
Haitian gang leaders threaten to kill the US-Canadian hostages! Ask for $17 million

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
Haitian gang leaders threaten to kill the US-Canadian hostages! Ask for $17 million

Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

According to Nandu's previous report, on October 19, Nandu reporters received a report from Li Kang (pseudonym), a Chinese citizen living in Haiti, that one of his compatriots and another Chinese citizen had also been kidnapped by gangsters in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, and that his whereabouts were still unknown for 10 days and needed to be rescued. On the same day, Nandu reporters contacted the China Haiti Trade Development Office to confirm that the two Chinese citizens who were kidnapped were employees of local Chinese-funded enterprises. Li Kang told Nandu reporters that the gang that kidnapped Chinese citizens was the gang "400 Mawozo" that kidnapped 17 US and Canadian hostages. On the evening of October 20, wenling hongyuan construction co., LTD., a company owned by the kidnapped Chinese citizens, responded to a Nandu reporter that the two abducted people were still in full rescue, and "our first job is to save people."

On October 13, China's Haitian Trade Development Office again issued a security alert, saying that the security situation in Haiti has deteriorated sharply recently, with demonstrations, smashing, looting and burning, and kidnapping cases surging. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the China Trade Development Office in Haiti remind Chinese citizens not to travel to Haiti in the near future, and remind Chinese citizens and institutions in Haiti to continue to maintain a high degree of vigilance, strengthen security precautions and emergency preparedness, reduce unnecessary travel, evacuate dangerous areas as soon as possible and report information to the China Trade and Development Office in Haiti.

Written by: Nandu reporter Zhou Fei

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