
Will having an ACCA certificate in 2022 help you get into the big four?

author:Gordon ACCA

Paul Kochakin once said that a man's life should be lived in such a way that when he looks back, he will not regret having wasted his years, nor will he be ashamed of his inaction. Many college students majoring in finance and accounting want to be able to get the internship offers of the four majors during the school recruitment, so they constantly examine to enrich themselves, and ACCA is the choice of many people. Some people dreamed of entering the four major jobs, so they went all the way to the ACCA certificate. So is the ACCA certificate helpful for entering the four major jobs? Of course it helps! Today, Gordon Sister will introduce the help of ACCA to the four major universities.

Will having an ACCA certificate in 2022 help you get into the big four?

First, make up for the lack of professional knowledge

In fact, people who understand know that the four are not a very limited professional place, and there has never been a mandatory requirement for candidates to be financial and accounting professionals, because the four hope that talents from different majors can enter the four major jobs. You can not be a finance and accounting professional, but it does not mean that you can not know anything about finance and accounting. As an international certified public accountant, ACCA's authoritative certificate can largely make up for your lack of expertise.

Second, the ACCA certificate is a stepping stone for you to submit your resume

ACCA can be a stepping stone to your resume. Many of your classmates may not have graduated from 985 colleges, and for a fresh graduate with little work experience, ACCA will be a reflection of your ability.

Will having an ACCA certificate in 2022 help you get into the big four?

Third, the ACCA certificate will help you in the interview

Many students said that many of the case studies learned at ACCA played a very important role in the four major group faces. For fledgling college students, if they have not studied ACCA, there may be no concept of humanity at all, and case analysis skills need to be examined. But ACCA at least on paper gives you the knowledge to do so.

Fourth, English has advantages

The Big Four are very demanding of English. When you appear on your resume to pass the ACCA exam subjects, it means that you already have a certain degree of English ability (although ACCA does not have the mechanism of oral examination and interview, but there are still certain requirements for English reading ability and comprehension ability).

Will having an ACCA certificate in 2022 help you get into the big four?