
Blue Bird – What is Happiness? Where is happiness?

author:Huang Pei Yuanji culture spread

1. In order to find the blue bird Titil and Mitil first came to the memory country, the palace of the night, and then came to the forest, in the forest they experienced a big adventure, but did not get the blue bird they wanted, but they personally experienced the hatred between humans and plants and animals, experienced the hypocrisy and betrayal of cats, the loyalty of dogs, experienced a life and death disaster, in this process they learned the courage to face danger independently, maybe this is a kind of happiness in itself, that is, the children want to find the blue bird!

In life, no matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, as long as we face them bravely, we can find the "blue bird"! Children experience all kinds of setbacks, experience all kinds of truths of life, this is originally a kind of growth, is a kind of happiness!

In the forest Elm tree is five short figures, holding up a big belly, grumpy. Linden tree is calm and amiable, and has a cheerful personality. Beech appears very dashing and active. Birch was dressed in white, behaved cautiously, and was worried. Willow was short in stature and always mourned with her hair scattered.

The design of these images is based on the characteristics of life planting trees, in the later distress links, their deeds, words and deeds are also inseparable from their personality characteristics, but also the personality characteristics of various color characters in our lives, they are also all kinds of characters in life, the representative author of the three teachings and nine streams This arrangement is to let the two children experience and know all kinds of people in life, so as to better understand what is happiness, which is to pave the way for the ending.

2. In the Garden of Happiness, Titir and Mitil met a lot of happiness! Fat and happy to eat well, dress well, they do nothing every day, their bodies are round, their faces are full of red light, they are wearing silk satin, their heads are full of gold and silver jewelry, they are eating delicious food, drinking fine wine, listening to the best music, it is really happy! But the most obese happiness says that it takes too much energy to drink, eat, and sleep all day! When Titil twisted the diamond, as the light gradually brightened, the splendid costumes, laurels, and ridiculous masks of the happy ones all fell off and shattered into rags, and they were naked, ugly and dry, with a pitiful look, and they felt ashamed and frightened, and began to howl, and some panicked, began to flee for their lives, and fled to the cave of pain.

The symbolic meaning of this sentence is: happiness is not what people can see with their eyes, happiness is their own feelings. The "fat happiness" eats well and does not dress well, which is what most people think of as happiness, but they also have their own pain, and when the light shines, they will see the true face of happiness, they are just as ugly, dry, and unbearable, and they will flee to the pain.

3. "Light" said: "There is much more happiness that can be found in the world than people think, but most people can't find it at all... We have a relationship with us from here will pass through here we have no time and can not have sex with all others" The real meaning here is that no one in the world can get all the happiness, we just need to find the happiness around us, happiness is around, good at finding and looking!

4. "Family Happiness Leader" Said "I am the leader of your family happiness, and all the others are the happiness that lives in your home... In the evening the sunset happiness comes, rainy days, rainy happiness is full of pearls, with happiness to come... ”

Let children understand that happiness is at home, and happiness is their own feelings. "Mother loves joy" The words "All mothers who love their children are rich, not poor, not ugly, not old... Their love is always a beautiful joy, they just need to get a kiss from the child, or kiss the child with all their tears, and in the depths of their eyes they will become stars..." Let the children understand that having the love of a mother is happiness." "Good health and happiness", "understanding joy", "just joy", "healthy and happy"... Their names themselves carry metaphorical characteristics, have special meanings of responsibility, and are all telling children what true happiness is? Just as "light" in the book is the guide of direction; "dog" is a symbol of loyalty; "fireflies" and "starlight" are hope; Mittir and Titir's dreams and awakenings represent reality and ideals.

5. In the country of the future, Titil said: They must give something to the great belt, and it is not allowed to go out empty-handed! Just invent a fire, and when the sun becomes pale and the moon sinks, it will cool the earth; the red-haired child will be blind in the future, and it will probably be up to him to defeat death in the future; another child says, I forgot to bring the box, which contains two sins I will commit; one child says, I forgot the little jar, which contains the thoughts of enlightening the people; and another says, I forgot to bring the buds of the best varieties of pears.

Blue Bird – What is Happiness? Where is happiness?

This tells us that everyone has their own characteristics, and come to this world with their own unique characteristics and mission.

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