
Zhengzhou has been "zero new" for 4 consecutive days

author:Great River Network

Zhengzhou held the 30th epidemic prevention and control conference, and it is expected that the whole territory of Zhengzhou city can be reduced to a low-risk area before the Spring Festival holiday

Top News Henan Business Daily reporter Zong Lei Li Jia Xiong Zhuo Tian Yang Yiying

At 11:00 a.m. on January 24, the Information Office of the Zhengzhou Municipal Government held the 30th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Zhengzhou to report on the latest progress of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in the city.

Since the 20th, the whole city of Zhengzhou has achieved "zero new additions" for 4 consecutive days. According to the current situation, it is expected that before the Spring Festival holiday, the whole area of Zhengzhou city can be reduced to a low-risk area.

What's new

Zhengzhou has reported a total of 139 locally confirmed cases of the epidemic in this round

The top news Henan Business Daily reporter learned from the press conference that as of 24:00 on January 23, Zhengzhou has been zero new for four consecutive days, and this round of epidemic has reported a total of 139 local confirmed cases, including: 66 cases in Erqi District, 29 cases in Zhongyuan District, 19 cases in Guancheng District, 11 cases in Jinshui District, 7 cases in airport area, 6 cases in High-tech Zone, and 1 case in Zhengdong New District. Under the careful treatment of provincial and municipal expert groups and medical staff, all patients were in stable condition.

After the outbreak of this round of epidemics, under the comprehensive guidance of the Working Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, under the command and dispatch of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and with the joint efforts of the whole city, the goal of "using an incubation period to enclose and seal this round of epidemics" has been basically achieved.

At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control in the city is stabilizing and improving, and we are making every effort to do a good job of sweeping up the tail.

It is expected that before the Spring Festival holiday, the whole area of Zhengzhou city can be reduced to a low-risk area

With the emergence of the prevention and control effect, the overall situation is stabilizing, and some sealing and control areas and control areas in Zhengzhou will gradually reduce the level of control and unseal. So, what conditions need to be met for downgrading and unsealing? The top news Henan Business Daily reporter learned from the press conference that according to zhengzhou's "Implementation Measures for the Administration of The Release of Isolation and Sealing and Control of the Epidemic in this Round", the medium-risk and sealing control areas delineated by the current round of epidemic will be gradually adjusted and unsealed step by step in accordance with the control strategy of grading and classification.

At present, 40 sealing and control areas in Zhengzhou have been unsealed or downgraded, 4 control areas have been unsealed or downgraded, and 9 medium-risk areas have been adjusted to low-risk areas. The Zhengzhou Municipal Epidemic Headquarters will continue to follow relevant policies and relevant conditions, comprehensively study and judge, and lift the control area of Zhengzhou City as soon as possible and continuously. According to the current situation, it is expected that before the Spring Festival holiday, the whole area of Zhengzhou city can be reduced to a low-risk area.

A total of 90 cases of nucleic acid testing of all employees and key personnel in key areas in this round of the epidemic were screened positive

In this round of the epidemic, Zhengzhou has continued to organize and carry out several rounds of nucleic acid testing for all employees and key populations. Statistics show that as of January 22, Zhengzhou has carried out ten rounds of nucleic acid testing for all employees and eighteen rounds of nucleic acid testing for key populations in key areas. From January 4 to 22, a total of 92.92 million people were tested in the city, and a total of 90 cases were screened positive.

Statistics show that since the eighth round of nucleic acid testing on the 15th, the social side has not screened out positive cases for 9 consecutive days, and new cases have been screened and found in centralized isolation points.

In order to further consolidate the effectiveness of epidemic prevention and control, on January 25, Zhengzhou City decided to carry out nucleic acid testing in 9 urban areas of the city, and the test objects are: Jinshui District, Erqi District, Zhongyuan District, Guancheng Hui Nationality District, Huiji District, Airport District, Zhengdong New Area, Economic Development Zone, High-tech Zone and other areas (including local permanent residents, temporary residents, temporary floating populations, foreign populations, etc.), excluding residents of the sealed areas. The centralized sampling time starts at 9:00 on January 25 and ends at 18:00.

Control measures

Until the medium-risk area is unsealed, non-essential places will continue to be closed

Before the medium risk, sealing and control area, control area, and prevention area are not adjusted or unsealed, other places in the area will continue to be shut down except for places closely related to people's livelihood protection. Shopping malls and supermarkets are ordered to shut down due to confirmed employees or sales of goods that test positive for the virus, the closure date is not less than 7 days, after the closure of the place, all the on-the-job employees nucleic acid test is negative for 3 consecutive times, the place has completed terminal disinfection, and the last environmental sampling nucleic acid test is negative. Places that meet the above requirements shall apply to the epidemic prevention and control institutions of the subordinate districts and counties (cities), and may resume operations in an orderly manner after approval.

At present, the isolation, sealing and control of the masses in Zhengzhou still need to go to the designated hospital for medical treatment

For the masses who are still undergoing centralized isolation, home isolation, and sealing and control, it is still necessary to go to a designated hospital for medical treatment according to the risk level. The epidemic prevention and control headquarters of all districts and counties (cities) in Zhengzhou will continue to do a good job in ensuring the service of patients who need medical treatment, arrange special bus "point-to-point" closed-loop transfers; will continue to do a good job in the services of special patients such as pregnant women, newborns, tumor radiotherapy and chemotherapy, hemodialysis, etc.; will continue to do a good job in the Zhenghao Office App", "maternal green channel", "hemodialysis appointment during the epidemic period", and "one thing to see a doctor" and other platforms to carry out Internet diagnosis and treatment or make an appointment for medical treatment. Zhengzhou will continue to do a good job in isolating and controlling the medical service guarantee of the masses through various channels and various methods.

For the masses who have been lifted from sealing, control and isolation, they can go to relevant medical institutions for treatment according to the needs of the disease.

Patients with ten related symptoms such as fever, dry cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, conjunctivitis of the eyes, muscle soreness, changes in taste, changes in smell, and diarrhea should take the initiative to go to the fever clinic; when seeking medical treatment, avoid taking public transportation and do a good job of personal protection.

In addition, according to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, all patients in Zhengzhou who visit the fever clinic must be tested for nucleic acids, and cannot leave the fever clinic until the nucleic acid test results are issued.

Supply assurance measures

Imported fruit transport vehicles into Zheng need to enter from Zhengmin Expressway Zheng'an Station

In order to effectively ensure supply and price stability and improve the sense of gain of the general public, the Zhengzhou Municipal Government decided to carry out the government emergency reserve release work from the 24th, and the initial plan was to release it until the 28th, that is, the 26th of the lunar month. The government launched more than 70 stores of 12 supermarket chains, including Dennis, Century Lianhua and China Resources Vanguard, 24 farmers' markets, and 2 online sales platforms.

At present, the traffic service stations from Zhengzhou to county and county to county have all been cancelled, and the remaining traffic service stations continue to implement measures such as scanning codes, measuring temperature, and checking 48-hour negative nucleic acid certificates. Zhengzhou City has set up emergency transportation green channels at various transportation service stations to ensure the priority and rapid passage of vehicles transporting emergency materials and people's livelihood support materials. In order to strengthen the epidemic prevention and control management of imported fruits, all imported fruit transport vehicles entering Zhengzhou City need to enter Zhengzhou from Zhengmin Expressway Zheng'an Station, and transport them to the "Zhengzhou Imported Fruit Centralized Supervision Zone" through "point-to-point" for centralized testing, centralized killing, and centralized coding, and relevant enterprises are requested to transport in accordance with requirements.