
Outside! Harden is planning to leave the Nets, seriously unhappy with Owen Nash!

This season, the NBA league is competing for the deer, many teams are out of the ordinary, especially in the East, the pattern has changed a lot, the Hawks who played the Eastern Conference Finals last season are now ranked fourth from the bottom in the East, the 76ers are ranked sixth in the East, the defending champion Bucks are ranked fourth in the East, and the Nets, which are favored by many fans, are ranked third in the East.

Outside! Harden is planning to leave the Nets, seriously unhappy with Owen Nash!

In recent days, the Nets have come another heavy news, the Nets star, one of the big three Harden came out of the news that he plans to leave the Nets. According to the open-air grandstand sports reporter Jake Fisher and The Athletic reporter Alex Schiffer, Harden's mind has been shaken, he is very likely to leave the Nets this summer, the two famous people have reported the news of Harden's departure from the Nets, it should be said that the credibility is still very high.

Outside! Harden is planning to leave the Nets, seriously unhappy with Owen Nash!

According to the reports of these two famous reporters, the reason why Harden is reluctant to continue to stay with the Nets is many reasons, first of all, Harden is now very dissatisfied with Irving. Irving is becoming more and more stubborn this season, because of the reluctance to vaccinate, Irving has been absent since the beginning of the regular season, the team can only rely on Durant and Harden, it is difficult to play, but can not play the Home Games of the Nets, with Durant's injury, it has exacerbated Harden's dissatisfaction with Irving, and many times Harden can only lead the team alone. Harden, in expressing his displeasure with Irving to the Nets and friends, described Irving as playing part-time.

Outside! Harden is planning to leave the Nets, seriously unhappy with Owen Nash!

Another reason why Harden wants to leave the Nets is the Nets head coach Nash, many fans know that Nash was very stubborn last season to use the Big Three, but this season, Nash's employment strategy suddenly changed, this season at key moments Nash prefers to use those hot lineups to the final game, this season's key moments of many games Nash has hardly used a fixed lineup, according to statistics In the 46 games of the regular season so far, Nash has used about 22 sets of starts. Now Harden's dissatisfaction with Nash is growing.

Outside! Harden is planning to leave the Nets, seriously unhappy with Owen Nash!

Then there is Harden's dissatisfaction with his position in the Nets' team, to know that when he was in Houston, Harden was the absolute boss of the team, and even had decision-making power in terms of player personnel, but on the Nets side, although the team will ask the team's stars in decision-making, Harden and Irving, Durant's power is almost the same, to put it bluntly, there is no absolute right to speak, and now the status of the Nets and the status in the Rockets is really a huge gap.

Outside! Harden is planning to leave the Nets, seriously unhappy with Owen Nash!

According to Jake Fisher and Alex Schiffer, Harden is very interested in going to the Philadelphia 76ers to play, because the Nets' Durant and Irving are not young, but Embiid is just 28 years old, and there is a long peak period, and playing next to Embiid, it is obvious that Harden's right to speak will increase, so for joining the 76ers, Harden is naturally very much looking forward to it.

Outside! Harden is planning to leave the Nets, seriously unhappy with Owen Nash!

In fact, from the recent operation of the 76ers, we can find that the 76ers management is now trading Simmons, always want to take Harris this player, in fact, want to vacate the salary space, in preparation for the introduction of superstars, harden this summer can execute the player option, this is also the last big contract that Harden can get in his career, and the draft Harden will definitely strive for the greatest benefits. Of course, if the Nets can win the championship this season, Harden may change his mind, otherwise Tsai Chongxin may be empty.

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