
Five bizarre stories

author:Teacher Bobo full of vitality

The first story

The other day has been in a very unlucky state, how unlucky? It is walking flat and falling, drinking saliva and choking, things can not be found, small mistakes in work from time to time, being trained by leaders, and losing wallets with friends. These have not been uncommon before, but they are concentrated on the outbreak in those two days.

There is a warehouse downstairs in my house, the owner of the warehouse has a dog, the dog is very old, lying in the doorway all day in the sun, our community is full of people, whether it recognizes it or not, it does not bark. I had to go through that warehouse every day to work, and the dog never responded.

The bad weather didn't come out for a few unlucky days, until one day it was basking in the sun at the door again, and I passed by it as usual, and it suddenly jumped up and barked at me. I am still very afraid of dogs, and I want to hurry up, so he will stop in front of me and bark vigorously.

Later its owner came out and threw it back, and I hurried over, and it was still chasing. Strange to say, I actually had a feeling of lightness and fluttering, and then the whole person became refreshed.

Since then I've been back to my old form, and I'm not unlucky, and the dog still came out in the sun when the weather was nice, but it never barked at me again.

The second story

Add V letter public number jrggs8 to see more than a strange and interesting event

Some time ago, I dreamed that my husband came back, in the dream he and a few friends like passing by the door, those friends I do not know, are waiting for him outside the door, he came in after I hugged him tightly, there is a strong feeling of loss and recovery, but after a while, the people outside the door are shouting that we should go! It was as if they were going to do something. My husband reluctantly wanted to let go of me, but I just wouldn't let go, cry and not let him go, and then woke up...

No matter what I thought about him since then, I never dreamed of him at night, maybe he really went to reincarnation.

He died in a car accident at the age of 30.

The third story

Tell me about what happened to you.

About Grandpa. He was a man from the end of the Qing Dynasty, and he hurt me very much since he was a child, and when he died, I should have been less than seven years old, and it was a summer, and I took a holiday to play at my aunt's house.

That afternoon I went to the commissary to buy a bag of crisp noodles, and when I was a child, snack bags would often come with small plastic toys. I remember very clearly that it was a red deer-headed man with all the limbs and parts scattered and needed to be assembled by himself.

Every afternoon, my aunt went to the tea house next to the commissary, bought me snacks, and then went to play cards with the horns. I was idle and noisy, so I ran back to my brother. There was no air conditioning, my brother was lying on his desk writing his homework, his room was very hot, and I would lie on my stomach and assemble toys. Arms, legs, and weapons were scattered on the desk, and the deer-headed man's workmanship was very poor, and the parts of the legs were loose and could not be assembled. I wanted my brother to help me get it, but he ignored me. From time to time there was heat coming from the room, as if someone had passed by.

Then that's what I'm going to say, the description now may be at odds with the situation at the time, but the impression is so deep, I remember this kind of thing, and I say and listen.

The accessories on the legs of the red deer-headed man first trembled slightly in front of my eyes, like the wind blowing. Then, as if it were carried by an invisible hand, it rose vertically from the desk, floating about a foot in the air, at the height of my nose, fixed, and then drew a small arc in mid-air, and in an instant it clicked again... Drop back on the desk.

The whole process is short and long in the memory, and in fact it is about seven or eight seconds, and it does not make much noise, but it is absolutely clear in the dead room. I pulled at my brother who was sitting next to me and asked him if he saw it? He turned his head and asked, What? Suddenly a chill swept through my body, and I rushed out of the room as fast as I could and ran all the way to the crowded teahouse.

Of course, my aunt didn't believe what I said, and my brother didn't believe me. Say I'm dazzled by the fuss. When I was a child, I didn't understand it, and I just cried, but I decided not to enter my brother's room again. That night, I slept next to my aunt, and when the lights went out, I always felt that there was a figure standing on the white wall.

The next day, my mother and uncle came to my aunt's house to pick me up and said that my grandfather had died, yesterday afternoon.

I've told a lot of people about this, and no one believed it when I was a kid. When I grow up, some people will believe it.

Since I was a child, I have heard a lot of supernatural stories in the countryside, and everyone likes to associate some personnel coincidences without causal relationships and become the talking points in the township, and the more they talk about it after several rumors, the more mysterious they are, which is very easy to explain. I also tried to blame the deception of my memories for what I encountered.

Many people ask me if I believe in ghosts and gods? I say I believe, but not the kind of ghost god that is traditionally understood. Experiencing this incident does not prevent me from rationally understanding the world with a skeptical attitude, but on the contrary, it is good to have a sense of awe.

A lot of things are unverifiable, and after so many years, I may have reinvented this experience over and over again in the retelling of others without realizing it. Does it have to be real? I'm not sure.

The fourth story

I was 12 years old 19 years ago and my mother died unexpectedly. Plains and rural areas need to be watered, that is, irrigated, and before dawn, they have to get up and build wires to drive pumps. My mom got up at 5 a.m. and went. An accident occurred at 7 o'clock. People can't do it directly (a neighbor has to close the electric gate to see if there is electricity). A few days after my death, I dreamed that my mother had returned, sitting in the hall, preparing to eat (she had not had time to eat breakfast when she left), and said to myself that she was hungry. I asked her how you got back and she ignored me. Anti-plagiarism tips. I told my family about this, and the family said that she ignored me because there was a saying in our hometown that the dead can't talk to the living, and it's not good for the living. In addition, she was really hungry without eating, and then my sister and I burned a lot of food that she liked when she was two or seven years old, and since then I haven't dreamed that she said she was hungry.

I think sometimes fortune tellers are also very smart. There was a blind man near us who had calculated her fate, the first time was a year before she died, and told her to be careful in everything, but she was hit by a car, not very serious, and the vehicle that caused the accident ran away. The blind man said that she still had a fate, and if she could escape, she would dodge, and if she could not hide, it was providence. Sure enough, she didn't hide from the second robbery.

More than half a month after her death, my sister thought about finding the blind man again to do the math to see if she was okay over there. The birthday was reported, and the blind man was horrified, and he slammed the thing in his hand, saying don't you know? You can't give death to the dead! You have committed a big taboo, this is to hurt me! My sister was terrified, we really don't know this! Then apologize, the blind man read in our young ignorance, say this matter is over, just remember it later.

In the 12th year of her absence, I dreamed of her again. In the dream, the sun was shining, and she stood in a field of sunflowers, laughing and telling me that she was leaving, going to be reincarnated. The place of reincarnation is not far from my home, a dozen miles to the southeast corner.

Since then, she has never dreamed again.

This dream has also become my deepest memory.

The fifth story

Once, after the New Year, my brother went out to work, and I sent him to take a car to the county seat, and then he needed to go to the county seat to reverse the car to Tianjin.

When I got to the place where I was sitting, I went back, went across the road and found a car and stopped, but he didn't go up, I asked him what was wrong, was there no seat on the car or forgot to take something, he didn't answer me, so he turned back, asked him if he didn't have change, he still didn't answer me, I pushed him but didn't push him, and then after about ten seconds, he was instantly awake, I asked him why he didn't sit in the car just now, he said I don't know, I think someone behind me hugged me and didn't let me go, And say you sit on the next bus, you'll die in this car.

I ignored him when I thought he was joking, and after confirming that he had change and hadn't forgotten anything, I went home.

Later, he went to the county town to call my mother and said that he had to wait for the next one when he saw a car going to Tianjin. I interjected next to me: If you get on your previous car to the county seat, you will definitely be able to catch up with this car to Tianjin. My mother didn't say anything, let him eat something and wait for the next car, if it's too late, let him go again the next day, because of the Spring Festival, he only waited for half an hour before calling my mother to say that he was going to get on the car.

Then my mother called him and asked if he had arrived, and he said that he had seen an accident in the last car going to Tianjin on the road, and had been hit by a tanker truck and caught fire, and listened to the people in the car he was sitting in, as if several people had died on the spot, and many were rescuing.

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