
Watched countless bad movies, and gave everyone a selection of 5 good movies

author:Tidal movies

As a qualified writer, in accordance with the principle of conscience creation, every day to give you a variety of Amway movies. Today's Amway movie is more special, because this is the tidal university, watched countless bad movies, only selected excellent movies, absolutely reliable! Don't miss it. Nonsense is not much to say, directly on the film, the following rankings are in no particular order.

5. "Shirley the Greyhound" 2013

Watched countless bad movies, and gave everyone a selection of 5 good movies

This film is adapted from the famous French children's book, and has been adapted into film and television works many times before this, and the level of this film is even higher. The point is still! The tides have no resistance to dog-themed movies! Coupled with the fact that in addition to the furry dog, this movie also has the combination of Xiao Zhengtai and Grandpa, the whole movie is warm and harmonious, the story is simple and warm, and people want to shed tears. And the Swiss scenery that makes you want to cry, an absolute gem!

4. Sophie's Choice, 1982

Watched countless bad movies, and gave everyone a selection of 5 good movies

This film may not have gorgeous technology, but the depth of the script, the performance in place, and the completeness of the story are rare to see. This film is the heroine Meryl Streep won the 55th Oscar queen laurel, the story is smooth and natural, coupled with the heroine's almost anti-heavenly performance, nearly 3 hours of film, feel a swing. About a woman's epic movie, Sophie's choice is no choice but the best option for it.

3. Rock Campus, 2003

Watched countless bad movies, and gave everyone a selection of 5 good movies

College is beautiful because we have dreams, we have endless dreams, we have endless poems. We are passionate, we are born with blood, and we have made our dreams into rock 'n' roll! As Jack Black's masterpiece, inspirational and interesting, he brought to tears the tide of being a college dog at the time. So this is a very cute movie, refreshing, leisure and entertainment to play chicken blood must be good.

2. "The Three Kings of Prison Escape" 2000

Watched countless bad movies, and gave everyone a selection of 5 good movies

This film is the work of the Coen brothers, the two brothers are almost a film film quality assurance, this film has the coen brothers' consistent unique style, black humor, absurdity, is the film name is too ugly, this is the earliest tide classified as "a good movie will be missed because of the movie name", this is a film about friendship and happiness, but also about fate and jianghu. George Clooney is still handsome as a prisoner, and this tide is also convinced.

1. The Secret Life of Speech, 2005

Watched countless bad movies, and gave everyone a selection of 5 good movies

After watching "The Shawshank Redemption", I was fascinated by Tim Robbins, but rarely saw his other works, and this "Secret of Words" is another of Tim Robbins' masterpieces. This film has a quiet and distant mood in it, but also a lonely movie, everyone has their own story and pain, how should we face these traumas, the expression of the film seems to be unfazed, but it can have a deafening experience, and there is a power that will always penetrate people's hearts.

It's not early, I wish you all a good night

Everyone has anything to say, and those who want to complain are welcome to throw at the tide