
"Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon" - the domineering president is a serious topic

author:Movie lady
"Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon" - the domineering president is a serious topic

Today, Lady finally wants to talk about a classic movie of "the domineering president falls in love with me", which is the love film of the 1990s that harvested nearly half a billion US dollars around the world - "Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon", also translated as "Sparrow Becomes Phoenix", its original name is particularly ordinary, "Pretty Woman". Now as long as Julia Roberts is mentioned, the highest rated and most widely mentioned is still this "Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon", it can be said that the big mouth has eaten its half a life's dividend, and "pretty woman" has also become a movie label that belongs to the big mouth beauty.

In the period of Hollywood black and white movies, although the romantic comedy genre was created, whether it was the "One Night Affair" of the originator of the romance drama routine, or Audrey Hepburn's classic "Roman Holiday", they are all a combination of white rich beauty + poor boy, Humphrey Bogar certainly looks cold and serious, but the setting given to him in "Casablanca" is a bar owner, which is in contrast with the heroine played by Ingrid Bergman - the wife of a high-ranking official, and the old movie is more of a strong woman and a weaker model. Counting up, "Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon" is actually the first strong male and female film that has achieved great commercial success, that is, the model of the domineering president + Cinderella.

The story of "Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon" can be summed up, that is, the beautiful girl Vivian who accidentally fell into the wind and dust met with the millionaire Edward on the street, the two made a contract, Vivian to be his female companion for a week, in this short week, the two from each other to feel good to know each other, and finally the rich businessman married the wind and dust woman, the story ended in a fairy tale.

Now many people can't understand, this is a domineering president fell in love with my chick movie, the vulgar can not be more vulgar, why did it achieve such a high box office at that time? In this regard, Lady can only say that it should be the first to open the atmosphere, explore a set of easy-to-understand romantic love movie model, this model just happens that women around the world are willing to buy it, not so much that the artistry of this movie is high, but rather that its commercial value is relatively large.

I know that whenever people talk about the word "domineering president", they will show a look of contempt and ridicule, as if only a fool would watch this kind of movie, but the real five hundred million box office of "Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon" is placed there, is it said that there are half a billion brains or fools in the world? No, instead of mocking "overbearing president" movies, let's think deeply about why women around the world are so willing to pay for these kinds of movies. The "overbearing president" movie, or "Cinderella" movie, is actually a genre film, a kind of industrialization created by Hollywood as a commodity, and there are many articles to talk about. To explore the mystery of the box office success of "Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon", we may wish to think about it first: what kind of existence is the domineering president?

First of all, Lady feels that the overbearing president is an imported product, because the traditional Chinese love story is the combination of Dong Yong and the seven fairies, the white lady and Xu Xian, the fox demon and the poor scholar, but the Cinderella, sleeping beauty and the daughter of the sea in the Western fairy tale can be counted as the ancient version of "the overbearing president falls in love with me", in these or romantic or aesthetic fairy tales, the overbearing president appears in the image of a prince to save Cinderella in adversity. Of course, the overbearing president will also appear in the second type of image, that is, the beast, which we will talk about in the future film review, the popular big IP "Twilight", which is undoubtedly the hegemonic president into the formula of the beast.

In fact, the domineering president is a product of industrialization and urbanization. In modern times, the domineering president came out of folklore and ballads, and the spread of printing brought them to the novel books read by middle and lower-class women, the most classic of which was the three British female writers in the Victorian period: Jane Austen's Darcy, Charlotte Brontë's Rochester and Emily Brontë's Heathcliff, these three male figures, are the domineering presidents after the Industrial Revolution -

They may be arrogant and arrogant, and fall in love with and kill the playful heroine (Pride and Prejudice);

"Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon" - the domineering president is a serious topic

Or mature but wounded, owning a large estate with secrets, saving poor governesses with love (Jane Eyre);

"Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon" - the domineering president is a serious topic

Or change his wealth status through personal struggle, and hurt his heroine with violent and dark emotional destruction (Wuthering Heights).

"Pretty Lady of the Wind and Moon" - the domineering president is a serious topic

Meaningless, "Pretty Lady" is more of a reference to the domineering president of the Victorian era and incorporates elements of the United States. Unlike the domineering president of the Middle Ages, the hegemonic president of the Victorian period and Cinderella are in love and kill each other and save each other, which is also in line with the rich edward on the windowsill when Vivian proposed to vivian, Vivian said to him: "She saved him in turn!" ”。 The addition of feminist overtones made the story of the domineering president fall in love with me with a little bit of intention.

So why did Hollywood make such a movie in the nineties, when the status of women in the United States was high? The male protagonist is handsome and golden, and the female protagonist only needs to be silly white and sweet? Don't American women claim to be financially independent? Lady thinks that the movie "Pretty Lady in the Wind and Moon" is not so much for American women as it is for the world, especially women in the world's third world countries, which is a sign of Hollywood's global expansion of the box office, and it is also a pink version of the American dream exported by the United States to the world.

American women don't need America's rich men to save, but women in the third world need to, and at the end of the movie, a black man stands not far away and tells everyone: "This is Hollywood, Hollywood is the place of dreams!" Even a romantic comedy can dissect the flavor of Hollywood's ambitions.

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