
The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?

author:Darwin parabola

Elliot Page

Ellen Grace Philpotts-Page, real name, is a Canadian actor.

Come out publicly and admit that she is a lesbian. In December 2020, he announced that he was transgender and non-binary, and changed his name to Elliot Peggy.

The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?

Before and after denaturation

Peggy was an actress who appeared in many famous films. Her works are widely known, such as the heroine of Nolan's brain-burning blockbuster "Inception". Peggy's image as the girl next door has always been popular with fans.

The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?

But this image does not match Peggy's inner appearance at all. In the interview, Peggy revealed that she has felt like a boy since childhood and wants to be a boy. However, Peggy responded to this avant-garde idea. He underwent sex reassignment surgery and ushered in a new identity. From Allen to Elliott he went through a lot of ideological struggles.

The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?

Ellen Page 女

The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?

Elliot Page 男

Peggy isn't just content with that, he's been vocalizing for transgender people on social platforms on many occasions. We hope to give more transgender people respect and rights. Peggy stood up for Transgender Rights in Arkansas against a bill to eliminate transgender teens.

The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?
The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?
The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?
The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?

This time he also brought the Italian documentary Into My Name.

The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?
The first transgender woman to be a man brought his first work, would you go to see it?
The documentary will premiere at the Berlin Film Festival in 2022. It tells the story of four friends, Nico, Leo, Andrea and Raf, who are transforming from female to male while trying to navigate the binary world. The film was inspired by director Nicolò Bassetti's transgender son Matteo.

Speaking about the documentary in an interview, Peggy said: "What stands out about cinema is that it subtly and deliberately presents all the different parts that make up a person's identity, which is a meditation on transhumanity, and I've never seen a film like this. I think from a cinematic point of view, the experience and commitment of life is obvious. I can't wait for everyone to take a look. "