
The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

author:Poisonous tongue movie

"Hurricane Rescue 3" starring Liam Neeson was released today.

This poster is really handsome!

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

A lot of girls are not calm again...

Liam Neeson man exploded!

Liam Neeson attacked!!

Liam Neeson's voice is so magnetic!!!

Liam Neeson sprays male hormones everywhere!!!!

I want to be slammed by Liam Neeson!!!!!

Hmmm, Sir can't help but want to tell you his story.

The story begins with a distant tradition.

Britain = corrupt country, this thing is known to the whole world.

We also know that acting gay is like an invitation to a BRITISH actor VIP club. If you haven't acted, you're not embarrassed to say that you're on the front line.

Younger generations, such as "Harry Potter" and "Little Green Devil".

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

This "Kill Ru Ai" has fulfilled many rotten women's dreams.

Zhan Yimei.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

say! My husband's big breasts are not big!

The older generation, "Magneto" needless to say.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

Colin Feith has also acted more than once.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

I started acting at a young age.

Even the most decent "Professor Snape" Alan Rickman, at the end of "Black Harbor", inexplicably kissed the beautiful teenager "Crossbow Brother" who killed his wife for half a minute.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

Therefore, in this corrupt country tradition, Even Mu Neeson did not want to escape.

Although he is now known as a tough guy on the screen, he has also stirred up the foundation with his students in movies with a huge disparity in age and a strange position.

Like this.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

Joyfully hoeing grass.

Or so.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

Affectionate gaze.

Or even so.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

Come for a deep French wet kiss.

This is Liam Neeson's 2004 film Professor Kinsey Sexology.

In the film, he plays the American sexologist Alfred Kinsey, who has a wife but falls in love with his students in the process of research.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

Playing the student is the American actor Peter Sasgard, 19 years younger than Liam.

Also known as "Jack Jaylenhaal's Brother-in-Law" (middle).

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

In addition to liking small fresh meats, Liam Neeson also has an old friend.

"Voldemort" Ralph Fiennes.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

While Voldemort still had his nose, he acted in Schindler's List with Liam Neeson and became a good friend.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

Because of the resemblance, Liam Neeson also posed as Fiennes to sign people, "An elderly couple came up and claimed to be American tourists and asked me to sign a beautiful handicap." I said "extremely honored" and as I was lifting my pen, she said, 'We all love The English Patient to death.' ’”

The two have shown their affection in public countless times.

Affectionate gaze must be.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

Shoulder to shoulder is indispensable.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

Liam Neeson also featured Fiennes's Harry Potter.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

The most cute height difference = the bird depends on the person.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys
The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

What does it mean to hold a pillow.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

Beach vacations put on each other's sunscreen or something.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

In addition to "Schindler's List", the two also collaborated on films such as "Battle of the Gods", "Wrath of the Gods", and "Wildest Dream".

Ralph Fiennes called the duo's collaboration during the filming of The Gods "a romance" and "the bromance of the gods."

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

"We're serious —open-minded, looking into each other's eyes." Fiennes said.

We believe.

Because who would have thought that in the movie such a "hard" Liam Neeson.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys
The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

There is such a white (can) white (tapping) tender (can) tender (affected) ass.

The owner of this ass is known for playing tough guys

(Stills from "One Hundred Ways to Die in the West")