
Gain insight into life through the circle of friends

This article is transferred from: Beijing Youth Daily

Gain insight into life through the circle of friends
Gain insight into life through the circle of friends

Photography / Su Su

Gain insight into life through the circle of friends
Gain insight into life through the circle of friends
Gain insight into life through the circle of friends
Gain insight into life through the circle of friends
Gain insight into life through the circle of friends
Gain insight into life through the circle of friends

The only girl on the ice rink who owns an ice cart

Ji Linsi

On winter weekends, I always like to drag my lover to the park skater. Whenever the laughter on the ice rink and the screams of the timid little girl overlap, I think of my childhood.

Flying snowflakes, transparent ice, snow branches, fences, snow roofs rising cooking smoke, people dressed fat mounds frozen red cheeks, hanging frost eyebrows, beards, bangs, beanie hats, white mist exhaled from the mouth... This is the small northern town I lived in when I was a child, and four or five months of the year are winter. In winter, the whole town becomes a fairy tale world.

At the end of the little street where my family lived, there was an old well, and to the north of the well was a large area of barren grass. To draw water, shake it with a reel, and shake up a large rubber bucket tied with wire. Water leaked between the cracks of the buckets, and adults always carried the rubber buckets out of the wellhead from the side of the wasteland and poured the water into their own buckets. The spilled water fell to the ground into ice. Every winter, as soon as it freezes, a small piece of ice will freeze on the north side of the wellhead, and the ice layer will accumulate thicker and larger, spreading out into the distance, becoming an ice rink for children.

Boys on the ice rink basically have one ice cart per person. The girls don't have ice carts, so they tread and slip, dodge the boys' ice carts, stand on the ice with their feet crossed, and slide out with one step on their feet, like skating on TV. I'm always one on the edge of the ice rink. My parents taught their daughters to be quiet and civilized, and the girl's family should not be like a wild boy. In addition, when I was a child, my chubby hands and feet were so stupid that I couldn't hit them. Although clumsy, the desire in my heart is not stupid. In the winter, I ran to the ice rink with my brother, and my two small hands and cheeks were so red that I refused to go home - I watched my brother's skating car hungry, and my father made an ice car for my brother with a broken little bench, which was very small. The ice carts of the children of the family are basically made with various old things.

When my brother stopped, he would give me the ice cart. As soon as my feet stepped on the ice, my legs shook, and my brother pulled the ice cart to the side so that I could sit on it one by one. Because the ice car is small, I am still stupid, and whoever touches me will overturn the car. At this time, the brother would run up and grab the ice car: "Look at me! "My brother is as tall as me, and his strength is greater than mine, but the one who fights and is picked up by my parents must be my eldest brother's one-year-old sister, and I can only be a spectator again."

My brother was more than ten years older than me, and at that time he was already going to pretend to be an adult, going to school, after school, carrying water, and writing homework. He never looked at this Xiaoice, let alone participated in our childish play. But once the brother did not hold back after hitting the water, he slipped down from the highest ice peak on the edge of the well, slid so far, handsome like a prince!

"Brother! elder brother! I jumped up happily.

The brother looked back at me triumphantly, but glanced at the children on the ice rink, and he suddenly turned and strode up the well platform, picked up the bucket and went home.

When my brother and I came home, my sister was feeding the chickens in the yard, pouting at the dogs that were grabbing chicken food. The barn was turned into a mess by the brother, and the floor in the house was piled with wooden planks, wooden poles, eight wires, nails... Mom was making dinner in front of the stove, counting the brothers while counting, and the brother didn't listen, sizzling with his head and pulling saws and sting hammers. Dad came home from work, and when he entered the door and saw the long wooden plank that his brother sawed open, he suddenly raised his eyes and stomped his feet and raised his slap. My brother's eyes widened, and I shrank my head and closed my eyes. But somehow, Dad didn't beat his brother.

At night, the brother made an ice car, which was a circle larger than the brother's ice car. The ice surface is three wooden planks wider than Dad's palm, put together, and nailed side by side to two wooden poles in the longitudinal row below, each side of which is nailed with a wire of line 8. Bend the two ends of the wire at a right angle, use the pliers to pull out the nail-like tip, and nail it. In the end, Dad helped, filed all the edges and corners, and found a broken shovel rod to cut into two pieces, nailed a large iron nail on one end, and then cut off the nail hat to make a pair of ice shovels, like a skier's pole. Rubbing a thick rope with hemp rope tied to the front of the ice car, my ice car was finished. Mom sat on the kang to sew brother's pants, from time to time to look up at the TV, mouth nagging: "Just get used to it, the little girl is used to being wild, and she won't do anything when she grows up!" "That night's TV show had figure skating, and my sister had been watching it since she finished her homework, but after a while she glanced at the ice cart to be completed in her brother and dad's hands.

I became the only girl on the ice rink who owned an ice cart. My ice car is very wide, I am not afraid of collision, and I have never overturned the car, like an ice armor chariot.

It seems that from then on, my timidity was gone. When I was in elementary school, my family left that beautiful town and never saw the old well or the ice rink again.

I "threatened" him to hit a bad review

The color is not empty

The driver is a wooden-headed melon seed, do not scan the health code, do not start. The girl who carpooled came up, didn't show the green code, he didn't step on the accelerator, no.

Chatting on the road, he said: "I'm going to be a grandfather, happy, preferably a grandson." If it is a grandson, I will do nothing, play with him every day; if it is a granddaughter, if it is a granddaughter... What should I do. I am a bit patriarchal, this is not, the first two years to figure out, the house for the daughter to keep a little. In fact, I look at other people's homes, and it's good for dad and daughter to be tired together, but I really won't. I remember that when she was young, once she wanted to get tired of me, I yelled at her in passing, and after that, she never dared again. Now that I think about it, I still regret it a little..."

Chatting and chatting, I couldn't help but start to persuade him: "After receiving the car today, you call your daughter and greet him coldly and warmly, and you don't lose anything." You're not used to it? Good habits can be formed, just like you have to let us scan the code, you don't drive, we also have to cooperate, right? ”

"Okay, I'll go home and have a look at it today..." he said.

"What's so good to see, you really have to fight, otherwise I'll give you a bad review." I don't do anything about it, and I don't take him as an outsider.

"Hahaha, okay, thank you, you're the first to be so serious..." He was not angry but happy.

"Ah, by the way, you Didi don't have a tracking and monitoring device for drivers, how do I know if you're fighting?" I was half joking, still not spared.

But his temper was very good, and he smiled and said, "You can rest assured, completely by self-awareness." ”

Get off the car, almost collide with the courier brother, they send a single income of seven yuan five, if it is later than the agreed time of one second, deduct half.

Run a company, people are serious!

Chen Si

The little girl was in a good mood one day and told me about her experience of running a company at school.

The background of the matter is like this: the wet tissues issued at school lunch have become the "internal circulation currency" in the class, and everyone will launch some "earn" tissue activities. At first, she worked as a salesman for a company run by a classmate, sold second-hand stationery, and also cooperated with others to sell distribution cards without negotiating...

Towards the end of the term, she came up with an idea to collect waste rubber residue, mix it into plastic erasers, use it, and name her company, Miqu Eraser Culture Company. As soon as the "company" was founded, 8 students joined, which were divided into salesmen, production workers, and trainers. It was in the "rubber manufacturing" stage, which I understood to be the research and development stage.

I asked her what if she didn't sell well? She thought for a moment: "If it doesn't sell well, you have to ask your classmates some questions to see how to improve it, or you can sell suits with other stationery or something..."

Not long after the establishment of the company, it was winter vacation.

Fairy tales are so unscrupulous

And again

"My teeth are about to fall out." The 7-year-old shuangshuang lost a new tooth and said angrily in the mirror.

"What does Bǐng Jiān mean?" On the way to school, they both asked several times, and every time they walked to that place, they had to ask. Every time he said he was going to show it to his mother, he had already walked by. I didn't bother to go back every time, and I was going to be late. Until that day, I finally pointed it out to my mother in time. It was a pancake stall with a crooked and obliquely hung cardboard sign – "Pancake Pan".

On that day, the art assignment assigned by the school was to draw "aliens". Shuangshuang thought about it and raised a question: "Aren't drawing aliens the same thing as painting ghosts?" ”

Once, driving at night. There was a big pit on the road, and there was no time to avoid it, and the people sitting in the car were shocked. Shuangshuang asked incredulously, "Were we just struck by lightning?" ”

Once, the brothers took turns to compliment their mother - "Mother is so beautiful!" "Mom's face is so pretty!" "Mom's so tall!" "Mom is taller in high heels!" "Mom's hair is so long!" "Mom's eyes are so big!" "The eyeballs in Mom's eyes are so big"...

In the end, there was really no word, and Shuangshuang complimented: "Mom's belly is so big!" ”

The parable of the part-time worker

Two men

Idle while looking at the mobile phone while chatting with the part-time worker: "You see what the article says: people with inferiority emphasize identity, vain people emphasize pomp, and backward people emphasize ancestors..."

The hourly worker looked thoughtfully out the window and said quietly: "There is a story in our village, saying that when a donkey introduces himself, he always emphasizes that his ancestors were ridden by Zhang Guolao..."

I photographed trains in the wilderness

Myth Cow

Although it is hungry and cold at this moment, it is a very enjoyable pleasure to fully devote yourself to shooting and creating.

Especially when the old train that ran in this wilderness half a century ago whistled past your eyes with fireworks... It felt like Matthew McConaughey in Interstellar crossing a wormhole and calling out his daughter across the study in four dimensions...

Treasure Library

Xiao Qing

Tongzhou District Library is really a treasure, with a self-study room, an electronic reading room, table lamps, hot water, and sockets. The first floor is also equipped with a book disinfection machine. Fragrant than man coffee.

The "female ghost" in the cloakroom


My husband, who knows nothing about female writers in China, asked me why I bought a picture of a female ghost in the cloakroom. I can only sigh for Ms. Zhang, I want to come to Old Chen is not wrong, Ms. Zhang is indeed a female ghost...

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