
Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

author:The spiritual home of the reader

Finished by Akio

The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction is one of the Pulitzer Prizes in the United States, and is ranked alongside the National Book Awards as the most authoritative literary award in the United States.

Up to now, of the 67 pulitzer prize winning and shortlisted books in the past 22 years (2000-2021), the following 31 have been Chinese Simplified editions. Among them, the Douban score is 8-9 points 20 books, 7-8 points 7 books, 6-7 points 3 books, and 1 book without score.

This book is listed in descending order of the current Douban score, such as the same score, with the new publisher first.


Imperial Falls

Richard Lasso/

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

Miles Robbie, who is in his forties, is the manager of the "Imperial Kebab Shop", runs a fast-food restaurant for the town's rich woman, Francine Wyting, and is mentally controlled by this woman. His wife Jenning separated from him and soon married her adulterer; the daughter, a senior in the flute, had her own independent mind and showed a talent for painting. Miles loves her daughter very much and pays close attention to her school life and friends. A shooting broke out on campus and Miles fled the town with her frightened daughter. The beautiful and sad story of the extramarital affair left by Miles's deceased mother; the abused childhood of the gloomy boy John Worth and the mysterious disappearance of his grandmother; and the truth behind Cindy's car accident are all mysteries hanging in the reader's mind...


Gilead's Letter

Marilyn Robinson/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

The Book of Gilead is the first of The Gilead trilogy. The whole novel is actually a family letter written by the elderly pastor John Ames to his young son, and it is also a condensed history of the United States.

In a small town called Gilea in Iowa, Widower Ems met his current wife, Lyra, in a Church on Sundays, and had a son at an age when it was impossible to have children. Before leaving this world, in order to explain to his young son where he came from and what kind of world he would live in, Ames recalled his family history with this letter: how his grandfather, a priest, was fanatically involved in the decommissioning movement in the American South, which plunged the family into division and despair, and could not reconcile with his peaceful son until his death; and how Ames himself reconciled his tragedies and conflicts of faith in God in the long years of loneliness.

The Book of Gilead is Marilyn Robinson's most prestigious work, which uses the theme of "father and son" to interpret a sad story belonging to the United States, timeless and plain to present the mysterious and astonishing power of existence itself.


All the light we can't see

Anthony Dole/ Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

The French girl Marie Lorre lives in Paris, and after she lost her sight at an early age, her father protected her, trained her, and encouraged her to live bravely. In 1940, when Germany invaded, she was forced to leave home and soon separated from her father, resisting Nazi tyranny with thin shoulders.

German teenager Werner lost both parents at an early age and lived with his sister in an orphanage in the mining area. Bent on getting rid of the fate of the bottom, he entered the Nazi elite school with his radio talent, which he thought was a twist of fate, but unexpectedly fell into another hell.

War crushes their hopes, and the trajectories of the lives of two strangers intersect unexpectedly. When peaceful living becomes an unattainable light of darkness, do they have the courage to live before they die?


Olive Kitterich

Elizabeth Strautt/author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

Olive is mean and grumpy, and she refuses to apologize and all the useless mannerisms. But where others can't see, she will also quietly show her care and kindness for the world around her. She will unceremoniously poke through hypocrisy and will not hesitate to lend a helping hand.

Straute narrates with rare elegance, peeling away the complexity and subtlety of ordinary life layer by layer, and caring for every soul that has been poked by life but still has a grudge.

If you also live in such trivialities and hopes, then how can you not love "Olive".


Train dreams

Dennis Johnson/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

Dennis Johnson's Train Dream is a miniature epic, one of his most moving and poignant novels. This is the story of robert granier, a mortal man, in that extraordinary era at the beginning of the twentieth century. He makes a living as a casual worker in the American West. Suffering from the loss of a loved one, Granier struggles to find the meaning of living in this strange new world. As the story unfolds, we see all kinds of thrilling sufferings that he personally suffered, and also witnessed the great changes in the United States in his lifetime.

The novel seems to immerse the reader in the rich history and landscape of the American West—with its bizarre flora and fauna, with its strong lumberjacks and bridge builders—and captures the disappearance of a unique American way of life.



Nguyen Thanh Yue/

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

The Sympathizer combines historical, political, espionage, thriller, and more to tell the story of a North Vietnamese spy lurking in South Vietnam. The story is set in 1975, the Viet Cong occupied Saigon, the U.S. military retreated, the real identity is that the protagonist of the Viet Cong also fled to the United States with his South Vietnamese "commander", continued espionage work in the United States, and reported the enemy situation to north Vietnam. During this time, he experienced extraordinary physical and mental torture and struggle as a refugee and spy. The novel focuses on his "sympathizer" traits and identity, with deep sympathy for his Vietnamese compatriots, North Vietnamese comrades, South Vietnamese soldiers, vulnerable Vietnamese refugees in white American society, and other minorities. The protagonist bears a dual identity, feels and crosses two cultures, thus giving rise to confusion and struggling in the exploration of self and identity, which is also one of the eternal themes of literature. With a unique vision, through clever plot settings, the author allows readers to go deep into the confessions of the protagonist, trace the clues, and suddenly realize near the end.

The Pulitzer Prize jury summed it up as "a richly layered immigrant story, a pungent monologue by a two-faced man, and a voice that spans the worlds of Vietnam and the United States." Combined with Nguyen Thanh Yue's latest short story collection "Refugees", readers can more directly understand the author's growth experience, especially for Chinese readers, reading Nguyen Thanh Yue's works will give birth to a unique sense of historical depth, jumping out of the work itself to think about war and peace, family and personal destiny.


Pigeon plague

By Louise Erdrick

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

"Dove Plague" is a masterpiece by the famous American contemporary writer Louise Erdrick, together with "Roundhouse" and "La Ross", known as the "Justice Trilogy", full of strong regional color and magic realism. Following her beloved writing pattern, Erdrick uses four narrators of different ethnicities and ages to tell the story of the conflict and fusion of Indians and whites in a small town and nearby reservation in North Dakota, USA, for nearly a century. The central plot of the novel is that the white Locren family is killed, and four Indians are identified as murderers and lynched.


Someone else's room, a different kind of view

By Danyar Muinuddin/

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

The short story "The Electrician NawaBuddin" in "Someone Else's Room, A Different Landscape" was published in The New Yorker in 2007 and selected as "America's Best Short Story of 2008"; "Our Paris Lady" was published in Western View magazine in 2009 and nominated for the "2009 National Magazine Awards". In terms of temperament, "Other People's Room, Different Landscapes" has a lot of similarities with Joyce's "Dubliners", and some readers have compared it to Chekhov's novel. Although this work is a collection of short stories, these novels are interrelated and intertwined, presenting a contemporary Pakistan struggling between modern and traditional, and was nominated for the 2009 National Book Award and selected as one of the top ten English novels of Time magazine in 2009.



Jonathan Franzen/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

Enid Lambert, after fifty years as wife and mother, was ready to make himself happy. Unfortunately, her husband, Alfred, suffered from Parkinson's disease and gradually went insane. Their children have also long since flown out of the family's nest and run to the tragedy of their respective lives.

The eldest son, Gary, an investment manager at the bank and a stay-at-home man, is struggling to convince himself and his family that he has no clinical depression — despite the contrary evidence; the second son, Chip, who lost his stable job at college due to a sex scandal and is semi-unemployed, counting on the script at hand; the third daughter, Denise, who is young and beautiful, escapes a dismal marriage and becomes the chef of a new York fine dining restaurant, but has an affair with a married man — at least her mother is so suspicious.

Despite the desperate circumstances, Enid is determined to correct everything wrong and enjoy the family's last Christmas reunion.


The known world

Edward P. P. Jones/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

Based on an incredible historical record in the United States at the end of the nineteenth century, Known World recounts the bizarre life of a black slave owner.

The protagonist, Henry Townsend, was born as a black slave, ransomed for his freedom with money, and managed well, buying his own plantation in Virginia and raising his own thirty-three black slaves. Townsend enjoyed reading Milton's Paradise Lost, but like his former white masters, he often let his slaves eat whips. After Townsend's death, his weak widow was unable to sustain himself, and the plantation was finally in chaos on the eve of the Civil War...

The Known World is regarded as an unparalleled epic masterpiece in English literature during the first decade of the twenty-first century. With grandeur, the fates of individuals are overlapped into history; with perfect novel technique, "an extraordinary world that the world thinks it knows." ”


The Great March

E· By L. Doctoro/

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

In 1864, the American Civil War was in full swing. After leading 60,000 northern troops to set fire to Atlanta, General Sherman, known as the "Devil General," marched eastward through Georgia, marched to the sea, and then into South and North Carolina, ending the four-year American Civil War.

Along the way, the army pursued a brutal "scorched-earth policy", feeding on the spot, plundering southern plantations, destroying cities, and increasingly freed black and white refugees. This is a magnificent masterpiece of historical fiction, with a grand historical background, but also portrayed many personalities, full of tension - fierce and lustful Northern Army generals, liberated mixed-race slave girls, into nothingness of the Southern Army soldiers, calm and persistent Northern Army doctors, and southern noble girls who fell in love with him and left... Countless people were embroiled in the vast national violence of this great march. Everyone felt the thirsty call for "freedom", and everyone was wandering, as if trembling and determined to move towards a foggy tomorrow.

The Great March is a magnificent historical novel with a grand historical background, set in the last year of the American Civil War (1864), depicting many characters with flaunt personalities and fates.

With a compassionate and touching sentiment and a tremorish narrative power, "The Great March" records the men and women who were involved in national violence by war in epic strokes, giving people a close touch of the birth of freedom and its bloody and tragic cost.

This great march is not only a floating world, a wandering consciousness, but also an unforgettable reading experience. It predicts the birth of freedom and is closely related to our time...


Explain the disease of the person

Jupa Rashili/

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

The Man Who Explained the Disease contains nine unique stories about the whispers of the times that have been ignored by the times between the traditional ancestral traditions and the confusing new world.

Lahiri's short stories, which have been selected three times in the Annals of America's Best Short Stories (1999/2000/2002), are considered to inherit the literary voices of Nobel Prize winner Alice Monroe and American Book Critics Association Award winner Balati Mukherjee.


What we talk about when we talk about Anne Frank

Nathan England de/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

This is a book that bravely challenges tradition. It will upset some but it will last forever. Eight stories, some comedic classics and some present the darkest picture you might ever see, capturing some of the big questions of modern life. But the author strikes a beautiful balance between tragedy and comedy, pushing American short story art to new heights with his own amazing talent.


Tree language

Richard Bowles/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

If the tree on this planet could speak, what would it tell us? An epic of mankind and nature, like "Walden" meets "One Hundred Years of Solitude", for centuries, the fate of characters of different ethnic countries is like a tree, the underground is the cultural history of family traditions, and the ground is the branches of civilization in the new century, they meet, meet, and fight for nature and life together.

From chestnut trees in the Brooklyn countryside to the Fuso legends of Eastern China, from scientists with language barriers to American pilots who fell into trees during the Vietnam War, a paralyzed Indian game development programmer, a psychologist who doubts human nature, an engineer with mysterious relics and heard ancient legends, and a female college student who died. Nine unrelated stories from different countries and different era backgrounds finally come together.


Brokeback Mountain

Anne Pru/ Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

The book contains 11 excerpts from an anne-prue short story. Among them, "The Half-Skinned Castrated Cow" was selected for the "1988 Best American Short Story Collection" and the "Best American Short Story Collection of the 20th Century"; "The End of the Wild Grass" was selected as the "Best American Short Story Collection of 1999"; "In Hell But Ask for a Glass of Water" was selected as the "Best American Short Story Collection of the Year 2000"; "Brokeback Mountain" not only won the 1998 O. Henry Short Story Award and the National Magazine Award, but also was put on the screen by the famous director Ang Lee, winning a number of international film awards. All the stories are set in Wyoming and tell the story of the hardships, dangers, loneliness and struggle of ranch people in the harsh and violent natural environment.



Jeffrey Eugenids/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

The protagonist, Greek-American Stephen Niedes, was "born" twice: first in Detroit in 1960, when she was a baby girl, and second in Michigan in 1974, when he became a fourteen-year-old boy. According to medical reports, she/he is a rare "intersex person", but her/his fate, or the common fate of human beings, is that one must choose a life, either "he" or "she".

It is an epic-like tome, in which the protagonist , Kaliopa , is named after one of the nine muses , who is in charge of the epic. Set against the backdrop of three generations of a Greek family fleeing from a small village in Asia Minor overlooking Mount Olympus to the smoky Detroit of Detroit, the Auto City lived in glory, through the 1967 race riots, and finally to a suburb of Michigan called Cape Gros. The young girl Kalioppa found that her physical development was much slower than that of other girls, and the ugly duckling was slow to become a swan. Moreover, Caliopa's emotional preference is also to like same-sex friends, is this really just a same-sex friendship from a girls' school, or is there some deep reason, like the saffron hidden in her body, is stirring? An accident unravels the mystery of Kalioppa's body, turning "Kaliopa" into "Karl" and revealing family secrets from grandparents and even more.

Tracing up the family tree, tracing the genetic fate that has spanned the two continents for hundreds of years, this retrospection is not only physical, a person's existence, but also literary. All of this makes "Neutral" show the dual faces of male and female, tragic and comedic, classical and postmodern at the same time.

With the special perspective of the two sexes, with the collection of literary skills, laying out the fate of a Greek family in the long river of American history, telling the difficult self-identity process of an adolescent teenager, exploring the mysteries of human nature across the ancient and modern times.


People on the island

Adam Haast/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

A spiritual story of love and loss, loneliness and salvation, dedicated to everyone who craves warmth in their lonely journey. Those who never give up in difficult times are the light in our lives.

Without pain, love has nothing. I firmly believe that people's commitments are just a passing cloud, and sooner or later they will abandon me and let me realize that loneliness is the true meaning of life.

Wherever you go, life will follow you, grab you, and abduct you.

People are powerless to face the truth, so they are reluctant to admit the truth. Afterwards, only a confused thing remained.

Everything that is happening will become history. At the time of the incident, you try to chase it; after the incident, you can only watch it go away.

We have been wrestling with fate all our lives, just to be able to survive.



Donna Tate/

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

An explosion occurred at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, killing the mother of the boy Theo and miraculously surviving at the age of thirteen. But because his father had long abandoned their mother and son, Theo had to live with a wealthy classmate. He was overwhelmed by the unfamiliar environment, frustrated by his new relationships, but most unbearable was the pain of losing his mother.

But he accidentally owned the museum's famous painting "The Goldfinch". The painting is his only consolation in remembering his mother, transporting him into the deep and dark world of art...

As an adult, Theo wandered between celebrity studios and the antique shop where he worked. He didn't get close to the world, he fell in love with a girl. What he didn't know was that he was in the center of a dangerous circle that was gradually shrinking.


A magical adventure with Kavalli and Clay

Michael Chaban/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

Jewish boy Joe Cavalli, with the help of the magician Connbrüll, hid in the coffin of the "Golem" and fled Nazi-occupied Prague. Later, he smuggled from war-torn Europe to Japan and eventually to the United States to meet his cousin Sam Clay and his family, who settled in New York.

With amazing drawing skills, Cavalli teamed up with his cousin Clay, who was full of ghost ideas, and boldly proposed a superhero comic creation plan to the toy company. In that depressed period of the Great Depression, this was undoubtedly an unprecedented bet! They appealed to their dreams, desires and fears, and the result was that the "Escape Man" created by the two became a hit, thus kicking off the golden age of American comics!

While his dreams come true and his fame and fortune are realized, Joe meets rosa, the love of his life, and learns that his brother Thomas also has the opportunity to come to the United States on a refugee ship! And Sammy also meets the handsome radio actor Bacon, and the relationship between the two gradually heats up...

However, the page of the legend has only been revealed, and the ruthless era has made a cruel joke to them... Chapin tells a wonderful and unforgettable story of growth, love and dreams with a clever brush.


Floating like a dream

By Joyce Carol Oates

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

As the sexiest star of the twentieth century, Marilyn Monroe's birth is a mystery, her red face and early death are shrouded in a mist; her flesh and passion are an encapsulated flame; her yearning for sacred and perfect art cannot stop Hollywood from pushing her into the turbidity of commercial films. She spent her life searching for fatherly love and love, but was constantly abused and damaged by male power. Her thirty-six spring and autumn seasons were so beautiful and so fragile.


A fool in time

Jennifer Egan/

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

From 1970 to 2020, a journey spanning 50 years. 13 protagonists and 13 wonderful stories: the female secretary who is addicted to theft, and her boss who eats gold leaf as "Viagra" every day; the entertainment record of eight years in prison for attempted rape, and the public relations manager who is trying to make a comeback; the lead singer of the band who is famous in middle school and sweeps the streets in middle age; the past rock stars who have most of their internal organs cut off but want to go on a death tour; they are independent and interconnected, in New York, San Francisco, Naples, Africa... Squandering the agitated or confused youth.

They may not know or know each other well, but you will find that their lives have intersected in a series of ways. Time seems to be the protagonist of these stories, and in front of it everyone is a hurried passerby, naïve and mediocre.

"The Fool in Time" uses a world of music to carry out reflection on time, emotions and memory. Life is like rock 'n' roll, there will be sudden pauses. Between the ups and downs, dreams will be misplaced and regrets will surface. There is no absolute beginning and no end to everything.


Long way

Cormac McCarthy/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

The classic works of Cormac McCarthy, a giant of contemporary American literature, are a beautiful elegy dedicated to the world. The depiction of the end times has never been so immersive.

Don't people forget? Yes, man will forget what he wants to keep, keep what he wants to forget.

When the end comes, the best way to survive is to take the torch and walk down the long road of darkness.

Unknown disasters have left the world in ruins, and all you can see is desolation, darkness, snowstorms and ashes. A father and son pushed a cart full of food and survival gear forward, looking for a way to the southern coast. On the long road of the end of civilization, people are fighting for the remaining resources for survival, and the defense line of human nature has been lost. The road is full of dangers and the prospects are unknown, but the father constantly reminds his children to remember the world that once had light, dreams, stories, and oceans and trees.


A short and wonderful life for Oscar Wio

Juno Díaz/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

"No Dominican is a virgin until death."

This sentence became a curse that Oscar Wao could not get rid of. Bloated, depressed, snubbed and ridiculed, living with only Ultraman, Star Trek and The Fantastic Four. He buried his head in the pile of paper and fantasized about becoming the Dominican J. R· R. Tolkien – more importantly, find a girlfriend.

In Trujillo's day, the cursed family was destroyed to protect its daughter from tyrants. After many years, Oscar, who had not yet tasted his first kiss, returned to the Dominican Republic in that frustrated summer, accidentally found love and vowed to do it.



Paul Harding/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

When George the Repairman was dying, his trance-like consciousness broke free from its shackles and began to cruise time and memory. He crossed the wilderness of his long life, returned to his childhood, and walked into the life of his father, who suddenly ran away decades ago.

The novel writes the subtle life experience and the projection of nature in the human heart in poetic language, which dissolves the gap between the reader and the author's soul, just like breaking the mud seal of an old wine, and the breath of fresh and mellow nature, time, memory and soul is swept away.


Underground railways

Coulson Whitehead/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

"Underground Railroad" tells the story of the young girl Cora who is homeless, bullied and raped, and lives a hopeless life. Another cruel whipping made her determined to escape from the hell on earth, through the black water of the swamp and the darkness of the forest, and take the secret underground railway all the way north to freedom. What a journey it is. She saw along the way that the evil of society, the injustice of the law, violence is everywhere, and the light of goodness is so fragile. The well-meaning people fell one by one, but the two-meter-tall, ruthless slave hunter still chased after him.



By Geraldine Brooks/

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

In this 2006 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, author Brooks has combined historical fiction and biographical literature through extensive research, creating a new flesh-and-blood character image of March for readers on the story framework of the American literary classic "Little Women".

As the father of Little Women, March was an idealist under the influence of Emerson and Thoreau, and the war placed him between countless ruthless soldiers and landlords who had no humanity, and witnessed bloody violence. Racial discrimination and the great suffering of the people, especially the black slaves. Through March's words, the author explains the reflections on war, freedom and love, giving eternal human topics to that distant era.


Echo maker

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

Twenty-seven-year-old Mark, who was severely comatose with a serious brain injury after a car accident, woke up to his only relative, Sister Karin, but identified her as an imposter. The famous neurologist Weibo flew from New York to study Mark. As the story progresses deeper, it all points to Dune Crane, the dynamics of Weibo's marriage, and Karin's growing suspicions about her own identity. The author weaves a fascinating, inspiring and tender detective novel from the inextricable threads of ecology, neurology, and identity.

The main characters in the novel are struggling with the dissolution and reorganization of their self-image. The relaxed rhythm of the characters' self-discovery and the abundance of technical and natural details facilitate full exploration. The novel goes on to explore the variability of the human self and the fate of man himself and the unreliability of the mind of man who separates and connects him with other creatures.


Crocodile Girl

Karen Rossho/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

Deep in the swamp, Eva, 13, and her family make a living from a "crocodile theme park." In order to save her family, Eva follows the bird driver on the road to the "Underworld". She carries her beloved red crocodile, which is the magic weapon for her to reorganize her family business. Passing through abandoned ghost villages, the waters once floating with black and brown people, and the home of the weed mother who ate children, she came to the edge of the world and entered the realm of the "Underworld". Here she did not find her sister who eloped with the ghost, but put herself in the most dangerous situation. Fortunately, the ghost of her mother seemed to give her courage around her, and let her struggle to get rid of the people who hurt her. However, the beloved red crocodile remains in the depths of this swamp forever.


Smoke trees

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

Where there is war, there is the CIA. As the Vietnam War raged, Skip, a new CIA agent from a military family, was sent to Southeast Asia to assist his uncle, who was called colonel, in psychological warfare against the enemy, while sorting out and maintaining the colonel's "smoke tree" intelligence database of tens of thousands of cards.

In the jungles of Southeast Asia, he encounters everything he never expected: slaughter, assassination, ubiquitous bureaucracy, intelligence that is difficult to distinguish between true and false... In the end, he chose to flee. But he could not really escape the war until death came.



Jonathan Dee/Author

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

The story begins with the wedding of the protagonists Adam and Cynthia, a charming young couple who soon have children and establish a family of four after marriage. The couple's distinct, humorous personalities, as well as their genuine love, form the deeply moving tone of the novel. As a hedge fund manager who made his fortune through venture capital, won privileges, and because of his black-box operations, took his privileged life into danger, the author constructs a true and credible story that makes the reader abandon the spotlight-like moral judgment and feel logical about Adam's process of being caught in black trading. It's not just Adam who is at risk, but also his children, and the author reveals the crisis of insensitivity brought about by the erosion of wealth: Adam's daughter April, who is tired of a life of poverty and luxury and indulges in alcohol and nightclubs.

The brilliance of this book is that it has shaped the characters of two generations of privileged classes. As the first generation of privileged entrepreneurs, from ambitious young people, through thrilling business battles, and eventually become industry predators; and the young generation that sits on their success, behind the labels of shopaholics, nightclub luxury, and party stars, there are also their unknown sad inner worlds.



C. E. Morgan/

Collection: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books Chinese Simplified Editions (2000-2021)

The Fogg family is one of kentucky's oldest and proudest families, and their land and wealth were passed down from generation to generation until Henry Fogg wanted to transform the farm into a horse farm to create new history for the family. Accompanied by his daughter Helieta, he began to breed the next thoroughbred horse that would become the "Triple Crown" in this land with a long tradition of horse racing. In a small neighboring town, African-American boy Almont Shonessy grew up with his mother in a world rife with discrimination and violence, while his white father abandoned them early. A few years later, Almont, who had learned horse breeding experience in prison, came to Fogg's horse farm, determined to reinvent his story. Their respective ambitions are intertwined with racial prejudice, lust, and violence – from a family and historical legacy – all at a great cost...