
A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

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A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of Time, December 6, 1982

Time magazine once praised him: "Would a salad dressing maker be a brilliant racing driver, a successful political activist, an award-winning film director, a solid sexy symbol of our country?" It sounds like a hot head, but our Paul Newman (1925-2008) can do just that! ”

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of The Photographer, November 1958

Paul Newman was once called "Marlon Brando (1924-2004) second", but who knows how much he hated the title.

Because the grievance he suffered from Marlon Brando was the "humiliation" of his life, he changed himself for the sake of Marlon Brando, and in the end, he was "abandoned" by Marlon Brando.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks
A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Stills from the movie Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) from the movie Cat on a Hot Tin Roof appeared on the covers of major popular magazines of the year

Fortunately, James Dean (1931-1955) left early, or someone would have asked him, "Why introduce Paul Newman to Marlon Brando?" ”

And Montgomery Clift (1920-1966), who was hiding around, would have been smiling, thinking: Fortunately, I left Marlon Brando earlier, and it was me who would not be guilty!

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Movie Story, December 1973 cover, stills from the movie "Spy Sea Dragon Tiger Fight The Mackintosh Man" (1973).

The "four kings" at the end of hollywood's golden age, in the intricate relationship between you and me, I want you, let the outside world always be full of curiosity to find out.

Of these four, on the "handsome" that must be Montgomery Cleft, on the "world domination" of the acting skills is definitely Marlon Brando, on the "legendary longevity" that must be James Dean, then paul Newman is what?

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

The Hollywood Reporter January 1975 cover, with Steve McQueen in the film The Towering Inferno (1974).

Paul Newman's superiority was only slowly revealed as the last three were getting farther and farther away from the screen, and his handsome face did prevent him from being seen as a character actor, and he lacked the "arrogant" improvisation of the method actors on the screen because he trusted rigorous rehearsals more.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks
A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Paul Newman's friend and famous screenwriter and writer Gore Vidal (1925-2012) once recalled that as early as the late 1950s, they were walking on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, and Paul Newman kept his head down so as not to be recognized, but the sound of their conversation betrayed him, "A tall woman suddenly came to us, and when he looked up at her, she took a big breath, and we were just about to leave when we heard a loud noise, and Paul Newman said, God, she fainted. ”

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Movie January 1959 cover, with stills from his wife Joanna Woodward in the film Rally 'Round the Flag Boys" (1958).

Because at that time, Paul Newman became well-known in the United States with "Back to the Shore/King's FlyIng Somebody Up There Likes Me" (1956), "Until They Sail" (1957), "Summer Love/Long Hot Summer" (1958), and "Jumen Qiao Woman/Cat on a Hot Tin Roof on a Hot Tin Roof" (1958).

Although "Summer Spring Love" won him the Best Actor Award at the 11th Cannes Film Festival in 1958, what made him completely "famous" in the United States was "Jumen Qiao Woman" starring Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011), who was nominated for the 31st Academy Awards in 1959.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks
A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Rolling Stone magazine cover

This year, American newspapers and magazines were mostly reporting on the news of Paul Newman, who was then known as "Marlon Brando II".

His subsequent performance in The Prodigal Son The Hustler (1961) established his place in American cinema and began to keep pace with Marlon Brando.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

If we only look at Marlon Brando's performance as "losing his true face in the role he portrayed", we will never peek into the face of the real Marlon Brando; and Paul Newman is completely different from Marlon Brando, he is on the verge of mainstream acting at that time, and the American hero he portrays on the screen is always "lonely violence", which is similar to his buddy James Dean, and it seems that being out of place with society is his "right choice".

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

In a sense, he is the spokesman for the middle-class aesthetic that Hollywood desperately sought after the early death of James Dean, the perfect combination of acting and appearance, the drive of fashion, although he is always getting rid of the obscuration of fame and fortune. More importantly, he is a real superstar, without false lights and embellished mysteries.

If Marlon Brando and James Dean define the naked American man as a rebellious figure, Paul Newman is more of a rebel, with his handsome appearance and the magnetism emanating from his frank blue eyes that are almost irresistible.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of Life, May 10, 1968

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Life, October 18, 1968 cover, with wife Joanna Woodward

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of Life on November 1, 1986, and promotional photos with Tom Cruise for the film The Color of Money (1986).

When the New Hollywood Movement came, Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor still maintained the old-school "film selection vision" and lacked "enthusiasm" for new changes.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Vanity Fair magazine cover

Paul Newman's rebellion determined his efforts to embrace the "New Hollywood Movement", with the august 1967 releases of "Bonnie and Clyde" in August 1967 and "Iron Curtain Blood/Cold Hand Luke" (1967), allowing young audiences to gradually realize the importance of rebellion against the "state apparatus" through Paul Newman's "Iron Window Blood" and Warren Beatty's "Hermaphrodites".

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of TV Guide magazine

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of American Film magazine

Life Magazine in 1968 devoted several issues to Paul Newman that year, calling it a "Paul Newman's Time."

In this turning battle, veteran superstars Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor, who are the flagships, are chosen by the audience to "discard" aside, while Paul Newman successfully joins the new superstar box office camp and begins to truly "call the wind and rain" in the film world.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of People, October 7, 1974

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of People, July 21, 1975, with wife Joanna Woodward

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of People, June 25, 1979

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

People cover on May 5, 1980, with Jacqueline Bisset in the film The Great Shock When Time Ran Out... (1980).

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of People, March 19, 1984, promotional photo for the film Harry and Son (1984).

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of People, October 6, 2008, in honor of Paul Newman

At this time, Paul Newman also began to become the "darling" of various categories of magazines in the United States, such as Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stone, Movie Story, Hollywood Reporter, Vanity Fair and Esquire, all competing to report on his various news and interviews, especially "People People", treating him as a "pro-son", and every year there must be news of him in this weekly magazine until his death.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of the early March 1982 issue of The Film Journal, and stills from Sally Field's film Judgment of Malice in Absentia (1981).

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Esquire magazine cover

He enjoys the same treatment as Elizabeth Taylor, "People" attaches great importance to Elizabeth Taylor, the legend of "Jade Mother" and her commercial value is not available to her peers, and there is an opportunity to talk about Elizabeth Taylor's magazine cover style.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

As a veteran "deep closet", Paul Newman also privately interacted with Gary Grant (1904-1986), Anthony Perkins (1932-1992), and others, notably robert Redford and himself in collaboration with Robert Redford and himself on Tiger and Panther Bulldy cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969). After that, the two became good friends for life.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of AMC magazine, promotional photo for the film Tiger and Panther/ Sharpshooter and the Wise Star Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969).

Back in the early 1970s, Paul Newman wanted to star in a film based on a best-selling novel about the love story of two men, 30 years before Ang Lee's "Brokeback Mountain" in 2005, and the film was not filmed due to the obstruction of Hollywood at the time.

A solid sexy symbol of a country and his countless cover looks

Cover of Entertainment Weekly, October 2008

To die is to live – a reading related to James Dean

Hitchcock wonders why Creft and Brando quarreled.

Marlon Brando and boyfriend Cold War Ilya Kazan betray their peers

Paul Newman holds high the banner of "Prison Break" to rebel against authority for a new era

"The Woman who Made The Woman" downplays Paul Newman's homosexuality Andylor successfully straightens the crooked man

The burning years of "Tiger and Leopard Bully" Paul Newman does not work with Marlon Brando

The director and male and female lead actors of Rebels Without a Cause have a leg james Dean when he is idle as a cowboy

Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward: How many fifty years will come back