
Meghan Harry made a deal with Netflix, and as a result the platform could lose 750,000 UK subscriber subscriptions. The couple has reportedly signed a production with Netflix

author:British Tudor Dynasty

Meghan Harry made a deal with Netflix, and as a result the platform could lose 750,000 UK subscriber subscriptions.

The couple has reportedly signed a content-producing deal with Netflix worth $100 million (£73.7 million) – but Meghan Harry has yet to release anything.

According to the Guardian, the streaming platform predicted last week that the number of new users worldwide would be reduced to a minimum in the first quarter since 2010. Netflix has transferred uklining rights to five hits to Disney+ this month. Analysts at research firm Digital i estimate that if all 750,000 subscribers also unsubscribe, Netflix could lose as much as £90 million a year.

Royal commentator Daniela Elser also criticized this in the New Zealand Herald, writing: "More than 14 months ago, their money-making marriage with streaming was first exposed. They proudly promise that they will produce 'content that conveys the message but also brings hope'. But 14 months later, where is the content?

Netflix seems to have made a wrong bet this time and lost a lot of money. It is estimated that it is also the one they have lost the most money!

The latest news just said: Meghan and Harry's future business projects were warned, and royal experts issued a stern warning to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, as it was revealed that the couple owned 13 different businesses.

Meghan Harry made a deal with Netflix, and as a result the platform could lose 750,000 UK subscriber subscriptions. The couple has reportedly signed a production with Netflix
Meghan Harry made a deal with Netflix, and as a result the platform could lose 750,000 UK subscriber subscriptions. The couple has reportedly signed a production with Netflix