
The distant mountains are long, and the mountains are green

author:Ink literature
The distant mountains are long, and the mountains are green

【Distant mountains, xiaoshanqing】

It rained for more than ten days in a row. The distant mountains are foggy. Thinking of finding a day to spare, invite friends two or three, and travel the mountains together. In the middle of October, the plane trees in Nanjing should have fallen to the ground, and the autumn leaves of Qixia Mountain should look like Mingxia.

Invite friends to sit in their own courtyard. Under the eaves, warm a pot of biluochun, waiting for the rain to stop. It was almost noon when the rain stopped. The distant mountains were foggy, and the clouds were coming out. Walk slowly from the path behind the house to the mountain. There were raindrops falling along the way, ticking and ticking, which was nice. Walking the cobblestone road, winding but picturesque and not boring.

The distant mountains are long, and the mountains are green

Walk halfway up the mountain and discover the unique scenery of the persimmon forest. Little red persimmons hang from the branches like lanterns. It's late autumn. Autumn in the mountains comes earlier than in the city. It may be closer to nature, the four seasons in the mountains are distinct, spring flowers, autumn moons, summer cicadas, winter snow, neatly arranged into four seasons.

The autumn breeze blows, not cold or cold. I want to be swept up by autumn, rolled into the gentle breeze, in the soft clouds, and dream of an orange flavor. On a cold night, the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes wafts outside the house. Old Man Li, who sells sweet potatoes, has arrived. This is an exclusive memory of autumn nights from childhood. In retrospect, autumn is the sweetness of roasted sweet potatoes.

The distant mountains are long, and the mountains are green

Slowly turn down the hill. This season, there are even vendors selling marshmallows. The marshmallows on the trolley are like clouds in the sky. The air is sweet. Unable to resist the temptation of sugar, he bought a marshmallow with a friend. Eat all the way. It's like going back to when I was a kid, in the season with marshmallows, I always bought one on the way out of school to end the day.

In the late autumn, it gets dark early. It was only six o'clock in the afternoon, and the night was low. Looking at the starry sky, the sky is wide open. I think of Mr. Dongpo's poem for no reason: but the distant mountains are long, the clouds and mountains are chaotic, and the mountains are green. Years pass easily, and the years are easy to grow old. It is better to steal half a day's leisure on the tip of this autumn tail, which can withstand ten years of red dust dreams.

About the author: Nanfeng, born in a small town in Shaanxi, likes to read, likes the poet Shu Ting, index finger. Love all the good in the world.

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