
Time can change everything, only memories can't be forgotten – 43 Years in Tehran

author:A serious nonsense

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In 1943, Nazi German spy Beckley planned to assassinate the heads of state of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union who held talks in Tehran, Iran. Soviet intelligence officer Andrei, with the help of Mary, crushed the assassination in one fell swoop. More than 30 years after this conspiracy was stopped, the Remnants of the Nazis are still active, one after another insiders are assassinated, and the unfulfilled love affair of the hero and heroine is buried by a premeditated car accident when it is about to end...

Sighing and lamenting that this film is not too old to integrate too many elements, the film scene in the modern Paris and the old Tehran constantly switch, shuttled in the historical documentary and dream, the theme is grand but there is no bulge, the thrilling spy battle between agents of various countries but there is no Hollywood blockbuster, the sad literary and artistic narrative will further sublimate the tragic emotional intersection of the hero and heroine, which not only contains human reflection on the cruel war, but also reflects the reality that neo-Nazis and terrorism are still haunted. The main line and the branch line are clean and smooth, and have high artistic value in the forest of world cinema.

The wonderful performances of Oleg Kostolevsky, Nataya Belokowasti, Alain Delong, and the older generation of voice actors such as Yingyin, Zhang Guilan, Dong Hao, and Che Shi have injected new life into the 198 edition of the film, and every time you watch this movie that condenses the history of human wars and countless painful memories, there are different feelings, like a soul clock stirring in the depths of human nature, trembling for a long time.

I vaguely remember when the fog of war covered the four wildernesses, the continents were everywhere under the scythe of death created by human beings, the suicide plane kamikaze that fell with long smoke, the destroyer "Rafi" struggling in the billowing flames, the young child who waddled alone to drive cattle to cultivate the land, the surviving disabled soldiers hugged closely with their families, and the mushroom clouds that rose in the sky in the dazzling flash of the sun... Following Andre's deep gaze, the memory is fixed on the little girl who smiles at the protagonist at the end of the film, and the future and hope overlap in an instant but are so far away.

"Falling in love for a lifetime, this is the promise we once made... Fall in love with a lifetime, laugh to embellish... Fall in love with a lifetime, blindly love each other for a lifetime, until the last breath, no matter how the flow of years works, my lover, I love you forever. ”

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