
The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

author:Cowhide Entertainment

On July 1, 2019, at the G20 summit, Ivanka wore a translucent floral dress to speak on stage, and the picture was very joyful.

When I saw her pass in front of the big guys, the expressions of the big guys were very intriguing.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

It is no wonder, after all, Ivanka is 180 tall, looks beautiful and noble, and her figure is tall and well-proportioned, which belongs to the typical white skin and beautiful long legs.

Her style is very stylish and sexy.

Even her old son Trump once publicly stated in front of the media:

"My daughter is really in great shape, and if it wasn't for my daughter, I would really like to date her..."

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

The father who expressed his daughter's beauty in this way is probably the old man in the whole world.

Ivanka is indeed very beautiful, she is not only beautiful in stature, her career is also beautiful, and her family is more perfect.

Many unsuspecting people believe that this beauty like a flower is very inspirational in front of the public.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think
In fact, her heart is more poisonous than a snake and scorpion...


Before Brother Trump became president, Ivanka's image in the eyes of the American people was indeed very inspiring.

Although she came from a rich family, she learned from an early age that some things had to be fought for by herself.

She knew from birth that her father had money, that the family was engaged in real estate, and that his father was also very capable.

A woman like her can completely lie down and win, and there is no need to struggle at all.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

But Ivanka said no, she had to fight on her own.

Before junior high school, Ivanka didn't know what it was to be worried, she wanted money and money, and she wanted to love and love.

At the age of 14, her height had grown to 170, and Ivanka had begun to think about using the advantages of her body to make money.

This is really inherited from her father's genes.

Relying on her father's financial resources and her own figure, at the age of 17, she was on the cover of major fashion magazines in the United States.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

The route she takes is all sexy.

Relying on this style of painting, Ivanka quickly gained her own fame in the fashion circle, and she became one of the most desirable women in thousands of dicks.

Having her do the cover of the magazine is the guarantee of sales and, of course, the guarantee of making money.

Her businessman father saw this better than anyone else.

To this end, in order to let his daughter quickly ascend to the throne, the special brother did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to hold a beauty contest.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Ivanka, who is only 20 years old, has become the host of the competition, and in an instant she has become a new favorite in the spotlight, and she is sought after by photographers, and the exposure rate is ridiculously high.

With this competition, she not only became a world-class supermodel, but also an eloquent program host.

Kill two birds with one stone, it's perfect.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Only fame to make a vase, obviously not ok, but also have a higher education, have real skills.

To that end, she went to Wharton and also to Georgetown University.

Although these two schools are not as famous as Harvard, they are not bad.

One is Clinton's alma mater and the other is Buffett's alma mater.

And her major is also very interesting, one is political, one is economics.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

The so-called completeness of both culture and martial arts is nothing more than that.

As soon as she graduated from college, Ivanka honestly started at the grassroots level of her father's company, slowly starting from a small clerk.

She studies all aspects of real estate, as well as management experience and operational skills in hospitality.

At the age of 24, he became a vice president of the family business, overseeing the development and operation of new projects for the entire group, as well as business development abroad.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

The sister was also capable, and during her time in power, she began to reform their hotel at a young age.

What kind of spa, Turkish bath, new massage equipment, etc., and the hotel rooms have been improved.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

This move has greatly increased the occupancy rate of the hotel, making her father more and more fond of her, and her rights in the group are naturally increasing.

In order to do a good job, she only sleeps four hours a day, quite desperately, and the whole person looks like a doer.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Because of this, her father also had a special admiration for her, thinking that she had his own style.

In addition to some of the group's businesses, she also opened her own company, engaged in the fashion and apparel industry, as well as the jewelry industry.

She opened her jewelry store in the heart of Manhattan, New York, choosing the best location and later in Beijing.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

At a young age, she was so capable, courageous, and charming, and soon she won the admiration of many people.

This also laid a solid foundation for her father's presidential campaign in the later stages.

It can be said that the special elder brother can become the president, and this girl is indispensable.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think


Career scenery is unlimited, and feelings will naturally not fall.

As early as 2005, when Ivanka was vice president of the group, she met Kushner because of her business connections.

The two originally cooperated, and when they made money, they scattered, but they did not expect that the more they talked together, the more they had an appetite.

The same age, the same hobbies, and more importantly, the family background is not divided, it is not surprising that the two come together.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Kushner was born in New Jersey, USA, and his family is also quite bullish in the United States.

His grandparents were survivors of the Holocaust in Poland, who fled to the United States through great hardships and wisdom to develop the Kushner family into an American noble family.

The Kushner family also started in real estate, very similar to the Trump family, but their family's strength is much stronger than that of the Te Brothers.

It's just that the tete brother family has a high exposure rate in the United States, and it feels like their family is more bullish, in fact, people Jews like to keep a low profile.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

That's one of the reasons Trump is so happy to marry his baby daughter to Kushner.

On the surface, Kushner looks like a very handsome big man, but in his bones he is also a fierce character, belonging to the kind of man who hides a knife in his smile.

The cultivation of his character has a lot to do with his family education from an early age.

His father was an adventurous opportunist who was very adept at using bank money to create wealth for himself, and after taking over the family's business, he became the largest real estate developer on the East Coast in less than a decade.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

And Kushner is the eldest of the four brothers and sisters, who has followed his father to the construction site to learn skills since he was a child, and he eats and lives to work at the construction site during the holidays.

In addition, he followed his father to and from various important occasions in the United States, meeting congressmen and talking about business, and his father taught him to do business almost hand in hand.

If your family asks him to just do business, you're wrong.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

His mother is also a fierce character, and she will not give in to his studies.

Once, Kushner didn't do well on his exams and he wanted to go home and get through the cracks.

His mother asked him why he didn't do well in the exam, and the buddy said that the teacher didn't like him.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Then his mother yelled at him loudly, "It is your responsibility to make the teacher like you." ”

His mother wanted him to understand: "You don't always count on your parents, they can't take care of you for a lifetime, everything has to rely on yourself to fight for what you want." 」 ”

Subsequently, Kushner went all the way to Harvard, attended New York University, and earned a Doctor of Laws and an MBA.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

When I was in college, I started to do business alone, buying dilapidated buildings in the city at a low price, and then converting them into apartments for sale, and I made a profit of $20 million.

After graduating from college, he started media, network companies, and his own investment company, and became a major shareholder of Instagram at a young age.

They then met Ivanka, and the two married in 2009, becoming an enviable couple.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

In fact, the two broke up once before marriage, because the two families had different beliefs and refused to give in to each other, and finally the two broke up.

At this time, the appearance of Deng Wendi made their marriage, so that the relationship between Ivanka and Deng Wendi became closer.

That year, after Deng Wendi learned that the two had broken up, he specially made a red bride to try to save their love.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Sister Deng had a private yacht party, and when Kushner arrived, he found Ivanka also present.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

It was this gathering that allowed the two to relive their old dreams and reconcile as before, and Ivanka was willing to give up her faith and convert to Kushner's faith for her love.

In this way, the two came together, and in the end Ivanka was able to get happiness, and Deng Wendi was indispensable.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Since then, the relationship between them has also deepened than ever.

After marriage, the couple was like glue, and gave birth to three children in succession, Ivanka was a winner in life, and she also won the trust of Americans.

During her father's presidential campaign, she followed the votes the whole time, even during pregnancy, carrying a big belly and never missing.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

It is this spirit of hers that deeply infects the American people, and some people even say: "I don't support Trump and I don't support Hillary Clinton, but I like Ivanka." ”

It can be seen how popular Ivanka was back then.

Her strength comes from her talent, appearance, financial resources, and family, and Ivanka at that time was really the woman that men wanted most in their hearts.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think


But people will change, not in their position and do not seek their own government, after living in the White House, this sister's route is more and more biased.

Brother Trump became president, and Ivanka and his wife instantly became senior advisers in the White House.

The two moved into the White House after singing and reconciling, and also chose a large Lincoln Suite to live in, and changed the "Office of the President's Wife" to "The Office of the First Family".

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

This move not only made other staff members in the political arena dissatisfied, but also made her stepmother and brother very unhappy.

In the face of doubts, the special elder brother directly blocked the mouths of everyone with a sentence of "no salary".

It can be seen that the father and daughter are really able to play.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

The so-called senior consultant seems to be of little use, but its practicality is greater.

Ivanka's snake-scorpion heart was slowly exposed here.

According to Ivanka's brother Eric, Trump's decision to order air strikes on Syria was strongly promoted by Ivanka behind him.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

If it weren't for this sister, Trump might have been kinder.

In order to show herself, Ivanka is thinking of making a splash in the White House and showing her talent everywhere.

For a time, her limelight overshadowed her stepmother Melania, like a "first lady" style.

The stepmother was angry, and the relationship between the two had been in an awkward state.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Treating the stepmother is so ruthless, and treating outsiders is even more ruthless.

The first to suffer were the family's bodyguards, who had no place to go to the toilet in Ivanka's 2,000-square-meter mansion.

Ivanka's mansion has seven or eight toilets alone, and there is no way, the bodyguards have to endure the risk of their bladder being suffocated every day to solve the problem two kilometers away.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Sometimes, I can't hold back and run to Obama's house next door to solve it.

Later, the bodyguards couldn't bear it anymore and protested en masse, but even so, Ivanka and his wife did not agree to let them go to the toilet at home.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

In their eyes, they were nobles, the bodyguards were poor people, and they were not worthy.

Eventually, ivanka used the people's tax money to build a simple bathroom next to their house.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

This act was also opposed by the surrounding neighbors, and the bathroom was later withdrawn as a last resort.

No way, they used taxpayer money to rent a toilet in the basement of a neighbor's house for the bodyguards to use.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

The toilet door was not finished, and the good girlfriend she grew up with stabbed her in the back again.

Her girlfriend said that she discriminated against the people at the bottom, Ivanka once complained to her girlfriend, once she smelled a stinky fart, because she thought the smell was too strong, she said that this fart must have been put by the poor.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

In her opinion, farts are also smelly, obviously discriminating against the poor.

By 2018, Ivanka was sleeping at home when she suddenly heard yelling outside the door, and she looked at it and was dumbfounded.

I saw dozens of people at the door holding signs that read, "Tell your dad, enough!" ”

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

The move was a protest against their policy of not reuniting illegal immigrant children with their families.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

The policy forced thousands of children to be separated from their parents, and during that time Ivanka added to the funtime of mother and child on her social media.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

As a result, it caused strong dissatisfaction among the people, and even the host of the program could not help but explode.

They are too cruel to the children.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

In addition to this, Ivanka and her husband used their power in the White House to amass wealth.

Know that people are selfish, and in the White House, there is no salary for two people.

They are from merchants, and the hearts of merchants are always interests.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

In order to accumulate wealth, these two mouths also tried their best.

According to media reports, the two of them used their status as important members of the US government to enrich themselves and earn huge wealth.

For example, the operation of Trump's hotel, they earn tens of millions of dollars, and then use the fact that Dad is the president's false head, and publish a book called "Ivanka. Trump: The Woman Who Worked for Dad book made millions of dollars.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Even if you sell books, the key is that the content of her books shows her sense of superiority everywhere.

This was extremely annoying, and it also cost her a lot of people who supported her.

During the epidemic in the United States, the two sons have made a lot of money.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

Ivanka asked her husband to set up a private company to buy and sell anti-epidemic materials, and the couple made hundreds of millions of dollars.

After the scandal was exposed, her father Trump was immediately in trouble.

For the sake of her husband, Ivanka pleaded with her father several times, asking him to pardon the old man who had committed crimes.

In the end, Brother Te agreed to her and released her husband from prison.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

When all the bad things are done, they will inevitably be punished by heaven, and the special elder brother will eventually step down in disgrace.

Ivanka, on the other hand, relied on the national hardship money she made during her stay in the White House to buy a mansion in Miami and live quite comfortably.

Some friends may ask, why did you go to Miami to buy a luxury house?

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

In fact, the reason is very simple, she planned to take her family back to her hometown of Manhattan to live, but she was strongly opposed by the locals.

The streets of her hometown are plastered with "unwelcome" posters.

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

So unpopular, why would she be interested in returning to her hometown to live?

According to media reports, Ivanka will continue to enter politics and run for president in the next step.

But with her current reputation, will this sister get her wish?

The history of the destruction of Ivanka, the "Scorpion Beauty", her story is far worse than you think

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