
Virtual Mini Programs are online


The company's WeChat Mini Program for virtual items was launched on April 20 to debug the first phase of the function mainly for homestay bookings, and then successively upgraded involving attractions (domestic and foreign), ferry tickets (domestic and foreign) and as a homestay Why do you need to establish your own Mini Program mall? Why not just stay on a platform with traffic? Although the platform has traffic advantages, it is mainly for homestays nationwide, your homestay may not necessarily be displayed in front of the platform, and the platform cannot give your homestay a larger and more complete display space, and some local homestays may not be applicable.

Not only that, the traffic of the platform does not belong to any homestay owner, if the homestay chooses to stay in the OTA, it not only needs to pay a large settlement fee, plus the security deposit and the commission of each transaction, there is also a certain cost pressure for the homestay merchant, and the users and traffic obtained through the platform are also dominated by the platform, and cannot be completely retained in the homestay merchant.

If you build your own Mini Program, the Mini Program belongs to the homestay merchants themselves, do not have to worry about the users and traffic they obtain, and there is no commission for transactions. The settlement is also directly settled to the homestay owner's own account, without any account period pressure. Users who spend on the homestay mini program remember the homestay's own brand, not the third party. Yanguang Technology now provides a complete set of homestay mini program design solutions, allowing you to easily have your own homestay mini program, convenient for tourists to buy online, anytime, anywhere to book a listing.