
The guarantee of the healthy growth of children: deciduous teeth, do 4 points, to ensure the safety of children's teeth

author:Snow drifts

Deciduous teeth are very important for your baby's sunny image and healthy physique throughout life! Healthy deciduous teeth not only help babies chew food, but also help with pronunciation and image beauty, and guide the correct germination of permanent teeth.

Then it is very important to protect your baby's deciduous teeth.

Babies around the age of 1 are most likely to fall, resulting in baby teeth injuries because they are learning to walk during this time. According to the International Association for Dental Trauma, half of all children have experienced dental injuries, and school-age boys are twice as likely to have dental injuries as school-age girls.

The pain caused by dental trauma to the baby, the distress and financial burden to the parents are self-evident.

In daily life, what measures can we take to effectively prevent the baby's tooth trauma and various accidental injuries?

The guarantee of the healthy growth of children: deciduous teeth, do 4 points, to ensure the safety of children's teeth

1, must pay attention to the "dangerous goods" in the hands of the baby

Some babies who can just walk like to walk around with bottles, straws, spoons and other objects, play while eating, and when they fall, it is easy to cause teeth, lips, palate and other injuries. In the cases where dentists encounter children whose mouths are poked by foreign bodies, foreign bodies include chopsticks, forks, straws, bamboo sticks, combs, etc., which can be described as various. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the "dangerous goods" in the hands of the baby.

The guarantee of the healthy growth of children: deciduous teeth, do 4 points, to ensure the safety of children's teeth

2, the dining chair is not a "safety island"

Some parents let their babies sit in children's chairs to eat, which is conducive to developing good habits. But sometimes your baby shakes violently or tries to escape, causing him to lose his center of gravity and fall. Walkers, strollers, cribs and children's dining chairs are often treated as safe islands by parents, but don't let your baby leave the adult's sight for a long time, because super babies may be able to escape from the "safe island" and accidentally injure themselves.

The guarantee of the healthy growth of children: deciduous teeth, do 4 points, to ensure the safety of children's teeth

3. Safety hazards in the room

Tables and chairs, bedsides, sills, debris and wires scattered on the floor in the room may pose a threat to the little baby who is walking and running. Now many families have steps or stairs in the house, practicing climbing the stairs is extremely challenging for the baby, due to the small force of the person, the possibility of falling on the stairs is still quite large. In addition, the power outlets and terminal blocks that can be seen almost everywhere in modern family rooms are needless to say about the threat to small babies.

The guarantee of the healthy growth of children: deciduous teeth, do 4 points, to ensure the safety of children's teeth
The guarantee of the healthy growth of children: deciduous teeth, do 4 points, to ensure the safety of children's teeth

4. Equally important to the baby's education

For infants and young children, simply preaching is not enough. This is because the baby does not yet have the ability to think abstractly, coupled with strong curiosity, but also very rebellious, the more adults do not let go to the place, do not let the things move, the more he wants to go in to see, touch the hands. Under the premise of ensuring safety, take the baby to experience: such as fire, hot pot, boiling water: knives, forks, needles will be very glass: the ground with water is easy to slip: standing on the seat of the crib will be regular... The acquisition of this direct experience helps infants and young children to gradually develop a sense of risk aversion.

The guarantee of the healthy growth of children: deciduous teeth, do 4 points, to ensure the safety of children's teeth

When the deciduous teeth are injured, it is recommended to take the baby to the hospital for examination in time, and the doctor will make corresponding treatment according to the condition.

It should be emphasized that after dental trauma, in many cases, the condition cannot be stabilized in a short period of time, and there will be a process of continuous development. Therefore, parents should follow the doctor's advice to take the baby to review regularly, and do not easily think that no pain is fine. #Parenting ##乳牙 #

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