
Inventory of the top ten classic zombie movies, zombie fans once over the foot addiction (Part 2)

author:Hyper-decompression laboratory

Five: "Don't stop the camera!" 》(2017)

How to make a zombie movie in 2017? Remake? Remake again? Or, try something new with an established formula? Don't Stop The Camera! Decided to try and do that, and the zombies in this movie are just actors in makeup, but once you know the twist of the movie, they fill you with fear like something real. This one-shot sequence and the crew's efforts made their films a success. Something new has been done for zombie-themed movies.

Inventory of the top ten classic zombie movies, zombie fans once over the foot addiction (Part 2)

FOUR: Shaun the Zombie (2004)

The film makes a mild mockery of the established zombie genre, while also taking the narrative threads of its characters into its creative hands. In addition, the zombie attacks are truly heart-wrenching and very bloody when necessary, and Sean is a great hero. Honestly, when Sean is forced to face his mother's transformation, the sad scenes behind it move us every time. The film is considered a modern classic.

Inventory of the top ten classic zombie movies, zombie fans once over the foot addiction (Part 2)

III: The Return of the Living Dead (1985)

If George Romero is the king of zombie movies, then Dan O'Bannon must be the crown prince. That's because the effects of Return of the Living Dead never really went away. Some of the horror movies of the eighties are a product of their time, for better or worse, but the series seems to have fans every year, including a large number of young people. Maybe it's the soundtrack to the punk rock spirit of the film, and those amazing special effects. Whatever the reason, there's no doubt that Return of the Living Dead and its first two sequels remain the best and most entertaining zombie movies of all time.

Inventory of the top ten classic zombie movies, zombie fans once over the foot addiction (Part 2)

II: Dawn of the Living Dead (1978)

George A. Romero is more than just a zombie filmmaker. He's made many great films outside of this genre, from knight to madman, but we have to be honest: he will always be defined by Dawn of the Living Dead. There are worse movies that can be such a topic, but when the end result is on this level, it makes sense. It's the perfect combination of a mall setting, groundbreaking special effects and an avant-garde rock soundtrack that can't stop. It's a once-in-a-lifetime horror movie experience that keeps everyone else on the heels.

Inventory of the top ten classic zombie movies, zombie fans once over the foot addiction (Part 2)

I: Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Before any zombie movie director could do anything, George A. Romero did everything. It's a great way to look at the man's 1968 classic Night of the Living Dead and its lasting impact on zombie culture. It's not a boring, talk-like movie with only five minutes of action. Night of the Living Dead is a tense, violent, and disturbing film that propelled the zombie genre at the time. It was even remade into an excellent film in 1990. It's amazing to see now how Romero and his team have evolved so much from such a simple setup and execution. It is a very good example of low-budget horror filmmaking.

Inventory of the top ten classic zombie movies, zombie fans once over the foot addiction (Part 2)