
Sun, Moon and Stars

author:An educator

Our traditional culture is to take internal cultivation and introversion as the mainstream, and seek harmonious coexistence with the natural world! Only at the critical special moments of major disasters or changes or threats to survival, turn to the heavens and the earth, such as Qu Zi, the founder of the heavens, Liu Che, who wants to share the heavens and the earth with the sun and the moon!

The Yellow River yangtze river has given birth to our profound and inseparable farming civilization, accumulating a long-standing Taoist culture that explores harmony and symbiosis with nature, but it does not seem to have really formed a cultural school of looking up at the stars and seeking its essence! Before western industrial civilization swept us, the understanding of the vast universe was basically in Wu Chengen's "Journey to the West"!

In fact, we have far more than this in our pursuit of the universe, such as the legendary "River Chart", "Luo Shu", "Zhou Yi", etc., as well as the divination and witchcraft that widely spread folk worship and pray for rain, and have derived a large number of literary works, such as Guanyin, Rulai, Taibai Venus, Wenqu Star, and Shangshang Folk, which is the cornerstone of our understanding of the universe!

The origin of the formation of the universe, including the layout of today's galaxies in the general public without the consensus of the concept of the popular population, the scientific community is also a multitude of genres! Before the human mind was civilized, the understanding of the heavens and the earth and the natural universe was chaotic and vague, thus giving birth to religions (classical philosophy) or naturalism that believe in mysterious things and things! Because based on naturalism's curiosity and exploration of the heavens and the earth and the natural universe, sub-disciplines have gradually been born, such as biology, chemistry, astronomy, physics, etc., the most representative of which is Aristotle, Darwin, Pliny the Elder, etc., and our ancestors LaoZi, Zhuangzi, etc.

We explore the natural universe to another branch, such as the Tianzi Emperor who served the human rights of heaven, etc. We have a long-standing culture of divination and celestial observation, but not for agricultural production or people's livelihood, mainly for the service of feudal imperial power, which is a unique cultural phenomenon!

In the usual sense, for the public, the natural universe is actually the sun, the moon, and the air currents that determine the wind, rain, thunder, and lightning that affect our production and life! Ordinary people in the vast space of the universe have no time to take care of it, and they cannot understand it with the usual professional standards, so they rely more on systematic and organized long-term research results!

For the sun, the moon, the stars, whether traditional culture or based on current technology, our understanding of them is simple and complex, simple because of irresistible laws of nature, even if it leads to great disasters afterwards, it is due to the laws of nature! Complexity is because we are always artificially shaping and placing high hopes, such as the sun shining, the breeze and the moon, the starry sky and other figurative times or characters, this simple and good wishes show our goodness and a certain strength of faith! Nature is not like this, and the changes in nature and climate do not change because of goodness! Then human rights and desires are even more so, especially after industrial civilization, human beings, desire is like Pandora's box, has been opened and uncontrollable, and constantly blaspheme goodness, which is a common human face and must deal with man-made disasters!