
Entertainment talk show丨 line to the open land

author:Thoughtful client

As a westerner, whenever a movie related to the west is released, there will be more expectations, this expectation, once voted for "Red River Valley", "Coco Xili", but also voted for "No Man's Land", "West Wind Lie", "Turning Mountains", "Decisive Battle Brake Horse Town", "The Third Pole", "Nine-Story Demon Tower", as well as "White Deer Plain", "Knives in Clear Water", "Mountains and Seas", "River", "Balloons", "Wangza's Rain Boots", "The First Parting". In the history of so many years of expectations, there have been disappointments and excitement, but no matter what, as long as I hear that a certain movie is filmed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningbo, and Qingqing, I will not hesitate to run to the theater, and whenever I write film reviews for those films with western elements, I will also be merciful. Once again, I even suggested to the film and television company I worked with to make films with western elements, choose a good story, write a good plan, and hope that they would be accepted. As a Westerner, the love for the entire West is hidden in this selfish heart: I hope that the West can appear more on the big screen.

In the 1980s, there were many films set in western China, the most famous ones needless to mention, and even many martial arts films were filmed in the west, so when I think of those martial arts films, the first image in my mind is, between the yellow world and the earth, a lonely walker, with a long and poignant song. On the one hand, that is because there are several big studios in the west that are making a noise for the west; on the other hand, China's cities have not yet become spectacles, and the urban wonders on the screen have not been simply constructed by the north, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and the west still has a place in the movie, and even become a trend.

Maybe I, as a westerner, have feelings in it, so I always feel that movies with western scenes are particularly good,000, and even directly attribute the beauty of some movies to the desert, blue sky and canyons and stone forests in the lens. I thought, if "East Evil and West Poison" and "Journey to the West" were filmed somewhere else, could they still have that desolate energy? Especially "Journey to the West", its nonsense, if there is no such desolation to support, it is probably just absurd.

Later, the West once withdrew from the big screen, not only because the urbanization of the mainland accelerated, making the urban wonder the main background of the film, but because the film itself was also in decline. Finally, that decadent energy passed, and the west appeared in the movies one after another, "Wheat Field", "Myth", "Mulan", "Three Guns Shooting Surprise", "White Deer Plain", "Let the Bullets Fly", as well as "West Wind" and "No Man's Land". The West offers a different view from the city, but also gives the film a different meaning.

Director Gao Qunshu explained the reason why he set the story of "West Wind Lie" in the west: "In some kind of open, far away from the crowd, lonely scene, under some extreme situation, a group of people fight back - this kind of story is what I like more, it is more extremely intense. Everyone in the story can do their best to fight with all their might. "I like this statement very much, the West seems to be closer to the original instinct of man, more stimulating people to reveal the most primitive parts of their human nature, and therefore more dramatic.

But the Westerns I imagined could be richer, not necessarily only desperate and antagonistic, not necessarily chivalrous and righteous, so I always said only "films shot in the West" and not "Westerns". "Westerns" always make people associate with the story genre, and movies with Western backgrounds can be broader, can be romance, can also be science fiction, less tourist-like gaze, less curiosity.

I even expect that films set in western life will be profitable just by showing them in the western provinces. I know very well that in the era of globalization, such an idea is too fantastic, but in our literary and artistic life, there should be many different cells, many different life appearances.

The young man in Cape Seven said, "Go to his Taipei." Probably this is also the meaning, can not be except for Taipei is the edge, Beijing is all the frontier, only a kind of super perfect world, in fact, very simple." To the west, to the north, at least in the movie, to the open.

Source: Thoughtful