
Write diamond poems with me, don't write pear blossoms, don't write saliva poems and branch essays

author:He Zhenye

#行业人士招募计划 #

I'm crazy for poetry

Poetry sprays incense for me

I'm crazy for poetry

Maybe the past life was predestined

I will join the Poetry Party in this life

I'm crazy about the smallness of ancient poetry

I'm crazy for the vernacular pleasantness of new poetry

I was crazy about the passion for creating

Poetry is my heart blossoming

I am the bee of poetry

I want to let every ending of my ending have a rhythmic drift

I want to make every row of my words shine

I want to make every name of mine poetic

Not arrogant for love

Labor only for love

Dreams stand in the way of Wujiang

Poetry leads to the flood

The poem points to me

I'm for the poetry!


Write diamond poems with me, don't write pear blossoms, don't write saliva poems and branch essays

So what is diamond poetry? Just look at the following passage carefully.

Like Han Han's "Weight", Shu Ting's "To the Oak Tree", Gu Cheng's "A Generation", Wang Guozhen's "Love of Life", "Mountains High and Far Away", there are drill qi, there is philosophical color, there is golden sentences, and even there is beautiful rhyme, conciseness, rigidity, charm, magic!

Stunning! Wow! Exciting!

The ancient grammatical poems that we have learned and read, such as the Tang poems and Song poems, are all rhyming diamond bodies, and only China has real beautiful rhyme diamond poems.

Poetry should also be standardized Poetry should also be characterized

Poetry should also be beautified Poetry should also be atmospheric

Because there are too many phenomena of branch prose, branch stories, and branch saliva pretending to be poems to destroy poetry, and there is a trend of becoming less and less like poetry, we should still not forget the first poem, learn the classics, and create new diamond poems.

Chinese diamond poetry is the standard of new poetry.

New Diamond Poems:

One sign point: concise rhyme

Three basic points:

Basically neat

Basic rhymes

Basically brilliant

Three questions:

Do you rhyme?

Are you Qi Jane?

Are you brilliant?

The sun and the moon are always new

Poetry every grand view

The mud pile was not far away

Diamonds live on forever

The mud is not far away, and the diamond will last forever!

So what is the big talk?

In fact, it is not difficult to write, no matter how the flat servant is, try to be dual to rhetoric, and must rhyme at the end of the sentence. Rhymes are also wide rhymes, not old and new rhymes, as long as the rhymes are the same! And only thirty-six words were written. To emphasize again: six words and six lines plus rhyme, let's write a big argument together!