
Do deciduous teeth need root canal treatment?

When caries or trauma occurs, the tooth is destroyed, the bacteria enter the pulp cavity through the defect, and the pulp (that is, the tooth nerve), which is known as the tooth nerve, becomes infected, produces inflammation, and causes symptoms of toothache. Baby's tooth pain and swelling indicates the presence of pulp or periapical inflammation, root canal treatment is needed to preserve the affected tooth, regular operation, and the smooth completion of deciduous root canal treatment will not affect the replacement of deciduous teeth.

The filling material in the root canal of the deciduous teeth is not the same as the material used in the root of the permanent teeth, the material used by the deciduous teeth can be absorbed, and the filling material in the root canal of the deciduous teeth and the root of the deciduous teeth can be absorbed together with the tooth root during the tooth replacement period, so the deciduous teeth will not affect the loss and replacement of the deciduous teeth after the root canal treatment.

Do deciduous teeth need root canal treatment?

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