
Liu Yuan, emperor of the Xiongnu people: A hardcore fan of Han culture and the initiator of wuhu chaohua

author:Deng Haichun

Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Xiongnu as a nomadic people and the farming Han people have always had a grudge, whether it is Han Gaozu's peace policy or Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's great destruction of the Xiongnu, the Central Plains regime has been seeking a way to coexist with the northern Xinjiang peoples. After hundreds of years of running-in, the degree of Sinicization of the Southern Xiongnu bordering the Han Dynasty has been very high, and many Xiongnu nobles have accepted Han culture since childhood, and even read the Four Books and Five Classics.

Liu Yuan, emperor of the Xiongnu people: A hardcore fan of Han culture and the initiator of wuhu chaohua

Among them was a Xiongnu emperor, who rose up during the civil strife in the Western Jin Dynasty, honored Liu Chan, the lord of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period, and set the name of the country "Han", thus opening the prelude to the "Five Hu Chaohua". He was Liu Yuan, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty in the Sixteen Kingdoms of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Why would a Xiongnu hold high the banner of inheriting the Han Dynasty? This has to start from the Western Han Dynasty's peace relatives.

In the early days of Han Gaozu's founding, he fought with the Xiongnu and ate the bitter fruit of the Siege of Baideng, and the country was in urgent need of recuperation; on the contrary, the Xiongnu had just annexed Donghu at this time, and the territory was vast, which was the heyday of the spirit and the difficulty of meeting the opponent. Liu Bang, the patriarch of Gaozu, could only adopt a policy of peace and affinity, swore an oath of "brotherhood" with the Xiongnu leader Mao Dundan, and married the daughter of liu to the Xiongnu, and his descendants were given the surname of Liu.

Liu Yuan, emperor of the Xiongnu people: A hardcore fan of Han culture and the initiator of wuhu chaohua

After the founding of the Eastern Han Dynasty, emperor Guangwu implemented a policy of huairou against the Xiongnu, dividing them, and the Xiongnu split into the Southern Xiongnu and the Northern Xiongnu. Among them, the Southern Xiongnu moved inland and moved to the area close to the Han. Under the influence of the Central Plains culture, they had a high degree of Sinicization, which became a constraint on the Northern Xiongnu. During the Cao Wei period, the Southern Xiongnu were divided into five parts, and Liu Yuan was the son of Liu Bao, the left commander.

Liu Yuan, emperor of the Xiongnu people: A hardcore fan of Han culture and the initiator of wuhu chaohua

Therefore, Liu Yuan, as a Xiongnu, was familiar with the Confucian classics since childhood, worshiped the dang Cui You as a teacher, and studied "Mao Poems", "Ma Shi Shangshu", and "Jing Shi Yi". He also read a wide range of books, "History, Han Zhuzi, all comprehensive." Moreover, he did not abandon the Xiongnu's ability to shoot archery on horseback because of his study, on the contrary, his arms were slender, his arm strength was superior, he was good at archery, and his force was wonderful.

During the Xianxi period (264-265), Liu Yuan lived in Luoyang as a proton, at which time he showed a good relationship with the great event, and was very recognized by the high-ranking officials of the court. Cui Yizhi and Gongshi Yu both admired him, and Wang Hun of the Taiyuan Wang clan also sent his son Wang Ji to befriend him, and even Emperor Yuan of Wei appreciated him. After Sima Yan deposed Wei Lijin, Emperor Sima Yan of Jin also heard about Liu Yuan from Wang Hun and praised him after summoning him to talk. Emperor Wu of Jin originally wanted to entrust him with a heavy responsibility, but was stopped by Kong Ke and other ministers on the grounds that "if they are not of our race, their hearts will be different".

Liu Yuan, emperor of the Xiongnu people: A hardcore fan of Han culture and the initiator of wuhu chaohua

Although he had befriended many famous scholars in Luoyang, Liu Yuan, who had not been able to obtain an official and a half-position because of his Hu status, was still depressed. In the fifth year of Xianning (279), things finally took a turn for the better, and his father Liu Bao passed away. As a son, Liu Yuan succeeded Zuo Bushuai as a marshal, and later became the governor of the northern region, the general of Jianwei, the governor of wubu, and was also given the title of Marquis of Hanguang Township.

Perhaps because of his childhood study, during his tenure he showed excellent governance skills, "clear criminal law, prohibition of adultery and evil, light wealth and good charity, pushing sincerity and receiving things, the five junjie are all there." "Famous Confucians and young sages from all over the Jizhou area of Youzhou came from thousands of miles to defect, including Shi Le, the founding emperor of Later Zhao.

In the first year of Yongkang (300), sima lun, the king of Zhao, raised an army to kill Jia, and the following year deposed Emperor Hui of Jin and established himself as king, which led to the rebellion of the eight kings. The entire Central Plains region was in chaos, and the Xiongnu were also eager to move, and the restoration forces led by Liu Xuan secretly elected Liu Yuan as the Xiongnu's great single Yu, and Liu Yuan, who was thinking of showing his grand plan, was simply overjoyed and hit it off with them.

Liu Yuan, emperor of the Xiongnu people: A hardcore fan of Han culture and the initiator of wuhu chaohua

After returning to the Xiongnu and recruiting a large number of troops, Liu Yuan's ambitions were not as simple as restoring the Xiongnu Khanate, and the civil unrest in the Western Jin Dynasty gave him the idea of entering the Central Plains. In the face of Liu Xuan's advice on the restoration of the country, he replied, "The eldest husband should be Han Gao and Wei Wu, and call out Han Evil He Enough!" Liu Yuan was ambitious and wanted to emulate Liu Bang and Cao Cao to unify the Central Plains.

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A Brief History of the Xiongnu Best Selling Genuine ¥29 Purchase

Liu Yuan was well versed in Confucian culture, saying that the emperor also made up a vision of his birth, saying that when his mother sacrificed his son, he saw a large fish with two horns jumping over the dragon gate, and at night he dreamed that the fish had become a human, holding a golden shining object in his hand and giving it to her, and told her that this was the essence of the sun, and after taking it, he could give birth to a noble son, and then gave birth to Liu Yuan.

In the first year of Yongxing (304), Liu Yuan moved the capital to Zuo Guocheng, modeled on the Western Jin Dynasty and established the posts of Chancellor, Imperial Shi Dafu, and Tai Wei, and its system of hundred officials was roughly based on the Han regime. However, because of his Xiongnu characteristics, he implemented the policy of dividing Hu and Han. He made his son Liu Cong the Grand Sima and also served as Da Shan Yu, and also set up positions such as Shan Yu Zuo Fu and Right Auxiliary to manage the affairs of the Hu people, while the Han people were also managed by the left and right divisions.

The division of Hu and Han was an innovative way of ruling adopted by Liu Yuan after absorbing the experience of the Central Plains regime of "ruling according to customs". During the Sixteen Kingdoms period, when ethnic contradictions intensified, the separate governance of Hu and Han also became an effective management system for various ethnic minority regimes. However, this system also expanded the estrangement between ethnic groups, and after Liu Yao ascended the throne in the first year of Daxing (318), he forcibly migrated in order to strengthen his rule over other ethnic groups, which led to the rebellion of many ethnic groups in the territory, known as "more than 100,000 rebels of the Qiang Dynasty". The Han regime was thus shaken, and in the fourth year of Xianhe (329), the Han state was destroyed by Liu Yuan's former subordinate Shi Le.

Liu Yuan, emperor of the Xiongnu people: A hardcore fan of Han culture and the initiator of wuhu chaohua

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