
It is time to cast the soul and cultivate people -- Fujian strives to promote the documentary of ideological and political work in colleges and universities

author:China Education News
It is time to cast the soul and cultivate people -- Fujian strives to promote the documentary of ideological and political work in colleges and universities

The "Red Channel" team of the Marxist College of Fujian Normal University went to rural primary schools to carry out red culture education. Courtesy of the school

It is time to cast the soul and cultivate people -- Fujian strives to promote the documentary of ideological and political work in colleges and universities

The trainees of the Qingma Engineering Training Class of Union College of Fujian Normal University arranged 100 words on the playground to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. Photo by Lin Xiang

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Promote colleges and universities to generally set up separate categories of Marxist theory, so that the proportion of senior professional and technical posts (professional titles) of teachers in the ideological and political science class is not lower than the average level of the school; make overall arrangements for the monthly teaching subsidy of each teacher of the ideological and political science class to ensure that their income is not lower than the average level of teachers in the school; and clearly stipulate that the proportion of party building and ideological and political work in the performance appraisal and evaluation system of colleges and universities is not less than 30%....

This is a series of measures introduced by Fujian Province to strengthen the ideological and political work in colleges and universities.

In recent years, Fujian has always adhered to the xi jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to cast the soul and cultivate people, implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue, focus on building a pattern of ideological and political work in colleges and universities, and promote the strengthening of ideological and political work in the course of improvement and improvement in innovation.

Efforts should be made to build a pattern of great ideological and political work

"Young students must strengthen their ideals and convictions, listen to the party, follow the party, cultivate a sincere heart, cultivate the strongest brain, train diligent hands, and cultivate a strong physique." On April 9, Yin Li, secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, came to Fuzhou University to preach the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Fujian for teachers and students.

The Fujian Provincial PARTY Committee and the Fujian Provincial Government attach great importance to the ideological and political work of schools, and improve the long-term work mechanism for leaders of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to go to the podium of colleges and universities to give lectures on ideological and political classes. Since the end of 2019, all members of the leading bodies of the provincial party committee and the provincial government have "come out of the queue", gone to colleges and universities to give lectures and deliver classes, preached Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era 26 times for young students, and led leading cadres at all levels to attend more than 600 ideological and political classes.

"Provincial leaders took to the podium to give ideological and political lessons, gave party lessons to students, closely integrated ideological and political education with national and provincial conditions, social reality, and hot issues, and had both a theoretical height and a realistic temperature, and both 'stood up to the sky' and 'stood on the ground,' so that the classroom could be 'ignited' and students would benefit them for life." In the view of Chen Zhiyong, vice president of Fujian Technical Normal College, the provincial leaders have taken the lead in taking the ideological and political class in practice, which has a good demonstration and driving effect, which has effectively promoted departments at all levels to pay more attention to and support the work of Lide Shuren, and has effectively promoted colleges and universities to pay more attention to strengthening the construction of ideological and political science classes.

The key to running a good ideological and political science class lies in the teachers.

Fujian will strengthen the construction of full-time counselors and teachers of ideological and political science as an important part of strengthening the ideological and political work of colleges and universities, and innovatively proposes that colleges and universities should make overall arrangements for full-time counselors and full-time ideological and political science teachers to work at a standard of not more than 1.5% and 2.5% of the total annual per capita performance wage within the total amount of performance wages, respectively, to ensure that their income is not lower than the average level of teachers in the school.

This "endogenous and sustainable" policy was quickly implemented in Fujian universities, and the average monthly salary income of full-time counselors and ideological and political science teachers increased by about 1,200 yuan and 2,000 yuan respectively.

"This has effectively improved the sense of professional identity, honor and responsibility of our teachers in the ideological and political science class, greatly stimulated everyone's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and provided a strong guarantee for promoting the reform and innovation of the school's ideological and political work." Zhang Fayou, vice president of the School of Marxism at Fujian Business School, said.

Plant the plane tree and attract the phoenix. In Fujian colleges and universities, many administrative cadres with doctoral degrees, senior professional titles, and professional backgrounds related to Marxist theory have been transferred to full-time ideological and political science teachers. According to statistics, since 2019, there have been 876 new full-time political science teachers in colleges and universities in the province, accounting for 35% of the full-time political science teachers in colleges and universities in the province.

"Now, the teachers of the ideological and political science class have become 'fragrant and fragrant', and more and more outstanding talents have taken the initiative to join the ranks of the teachers of the ideological and political science class, and the quality of the teaching of the ideological and political science class has also been significantly improved." Wang Jiannan, deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Fujian Provincial CPC Committee and a first-level inspector, said.

At the same time, Fujian has selected 100 experts, scholars, and cadres at or above the department level from provincial and municipal party and government organs and social science academies, formed a "hundred-person group" of specially appointed professors of ideological and political science in provincial colleges and universities, identified more than 200 menu-style teaching courses and special topics, and continued to carry out the "100 people and 1000 lessons" special report tour and send them to school.

Ideological and political work is related to educating people for the party and the country, and only by leveraging key points can we cause changes in the pattern. Fujian has grasped the "bull nose" of evaluation, turned "soft indicators" into "hard tasks" -- ideological and political work has been included in the annual appraisal and political inspection scope of the leading bodies of colleges and universities, and has written into the "examination papers" of the index system of the school's comprehensive school-running strength evaluation, talent training quality evaluation, civilized campus assessment, and performance allocation awards, and has been tilted in the selection of teaching achievement awards and other awards.

Wang Jiannan also revealed a key figure to reporters: 1%-3% of the comprehensive quota standard for public colleges and universities according to the average allocation of students, independent colleges and private colleges and universities can refer to public colleges and universities to extract a certain proportion from students' tuition income and make overall plans for ideological and political work.

In the land of Eight Fujian, the pattern of great ideological and political work is in the fertile soil of the people of the university li de tree, and it grows vertically and horizontally.

Efforts should be made to promote the "Great Ideological and Political Science Class" to go deeper and more concrete

"Brother Dong's ideological and political class, really fragrant!" This is the mantra of many students at Minjiang College.

Brother Dong's name is Chen Dong, and he is a full-time teacher of ideological and political science at Minjiang College. In the classroom, Chen Dong often combines social hotspots with course content to cultivate students' ability to apply what they have learned. His electives became "spikes, with classrooms with just over 300 seats sometimes crowding in more than 500 people.

Not only the students, Chen Dong himself also tasted the sweetness of a good ideological and political class. In 2019, he participated in the Fujian Provincial Young Teachers Teaching Competition and the first National College Ideological and Political Science Teaching Demonstration Activity, and won the special prize. Minjiang University awarded him a heavy award and promoted him to associate professor.

"The school is paying more and more attention to the teaching of the ideological and political science class, which makes many front-line teachers very excited, and more and more young teachers are devoting themselves to the construction of the big political science class." Chen Dong introduced that this year, 15 teachers in the school signed up to participate in the teaching competition of "Telling Chinese Stories and Taking a Good Ideological and Political Course", which was 10 more than in the previous session, and "many participating teachers came to me to discuss teaching design and exchange teaching experience."

In recent years, Fujian Province has focused on promoting the connotative development of the ideological and political science class through measures such as creating excellent curriculum content, teaching methods, and construction environment.

Fujian has vigorously implemented the construction project of "Marxist Theory Teaching and Research Library", organized the compilation of teaching auxiliary materials such as special teaching guides and teaching plan analysis of ideological and political science classes in colleges and universities by course, and published more than 20 books such as "Fujian Exploration of Li De ShuRen" to promote the transformation of textbook content into teaching content. In the province's colleges and universities ideological and political work network set up 22 columns, push more than 10,000 demonstration teaching videos, the cumulative number of hundreds of millions of clicks, to achieve high-quality ideological and political education resources co-construction and sharing.

The inter-school "hand-in-hand" collective lesson preparation and cooperation action is one of the important measures for Fujian to strive for excellent teaching methods. Relying on the "Online Collective Lesson Preparation Platform for Teachers of Ideological and Political Science Classes in Colleges and Universities", 22 online collective lesson preparation activities at the provincial level were carried out. In Fuzhou, Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and other places, establish innovation centers for the teaching of ideological and political science classes in colleges and universities, organize 14 demonstration Marxist colleges in colleges and universities to carry out pairing and co-construction with full coverage of 74 citizen-run colleges and universities, and establish a relatively fixed collective lesson preparation mechanism in the form of package lessons, package films, and school packages.

The head geese lead the way, and the flocks of geese fly in unison. Fu Huifang, executive vice dean of the School of Marxism of Fujian Normal University, introduced that the institute has played the role of the "leading goose" of the national key horse academy, deeply implemented the "1 + N" pilot plan, and brought the general to the general, the public to the private sector, the colleges and universities to lead the primary and secondary schools, and to jointly build and share to promote the integrated development of ideological and political teaching and research. The college led the establishment of the National Digital Horse Academy Alliance, aggregated massive digital resources, remotely coordinated lesson preparation, live broadcasting, and lectures, and provided strong support for collective lesson preparation; built a virtual simulation laboratory with the theme of "Gutian Military Soul", and actively promoted it to universities inside and outside the province.

Fujian also implements the promotion plan for the reform of the ideological and political science teaching method, holds 6 teaching forums every year, organizes nearly 1,000 key teachers to discuss and exchange experience in teaching reform on the spot, and promotes 30 provincial-level teaching method reform special projects such as the "Trinity" of Xiamen University and the "Dialogue Style" of Fujian Normal University.

Minjiang Normal College explores immersive, situational and experiential ideological and political teaching methods. With the help of the school's literary and artistic expertise, the teaching of ideological and political practice and the practice of art are combined to create a modern Fujian opera drama "Youth Festival" and a campus drama "Illuminating Youth", so that the knowledge of party history can be "moved" in the lives of students, and the revolutionary story can be "alive" on the campus stage.

The Union College of Fujian Normal University activates the "Small Classroom of Ideology and Politics" in the walking "Social Classroom", and plants the seeds of Lide Tree in the hearts of teachers and students through the precise funding of "100 people visiting 100 villages and 100 students" and the "indelible memory" of Fujian Red Culture Record. Ying Guiyong, executive deputy secretary of the party committee of the college, said: "Using the education activities as a teaching plan and going the ideological and political class to the field is conducive to stimulating students' feelings of patriotism and love for the people." ”

In recent years, fujian colleges and universities have organized students to carry out on-site teaching at 30 provincial-level ideological and political science practice teaching bases such as the former site of the Gutian Conference, Chixi Village in Ningde City, and the Gu Wenchang Memorial Hall, to transform the former residences of the revolutionary sites and historical and cultural sites into ideological and political science teaching classes; every year, more than 5,000 teachers and students are organized to form more than 400 ideological and political science practice teams to carry out the theme practice activities of tracing the growth footprints of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Wang Jiannan introduced that in the first national college ideological and political science teaching exhibition activities, a total of 17 college teachers in Fujian won awards, including 1 special prize, 4 first prizes, and 12 second prizes. In recent years, the province has newly promoted the establishment of Marxist colleges in 46 colleges and universities, investing 9 million yuan to build 1 national, 2 provincial, and 6 key Marxist colleges of the Provincial Party Committee Education Work Committee, covering different levels and different types of schools at different levels of the civic office and the specialty.

Strive to create a Fujian characteristic Lide tree people brand

100 points, in the workload assessment of all the faculty and staff of Dawn Vocational University, it is not a full score, but a passing line.

Taking full-time teachers as an example, 60 points can be obtained for completing daily teaching work, and the remaining 40 points can be obtained by serving as a class teacher, student tutor, or participating in guiding student clubs, social practice, skill competitions, and carrying out employment and entrepreneurship services.

"Each faculty member must achieve 100 points of education workload per year. The Student Affairs Office regularly issues 'education warning forms' to teachers who do not pay attention. Zhuang Yimin, deputy secretary of the party committee of Liming Vocational University, said that the quantitative mechanism of educating people is aimed at comprehensively stimulating the enthusiasm and creativity of all employees in different departments and different positions to participate in ideological and political work, "Nowadays, the school's ideological and political education forms are constantly enriched, and more and more teachers are over-scored."

This is an important achievement of Fujian's ideological and political work system of "four-dimensional, three-all-round, and ten-person education."

As a pilot area for the comprehensive reform of "three all-round education of people" in colleges and universities nationwide, Fujian has developed and issued the "Implementation Plan for the Improvement of the Quality of Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities", selected and built 1 pilot area of "three all-round education of people", 33 pilot colleges and universities, and 20 pilot faculties and departments, from the ideological and political curriculum to the curriculum, from the school to the outside of the school, from the inside to the outside of the classroom, from online to offline, and comprehensively and three-dimensionally promoted the construction of ten major education systems in colleges and universities, such as curriculum, scientific research, practice, culture, network, psychology, management, service, funding, and organization , let the "three all-round education" really land, better serve students to grow into talents.

On the one hand, grasp the work of "three all-round education" of college teachers, so that the majority of teachers can spontaneously and consciously do the work of Lide Tree; on the other hand, grasp the carrier of student learning activities and ignite the enthusiasm of the vast number of young people for independent learning... The Minpai characteristic Lide Shuren brand has begun to take shape.

The "Qingma Project" is one of the important carriers for the majority of young teachers and students to "move". The innovative implementation of the project of cultivating young Marxists in colleges and universities in Fujian Province has established a ladder training system of "Qingma Project" from the provincial level to the municipal level, the school level and the college level. At present, the "Qingma Project" in colleges and universities in the province has achieved full coverage, and 145,000 Qingma trainees at all levels have been selected and trained.

The action plan for independent study of Marxist theory for college students implemented in Fujian has established 120 provincial-level Marxist theory reading clubs such as Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Marxist-Leninist classic works, and Mao Zedong's anthology, to carry out theoretical study and practical activities on a regular basis.

"The reading club has become a punching point for theoretical exchanges between teachers and students in the school." Guo Linkai, a student of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, joined forces with 30 students to create a "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" reading club to carry out theoretical study and publicity in the form of thinker forums, book clubs, and sharing meetings. Professor Li Baoyan, the guidance teacher of the reading club, said: "The reading club set up a student party history propaganda group this year, through teachers to guide students, students influence students, guide more young students to firmly follow the party, practice real skills, and strive to grow into the pillars of the country." ”

In 2016, the Education Working Committee of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee organized the first quarter of the knowledge contest for college students of public undergraduate colleges and universities to study Marxist theory "one 'horse' first". Subsequently, it was expanded to higher vocational colleges and private colleges and universities, and has now achieved full coverage of citizens' offices, specialties and various categories of students, and the number of participating students has increased from tens of thousands to nearly 200,000 every year. The competition closely follows Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the textbooks of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities, as well as current affairs and the conditions of Fujian Province, and is the first in the country to carry out Marxist theory publicity and education for college students in the form of a television competition. The "One 'Horse' First" knowledge contest was also rated as one of the top ten highlights of the first Fujian Province's ideology and culture.

Fujian has built an online red book house and a red theater, with a total of 28,000 electronic books such as Marxist theory, 27,000 periodicals, nearly 20,000 hours of audiobooks, and 435 videos, which has become an online red cultural home for teachers and students in Fujian universities. Fujian also has an online learning platform for Marxist theory containing 25,000 questions and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, with nearly 80 million online answers by students. The enthusiastic development of online and offline activities has made the study of Marxist theory and the study of the "four histories" the most "tide" for students in Fujian colleges and universities, and has cultivated a group of young Marxists.

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Education Working Committee of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee combined with the study and education of party history in the province to implement the collective action of "telling the Chinese story well and taking a good ideological and political course" to create excellent and tackle tough problems. Closely following the teaching objectives, teaching content, and difficult points of education in the ideological and political science class, taking the telling of Chinese stories as the starting point, taking the history of the Communist Party of China, the series of interviews with "Xi Jinping in Fujian", and the comprehensive promotion of high-quality development and transcendence in Fujian as the story themes, focusing on the selection of major historical events, important historical figures, and advanced role models, especially the stories of General Secretary Xi Jinping's exploration and practice in Fujian, organically integrating them into the teaching chapters of various ideological and political science courses, creating 300 high-quality courses of ideological and political science, and promoting the formation of a curriculum covering all ideological and political science courses. The good story library, good teaching plan library, and high-quality course database of important chapters and key topics will further improve the quality and level of ideological and political science courses in colleges and universities in the province.

(Fujian reporting team members: reporters Chen Zhiwei, Zhang Chen, Zeng Zhihong, Long Chaofan, Tang Qi, Lin Huanxin, Li Ke, and Li Ke, reporters of this newspaper, Lin Huanxin, long Chaofan)

Editor-in-Charge: Cao Jinyue


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