
Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

As the leader of the group of painters in the 1970s, Mr. Fan Zhibin's landscapes, grasses, figures, birds and birds are all endowed with rich emotions. Its sometimes leisurely, sometimes majestic, sometimes vast, sometimes elegant artistic appearance, often pleasant. His works are accurate in shape, skillful in pen and ink, and the objects he paints can be easily carried by him at the end of his pen. Coupled with his talent and hard work, it is particularly prominent among the young generation of painters. Teacher Fan Zhibin is a painter who sits and walks out, sitting and living means that he spends an amazing amount of time painting in the studio every day, even if the studio comes to the guests, he never stops writing, and many works are completed between talking and laughing with friends. Walking out means that Teacher Fei is keen on sketching, and every year he will walk into the famous mountains and rivers, feel the trend of mountains and rivers, the love of grass and trees, seemingly depicting the appearance of nature, but in fact observing the principle of the growth of all things, and expressing the elegance in his chest. He also often studied the Song and Yuan classics, and with his own understanding of tradition and his own pen and ink language, he often made Linzuo glow with a new breath. The diligence and talent shown by Mr. Fan Zhibin make him have strong artistic potential, and his artistic achievements will be full of infinite possibilities.

— Editor's Note

About the Author

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

Fan Zhibin, born in December 1972 in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, graduated from the Department of Oriental Art of Nankai University with a bachelor's degree in Chinese painting in 1995, graduated from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in 2002 with a master's degree from the Chinese Painting Studio, and graduated from the China Academy of Art with a doctorate degree in 2013. He is a member of the China Artists Association. He teaches in the Fine Arts Department of the School of Art of Beijing Normal University, and is a master tutor.

Fan Zhibin has solid modeling ability and excellent pen and ink expression, and his works pay attention to the bearing of emotions and the pursuit of artistic quality. He has dabbled in people, landscapes, flowers and birds and other themes, and his artistic intuition is sharp, and his handling techniques are delicate, rich and diverse, gradually forming his distinct artistic style.

Appreciation of works

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

▲ The heart smells wonderful

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

▲ This heart is everywhere leisurely

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

▲ Fuku will fly high

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

▲ Spring wind peach and plum blossoms bloom at night

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

▲ Dajitu

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

▲ Mingding smoke floating bamboo outer clouds

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

▲ Wind and water rise

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

▲ There is more than enough auspicious celebration

Fan Zhibin | pen with mood

▲ Fuku

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