
So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

author:Spit on the cinema

Some time ago, the dean solicited one of everyone's favorite lines from Shunji Iwai.

Almost eighty percent of them are this sentence.

- "How are you?"

- "I'm fine"

As the most classic pure love film, "Love Letter" is probably the dream of many young girls.

The endless snow, the youthful emotions of youth, the regretful crush that has been buried for many years, and the sun sprinkling in the corner of the library, the breeze blowing the curtains, the picturesque teenager looms.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

Almost every time you see this, it will make people feel a mood of wanting to fall in love.

This is probably the golden rule of pure love movies and hormonal collisions... (This is probably a serious nonsense, right?) )

It's the same movie today —

True White Love

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

Seriously speaking, "True White Love" looks very ordinary from the surface of which direction, the director to the lead actor is a completely unfamiliar face, and if you are not careful, you will miss it.

Most people will notice that it is also because of its filming location, the city of Sheshui, known as the "Venice of Japan".

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

The whole filming of the film is here, and all the stories take place here.

The heroine is called True White, and she is an ordinary girl without opening her mouth.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

However, as soon as she speaks, it is easy to be noticed.

The way to communicate with people is very simple, with a bit of a blunt tone, and some unresponsiveness.

This is because Zhenbai suffers from mild cognitive impairment and slow intellectual development.

However, under the protection of his family, Zhenbai has always lived carefree.

Every day, I either looked at the shop in my own bicycle shop or went out to walk my dog.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

This kind of ordinary life is nothing boring for Zhenbai.

Until she met the oil well at her brother's wedding.

Yui is a photographer from Tokyo who came to Sagittarius City because of his work relationship.

In the wedding gap, when Zhenbai was dangling around, he accidentally threw a handkerchief on the beam.

Just at this time, the oil well appeared to help her take it down.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

This is the first time two people have intersected.

When Youi looked back to sort out the photos, there was a photo in the camera that Zhenbai had inadvertently left behind.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

He didn't think much of it, but when he rinsed it the next day, he washed it out.

Because of the conflict with the boss, the oil well is ready to stay in the shooting water for a few more days and take scenic photos.

Unexpectedly, he soon met Zhenbai who was riding on the side of the road.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

You well sent her the freshly rinsed photos.

When he heard that Youi wanted to go to the nearby Wu Yu Mountain, Makoto volunteered to take a bicycle to take him.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

After this time, Youjing left Makoto contact information for Zhenbai, giving her time to contact herself.

True white, of course, did not dare to fight.

For her, it was the first time a strange man had broken into her own world, somewhat throbbing but also frightened.

Ran Goose Zhenbai's careful thinking was quickly recognized by his cousin.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

She has been encouraging true white to contact the oil well, assist to play a level of beautiful.

Finally, under the soft and hard application of his cousin, Zhenbai and Youjing made an appointment to meet.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

This meeting also took the exchange between the two people further.

The oil well hopes that Zhenbai can introduce him to the good places with local scenery, and Zhenbai directly said that I will take you there.

The oil well also promises to teach true white to take pictures.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

When saying goodbye, Makoto suddenly said that he had lent the bike to the oil well.

The reason is that my family has so many bikes that they have to be sold.

Hahahaha this reason... It's really not too cute. (*^▽^*)

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

After that, the two men rode around on bicycles with cameras.

Take pictures of various scenery together and eat various snacks together.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

Zhenbai thought that she was a little girl who had just opened her heart, and she would smile secretly when she looked at the photos taken by herself and The Oil Well.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

When they are together, they will look at the oil well, and when two people are too close, they will not help but blush.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

But Zhenbai is also very sensitive, and the reaction is completely a child.

Oil Well said to her, I think you are a little weird.

Her expression sank completely, as if she was about to cry, and responded with a lost response to "Soga"

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

When oil well, but you are so cute, and different from others.

The real white eyes were completely bright again, and the expression was a little awkward and shy, but the tone was excited "Soga".

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

It can be said that in the monotonous and boring life of Zhenbai in the past, this time may be her happiest time.

She, like every girl in love, is both cautious and full of joy.

Even she used to be afraid of too much pain and did not want to curl her eyelashes, but now she took the initiative to run to her cousin's shop to ask for her eyelashes to be upturned.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

However, the happy times are always short-lived, and the oil well is going back to Tokyo.

Before going back, Oil Well felt like climbing Tateyama once, and he had longed for the scenery there for a long time.

Makoto wanted to go with the oil well, so they made a pact.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

In the end, however, the two were unable to work together.

Because Zhenbai was once abducted when she was a child, the occurrence of this incident made Zhenbai's parents and brother extra protective of her.

When they learned that Zhenbai was dating a strange man frequently, they locked her up in the house.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

True white missed the appointment.

Zhenbai wept bitterly and went on hunger strike to no avail.

And the excessive protection of parents is actually distrust, in their eyes, Zhenbai has always been a flawed child.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

On the oil well, he knew during a friend's conversation that Zhenbai was not an ordinary girl.

Friends kindly reminded him not to get too close to Zhenbai.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

But in the eyes of the oil well, there is nothing special about true white, and he asked his colleagues:

"What basis do you use to judge whether a person has a problem?"

He also understood the reason, and the words were beautiful, but in the end he was still punched in the face.

When Shiba said that the most popular place to go was Tokyo, The Oil Well was still cold and scared...

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

In fact, it is not oil well slag, he is just a very ordinary man.

He likes True White because he sees the most simple and lovely humanity in True White. It's just that he can't make a role that satisfies the audience.

In love, boys are always more timid, or the more rational one.

And true whiteness is probably also a portrayal of many ignorant girls.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

Although it is no longer the age of a teenager, it is a little more immature than her peers because of cognitive impairment.

It is precisely because of this that she is more likely to have the experience of loving wholeheartedly, without reservation to love.

I don't care about things like "reservedness" and "safety", I will dance with my hands when I am happy, and I will be sad under the quilt.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

She didn't want the well to hate herself, so she braved the heavy rain to go out and pick him up.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

She knew her flaws and wanted to get the love of the oil well, so finally she threw herself into her mother's arms and cried bitterly and asked:

How can I become a normal person?

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

This scene is probably the place where the whole film is tearful.

The film ends with an unsurprising separation.

The oil well left, and Zhenbai waved vigorously at the tram that was getting farther and farther away, and said seriously——

Goodbye oil wells, goodbye oil wells.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

No one promised the next meeting, and no one ever said they liked that word.

Although the dean lamented this ending, he also expected the two people to be together.

But really think, this is good for everyone.

At the end of the movie, Zhenbai went to the snowy mountains, watched the sunrise, and wept at the sun.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

She let go of everything, like an oil well.

The days went on as usual, and when she woke up, she was still the cute girl with the red hat and the dog.

It's just that after all this, she will probably know more about loving and being loved.

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...

Love has come, better than not.

Enjoy the process forever more beautiful than fantasy.

Because I know you, the scenery that is commonplace has become glittering.

Thank you for not treating me as an outlier, and thank you for teaching me to re-understand the world.

I hope that all girls can meet their own love, and someone can warm your heart in the snowy winter ~ (*❦ω❦)

So beautiful and warm, sure enough, I want to fall in love after reading it...