
Beauty research: "Four high" foods are good for asthma prevention and treatment! Asthma is easy to occur in winter, learn 3 ways to prevent

author:Women's Encyclopedia

Over the years, with the development of human science and technology, the cost of social development has slowly become prominent, and the environment and air pollution are one of them. Although the mainland has been aware of it and taken corresponding preventive measures, the air quality is still not optimistic.

In contrast to air quality, the incidence of respiratory diseases is increasing year by year, especially asthma diseases, and severe asthmatic onset can even cause breathing difficulties, such as suffocation or death. However, with the continuous research and efforts of medical personnel, it may become possible to prevent asthma from the perspective of dietary life.

Beauty research: "Four high" foods are good for asthma prevention and treatment! Asthma is easy to occur in winter, learn 3 ways to prevent

American study: "four high" foods or beneficial asthma prevention! Everyday recipes can be borrowed

Dr. James of the Mayo Clinic in the United States, through the investigation of the Case Database of the American Asthma Association, summarized the nutritional content data model settings it needed, and summarized the four nutrient elements most needed to prevent asthma.

These four nutrients are antioxidants, vitamin D, dietary fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. The intake of these nutrients in daily life can effectively assist in respiratory recovery and help alleviate asthma-related symptoms. Foods containing high levels of corresponding nutrients are therefore called "four high" foods.

Beauty research: "Four high" foods are good for asthma prevention and treatment! Asthma is easy to occur in winter, learn 3 ways to prevent

So, what are the "four high" foods? Might as well recommend it for you

The first: foods with high antioxidant function

Includes: carrots, broccoli, spinach, peppers, etc

Common antioxidant substances, including carotene, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E and other nutrients, can help the body eliminate free radicals, reduce the risk of respiratory inflammation, and use this as a means to alleviate symptoms related to asthma.

Among the above foods, in terms of carotene and vitamin C, the level concentration is very high, and it has a very good antioxidant effect. The daily supplement is supplemented by recipe intake, and the effect is evident.

The second: foods with high vitamin D levels

Common foods: milk, eggs, shrimp and crabs, etc.

In our impression, the function of vitamin D is to assist the body in the absorption of calcium, which has a good effect on bone and muscle growth.

But according to Dr. James's study, high vitamin D levels not only effectively reduce the risk of respiratory inflammation, but vitamin D can also help synthesize enzymes that dilate organs and lung trachea, which in turn serves to alleviate asthma symptoms.

Beauty research: "Four high" foods are good for asthma prevention and treatment! Asthma is easy to occur in winter, learn 3 ways to prevent

The third type: high dietary fiber foods

Common foods: sweet potatoes, beans, whole grains and other coarse grains.

The benefits of whole grains are obvious, assisting the body in ingesting fiber, promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, and helping to improve digestive health.

At the same time, however, the cause of asthma is mostly allergic reactions caused by the decline in air quality. The more intense the allergic reaction, the more severe the asthma. The intake of dietary fiber can play a role in inhibiting allergic molecules, and achieve the purpose of alleviating asthma by reducing allergic reactions.

However, it should be noted that fiber should not be consumed too much, which is easy to cause the risk of constipation and gastrointestinal decline, and it is recommended that one-third of the daily staple food be replaced by whole grains.

Fourth: foods high in omega 3 fatty acids

Common foods: deep-sea fish, nuts, olive oil, etc.

Omega 3 fatty acids, that is, omega tri-fatty acids, can be said to be one of the most typical unsaturated fatty acids, and the reason why it can prevent asthma is actually similar to the properties of foods with high antioxidants.

Omega 3 fatty acids themselves have very high antioxidant properties, can scavenge free radicals, to achieve the purpose of asthma prevention and treatment. And unsaturated fatty acids themselves can reduce blood viscosity and remove fat particles, reducing the risk of obesity. Obesity can lead to narrowing of the airways, which can easily cause asthma symptoms, so the intake of omega-3 fatty acids is also used as an effective means of preventing asthma.

In summary, if you want to prevent asthma in daily life, you may wish to try the "four high" diet, or can produce good results, but at the same time, diet is an important part of life, but not all, frequent asthma in winter, want to prevent asthma, you should also develop some specific living habits.

Beauty research: "Four high" foods are good for asthma prevention and treatment! Asthma is easy to occur in winter, learn 3 ways to prevent

Asthma occurs frequently in winter, so develop 3 habits to prevent it effectively

(1) Regularly open windows for ventilation to improve the air environment. In the winter, most families will close their doors and windows, while keeping warm, it will also reduce the air quality, the air environment will decline, the respiratory tract will be stimulated, and the risk of asthma will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to open the window for ventilation and to be clear about the dust mites, mold, etc. in the air.

(2) Pay attention to your own allergens. Everyone has different physical fitness, different allergens, allergic reactions are one of the behaviors that induce asthma, please avoid it yourself.

(3) Prevent viral colds. The variety of viruses increases in winter, the risk of viral colds increases, and similar symptoms can lead to impaired respiratory health and increase the chance of disease.

It can be seen that in daily life, wearing masks on time and paying attention to keeping warm is also the thing that should be done to prevent asthma in winter, as well as the above habits and daily four high diets, which are the basic prevention and treatment of asthma, and I hope to remember.


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