
People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

author:Nature knows

There have been legends of ghosts since ancient times, but there are very few people who have seen them, and modern science believes that this kind of thing is impossible to exist, but there are still many people who insist that they have seen ghosts, in line with the principle of who advocates who proves, people who claim to have seen ghosts can not produce evidence, just repeat their "observations" over and over again.

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

From the perspective of the course of human development, ghosts this kind of thing stems from the fear of human beings, primitive human beings live in the wilderness, better conditions live in caves, because the surrounding is facing the threat of various beasts, so the primitive human cup bow snake shadow, the outside world has a little movement may be frightened, instantly increase vigilance. However, in addition to animals in nature making sounds, the sound of wind and water will "mutate" under certain circumstances, making people feel that there is some mysterious force affecting the survival of human beings.

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

In folklore around the world, there is a legend of a vampire, or a legend of a werewolf, a vampire who comes out at night to hurt people, and a werewolf who comes out on the night of a full moon to attack people. It turned out that scientists did not know how these mysterious legends came from, and after studying some tribes in Africa, scientists have been reasonably explained. According to statistics, the probability of the beast attacking people on the night of the full moon increases, because the lighting on the night of the full moon is better, which is conducive to the hunting of the beast, which leads to the folk legend of "normal, the night of the full moon is deformed into a wolf attacking person".

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

In ancient times, although the level of civilization had increased, people's level of understanding was also relatively low. Limited by the fact that human beings will die, all over the world, at the beginning of the rise of civilization, primitive religions have emerged, they advocate some mysterious things, perhaps with poisonous mushrooms and the like to create illusions, so that they can see what others cannot see, and then spread these scenes to the people in the tribe, creating fear to facilitate rule.

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

But on the bright side, primitive religions such as shamans are the beginning of traditional medicine, and although they do not understand the causes of diseases, they will also try to solve diseases with animals, plants, and ores in nature. For modern people, the topic of whether ghosts exist or not presents a polarization, and people who believe have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe have not seen ghosts. This situation is very common, there are always some people who claim to have seen ghosts, but when describing their specific images, different people see a big difference, that is, there is no specific image of ghosts.

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

In fact, this has caused some preconceived situations, some people believe in the existence of ghosts, when walking alone at night, they think that there may be ghosts around, so the friction of leaves, the abnormal cries of insects, and the phenomenon of shadows in the forest may make people feel that there are ghosts. People who do not believe in ghosts think that the sounds around them are all sounds of nature, so they are not afraid or think of ghosts.

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

If according to scientific analysis, ghosts are based on psychological manifestations such as fear in people's hearts, because of fear, so "cup bow snake shadow", because fear so "wind and crane", and there are legends handed down from ancient times, although most people have not seen, but there are many people who have heard related stories. People who believe in the existence of ghosts, when they walk alone, hear or see abnormal shadows from the outside world, or hear unfamiliar sounds, they are prone to make associations and associate these phenomena with the legend of ghosts.

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

Ghosts are derived from people's fears, may be the fear of the surrounding environment, or the fear of death, or they have mental illness, easy to imagine, association, in the hazy sleep, when the subjective consciousness sleeps, other components of consciousness are active, stimulating the association and speculation of the human brain, resulting in a situation where people see ghosts in a trance.

There have been scientists who have tried to figure out this phenomenon, but there has never been any direct evidence of witnessing, and when asked about those who have seen ghosts, they are only convinced that they have seen themselves, and they can even describe the image of ghosts, but they can't do it to catch one.

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

The human brain is very deceptive, and there is a phenomenon on the Internet that is often associated with these mysterious events, that is, near-death experiences. According to some people who have had an acute attack of cardiovascular disease but are fortunate enough to be saved, when they faint, they can faintly hear the cries of people around them, can see how many people are around, and can even open a third perspective to see themselves lying on the ground. Some say this is called an out-of-body experience.

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

But this is not the case. In a foreign study, in the process of human death, the human brain can still react to the outside world. Researchers use brain electrodes to record the activity of the human brain, use music and other sound information to stimulate the deceased, and found that the human brain can still respond to the sound during the death process, but it is not known whether the dying person heard the sound or understood the information contained in the sound.

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

This also shows the complexity of the brain, the brain is composed of many nerve centers, various sensory centers also need to be gathered into the brain to finally form sensations, at the time of death, the time of death of each center of the brain is different, there may still be some nerves after brain death still respond to external stimuli. In the same way, when people are confused such as fainting and sleeping, although the subjective consciousness is sleeping, the brain can still feel the external information by skin touch, hearing, etc., and the brain processes it to produce associations.

People who believe in the existence of ghosts have seen ghosts, and people who do not believe in them have not seen them.

In the past, due to word of mouth, people living in certain areas knew where there were cemeteries and other things around their homes, and they had heard of where they were haunted, which led to people being afraid when passing through these places. However, if you are far away from home, when you go home, you are concerned about whether there is a river on the road and whether there is a bridge on the river, because the river will block the pace of people returning home. This is "far afraid of water, near afraid of ghosts", heard more fearful easy to cause associations, listen less it does not matter, go home is important.