are also very happy and happy, and the process of Bingxin and her husband meeting and falling in love seems to be a sweet pet drama, super romantic!

Rice grain mother felt that the three talented women of the Republic of China, her ending was the best.

Lu Xiaoman fell down in the second half of his life; Lin Hui died early, and her husband soon remarried after his death (Lin Huiyin and Lu Xiaoman's story rice grain mother also wrote, poking → you are raising your daughter to become Lin Huiyin, or Lu Xiaoman?). )。 The words are still that women have to live a long time and be nice to themselves, haha

For Bingxin, Melee Mother has always had a "childhood filter", in the memory of Melee Mama, she is smiling, kind and kind, and is our eternal "Bingxin Grandma".

With Lin Huiyin falling in love and killing each other, one of the three talented women of the Republic of China, how wonderful is her life?

Now, Grandma Bingxin has been gone for more than twenty years, and may she be in heaven and all is well!

About the author: @Rice Grain Mom Love To Share (Welcome to Pay Attention), American returnee, Haidian parent, when the first place in the new book list "Parent-child English Book That Affects Children's Life" author. Focus on the scientific parenting of 0-5-year-old babies, learning enlightenment, and the world's novelty recommendation, welcome to pay attention! (5-12 years old bao mom please pay attention to: @ rice grain mother channel)