
An absurd and terrible dream

author:Leisurely old cows read history

Last night, I played with my phone until ten o'clock, but I was still very awake, without a trace of drowsiness. I thought about going to bed early, getting up early tomorrow morning, and making breakfast for my father, so that my father could go to the market early. But the brain is getting more and more sober, and the thinking divergence is fierce. At some point, I fell asleep in a daze.

In my sleep, my father sent me to a school, and I couldn't see the school door clearly, only that it was a school. My father quickly settled me in, left without leaving a word, and left. All I knew was that there were two dormitories in my class, and I was in one of them, and there were only two people in it, one was me, and the other couldn't tell whether it was an elementary school classmate or a vocational classmate. Just by the feeling in his heart, he was classified as one of his elementary school classmates. In the other dormitory, there seemed to be my mid-career classmates, both men and women, and I had to go to that dormitory every day as if I were doing my homework, as if there was an empty bed, no bedding, no one.

But as soon as I lay down, there was a quilt and a mattress. For two days in a row, I went. On the third day, I went as usual, and as soon as I lay down, I wondered: Why do I have to come over every day to sleep for a while? I obviously didn't want to come over. Before I could think about it or speak, a male classmate on the top bunk diagonally opposite the bed I was lying on spoke first: "You're from that dormitory?" Why do you have to come to sleep in our dormitory every day? ”

I couldn't see his face clearly, but I heard him speak in a tone and temperament very similar to that of a classmate I didn't like very much. Of course, dislike means that the relationship is not good. I scolded him, "Is this bed yours?" Isn't it yours? You can't manage your own affairs well, and do you have the heart to manage others? He didn't seem to be angry, "I don't care about you, but I remind you that so-and-so teacher will come to check on the bed, you sleep." ”

I was a little nervous in my heart, so-and-so teacher is a very famous serious teacher in our vocational school, and he is also very responsible. It's like the director of instruction in the movie. The teacher is a legendary figure, according to legend, there are two groups of fighting in our school playground, the principal to persuade useless, in the end it is the teacher who went, the two groups of did not fight, and finally the nature of the serious dismissal, the rest were punished for standing for several days.

I was also afraid of the teacher, but I was found out and driven back to my dormitory. I went back to my dorm room, lay down on my bed, and after a while, fell asleep. In my sleep, there was a thick fog all around, and I couldn't see anything clearly, vaguely. But something was guiding me, making me line up, I don't know what it was for, in the blur, I saw that there seemed to be a long line in front of me, I slowly followed the line to stop and go, for a long time before it was my turn. I don't know exactly what the queue got. I only knew that when I turned my head, in the fog, a huge monster stood in front of me, and I could see very clearly, because the height of the two of us was more than ten times different. He asked me, "Play the devil's game?" The sound of the huge coarse mine, I felt the ground on which my feet were stepping on vibrate. I wanted to say that I wasn't playing, and before I could say anything, a man held me from behind, like a boxing fight, and the man behind me ran his hands under my armpits, and under my neck my hands were clasped with ten fingers, and then down, and my upper body could only follow his hands down, and my legs were bent. With my hands raised from behind, my upper body, like a Rolls-Royce little golden man, and after a long time, I woke up and found me at the school gate.

There was a man not far from me, and the man turned around, and I saw something like my father. It's just that this person is dressed very specially, his head is bare, and he doesn't have a single hair, (my father still has some hair on his head, just not much, so I'm not sure this person is my father, so I say like my father.) He wears a military jacket, just like Yan Hexiang, who sold barbecue in the movie, showing only half of his calves, but wearing jeans and a pair of shoes on his feet that we wore during military training. He led me out the school gate, and I looked back and saw that it was the door of my elementary school. My father did not stop and led me on.

Walking past the market, the diameter walked towards an old shop in the innermost part of the market, and I stood in front of this store and looked at this old shop, a bit like an ancient pharmacy. No plaques, no windows. Entering the store, I was greeted by a counter that looked like a medicine in the laughing hall of the divine doctor Xi laile, and on the left side of the counter, facing a door, the door was locked, and there was an old hand-held lamp hanging on it, and next to the lamp on the door hung a pair of Constant Link, but on it were written the words milk tea, coffee, etc. Throughout the room, a dim light illuminated a small area on the counter. The father called out: "Boss, two cups of milk tea!"

Soon, an old grandmother came out from behind the counter, and I saw that there was a door behind the counter, and there was a curtain hanging from the door, and the grandmother came out from behind the door. Grandma is tough. "Milk tea is not good, drinking it makes people fat." Not as good as coffee, coffee is first bitter and then sweet, and the aroma is strong. "The voice is also extremely cheerful.

At this time, a grandfather came out behind the old lady, and the old grandfather flashed away and disappeared. I was about to ask a question when the old lady spoke first. "Thoughts?" What to choose? I thought for a moment, "Coffee bar." "Grandma was doing it right in front of us. When it was done, I put a bag of something in my father's and son's coffee cup, and I picked up the bag to see, and the light in the room dimmed, and the back of my head seemed to be a soft pillow, and my ass was like sitting on a chair, and the chair slowly rotated, and then it was rapidly rotating. The soft pillow behind my head could not be felt, and I heard a huge and heart-shaking voice: "This person is guilty of a great sin and sent to hell."

So, I woke up slowly, the time was already the middle of the night, thinking of this dream, it made people laugh, but I could not sleep for a long time.