
"The Crocodile's Yellow Eyes": She feels that she is worthless, trusting anyone but not believing herself

author:Read leisurely

Text: Leisurely reading

"She believes in anyone but not herself, and always feels worthless." This is what Josephine's sister, Elise, said about Josephine.

Josephine is a Ph.D. in history and a fellow at the National Center for Scientific Research. Josephine's main research direction was the twelfth century, but it was Josephine's research direction that made her a laughingstock for her family. Josephine's mother and sister were completely unable to understand Josephine's choice, and to her mother and sister, Josephine herself was as boring as her research direction. What makes Josephine even more sad is that Josephine's husband left her and lived with her lover.

After her husband left, Josephine raised her two daughters alone. Her brother-in-law, Philippe, introduced her to a freelance job as a translator, which greatly eased Josephine's financial pressure.

With his excellent knowledge, Josephine's translation work became more and more smooth, and he was given the opportunity to translate the manuscript, which made Josephine begin to look forward to his life and that of his daughters. Just as Josephine deposited the rewards in the bank and was ready to plan her life and her daughters, the bank manager told Josephine that Josephine's husband, Antoine, had borrowed a large sum of money from the bank before leaving, and that Josephine was the guarantor...

Some people say that the famous French contemporary writer Caterina Bancor portrayed Josephine in "The Crocodile's Yellow Eyes" is like a real-life version of Cinderella. Frankly, Josephine did, like Cinderella, achieve a reversal of life and embrace happiness. However, no fairy gave Josephine a glass shoe.

"The Crocodile's Yellow Eyes": She feels that she is worthless, trusting anyone but not believing herself

Several women in the story of "Crocodile's Yellow Eyes" belong to different camps, especially the sisters Elise and Josephine, who are completely different colors. If Elise is fiery red, Josephine is melancholy blue; if Elise is dazzling gold, Josephine is dull gray.

Sister Elise has been a beautiful embryo since she was a child, and is often praised by everyone, which makes Elise grow up to be very confident and even proud. Elise's husband, Philippe, is a partner at an international law firm, and Elise never has to worry about money. Perhaps because life is so smooth, in order to get rid of boredom, Elise claims at a dinner party that she is writing a historical novel.

Elise told the publisher the anecdotes Josephine had told her about the twelfth century, and the publisher showed great interest and signed a publishing contract with Elise.

Lo and behold, that's where this story is really interesting. Although Elise looked down on Josephine for spending half her life studying the twelfth century, she knew subconsciously that everything in the twelfth century had a fatal appeal to modern people. Elise thought josephine and josephine were like old antiques in the twelfth century, but without the slightest guilt she wanted to use Josephine's knowledge to complete this historical novel.

In fact, Elise has always believed that Josephine has the ability to complete a wonderful work, and the reason why Elise despises Josephine is entirely because of Josephine's long-term "responsiveness".

Josephine's daughter, Ordance, said that Josephine was always easing the shock and was always calming down. Ordance disagreed with her mother's values, and at a young age, Altens was a downright materialist. Ordance shouted to her mother: I refuse to be poor, I hate the poor, and the sour smell in them is unbearable! You look at yourself and you know that you are both ugly and incompetent.

Ordance is more like the daughter of Josephine's sister Elise, but she has more opinions than Elise, at least not for the sake of her own name. From this point of view, Josephine was a failed mother, at least Josephine failed to set good values for her daughter Ordance.

In the whole story of "The Crocodile's Yellow Eyes", the only person associated with the crocodile is Josephine's husband Antoine. He went to Africa to raise crocodiles with others after josephine as a guarantor who borrowed a large sum of money from a bank, and Antoine was convinced that he would become very rich after selling these crocodiles to a bag dealer. However, Antoine is not like a middle-aged man, he did not go through any research to plunge into the crocodile pen, the result is first deceived by the buyer, then deceived by the partner, and finally, Antoine sent himself into a desperate situation.

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Crocodile's Yellow Eyes ¥5.9 Purchase

Caterina Bankol's "Crocodile's Yellow Eyes" is very distinctive, Caterina Bankol will go into the heart of each character and show their inner world, which makes each character full of agility and makes the whole story more exciting.