
How old is a baby to teeth? Regarding the eruption time and care method of deciduous teeth, it is necessary to know in advance how old the baby is and whether teething is qualified? About the eruption time of deciduous teeth Parents should understand in advance that deciduous teeth eruption is never lacking in the nursing method of the baby teeth here, parents can not miss the mommy has something to say: the growth of deciduous teeth is fast and slow, and related to many factors

author:Angelia Mommy

Raising children is never an easy task, especially for novices.

Many parents check the information before the baby is born, study carefully, and confidently welcome the little one, and then they will be tired to find: "How is it different from the book?" ”

I don't blame the parents for being dizzy, it is true that each baby is unique, how can they all grow according to the same template? Take the dental problem that many parents are most concerned about: when to teeth, the growth of deciduous teeth is different for each child.

How old is a baby to teeth? Regarding the eruption time and care method of deciduous teeth, it is necessary to know in advance how old the baby is and whether teething is qualified? About the eruption time of deciduous teeth Parents should understand in advance that deciduous teeth eruption is never lacking in the nursing method of the baby teeth here, parents can not miss the mommy has something to say: the growth of deciduous teeth is fast and slow, and related to many factors

However, there is still a range of differences in individual conditions, and then we will understand the answers about the timing of deciduous teeth eruption and the way of care.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" how old is > baby to be teething? Parents should know in advance about the eruption time of deciduous teeth</h1>

In a person's lifetime, there will be two groups of teeth - deciduous teeth and permanent teeth, with a total of 20 deciduous teeth and 10 upper and lower jaws.

Although the growth time of the baby's deciduous teeth is affected by many factors, in general, the baby will start to sprout teeth around 6 months, and the earlier baby will be four months earlier, but due to the different conditions of the child, the difference of one or two months also occurs from time to time, but it should be noted that the teeth will not be later than one year old.

How old is a baby to teeth? Regarding the eruption time and care method of deciduous teeth, it is necessary to know in advance how old the baby is and whether teething is qualified? About the eruption time of deciduous teeth Parents should understand in advance that deciduous teeth eruption is never lacking in the nursing method of the baby teeth here, parents can not miss the mommy has something to say: the growth of deciduous teeth is fast and slow, and related to many factors

In addition, most of the baby's teeth will follow the law of "first down and then up", and appear symmetrically, and 20 deciduous teeth will generally grow around two and a half years old.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > deciduous tooth eruption never lacks a prompt signal</h1>

★ Drooling, and even "wrapping lips" and other situations:

The most obvious sign of the tooth molar period is the large amount of saliva secretion.

Because the baby stimulates the submandibular glands of the salivary glands while the teeth are cute, a large amount of saliva is generated.

The baby's mouth is small, and it is easy to "wrap the lips" when swallowing hard, and it has been spitting, and it will flow everywhere, which is actually a normal phenomenon.

How old is a baby to teeth? Regarding the eruption time and care method of deciduous teeth, it is necessary to know in advance how old the baby is and whether teething is qualified? About the eruption time of deciduous teeth Parents should understand in advance that deciduous teeth eruption is never lacking in the nursing method of the baby teeth here, parents can not miss the mommy has something to say: the growth of deciduous teeth is fast and slow, and related to many factors

★ Bad mood, love to bite people and bite things:

Although the teeth represent a new stage in the baby's life, the experience is really bad. Your baby's gums will feel sore and itchy, so the mood will fluctuate greatly, and he will often bite something to relieve the discomfort of the gums.

At this time, the parents and the toys around them have become the best object for them to vent their emotions, and there will often be acts to bite people, and parents should pay more attention to give more understanding.

★ Sleeping and eating are not steady:

How old is a baby to teeth? Regarding the eruption time and care method of deciduous teeth, it is necessary to know in advance how old the baby is and whether teething is qualified? About the eruption time of deciduous teeth Parents should understand in advance that deciduous teeth eruption is never lacking in the nursing method of the baby teeth here, parents can not miss the mommy has something to say: the growth of deciduous teeth is fast and slow, and related to many factors

Not only is it uncomfortable during the day, but even more so at night, the quality of the baby's sleep will also be affected, and the performance will be more obvious when eating and drinking milk, and many babies will be anorexic and lose weight in the budding period.

At this time, parents pay attention to "feeding on demand" to ensure that the child's intake is sufficient to maintain daily vitality, and there is no need to blindly feed the baby according to the "three meals" at regular intervals.

★ The gums are red and swollen

With the eruption of deciduous teeth, the baby's gums will also be red and swollen, slowly revealing "small white spots", which is the manifestation that the deciduous teeth are about to erupt.

How old is a baby to teeth? Regarding the eruption time and care method of deciduous teeth, it is necessary to know in advance how old the baby is and whether teething is qualified? About the eruption time of deciduous teeth Parents should understand in advance that deciduous teeth eruption is never lacking in the nursing method of the baby teeth here, parents can not miss the mommy has something to say: the growth of deciduous teeth is fast and slow, and related to many factors

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" > care methods for deciduous teeth are here, and parents should not miss it</h1>

(1) Keep the perioral area dry

An authoritative doctor in pediatrics has said that if the baby's saliva is not treated in time, it will cause redness around the mouth and jaw.

After all, the small baby itself has a small amount of oral content, can not store too much saliva, coupled with insufficient swallowing power, there will be a flood of saliva and other situations, so in the baby's teething period, saliva towel is an indispensable "artifact".

(2) Biting gum and grinding sticks will become a good helper for parents

How old is a baby to teeth? Regarding the eruption time and care method of deciduous teeth, it is necessary to know in advance how old the baby is and whether teething is qualified? About the eruption time of deciduous teeth Parents should understand in advance that deciduous teeth eruption is never lacking in the nursing method of the baby teeth here, parents can not miss the mommy has something to say: the growth of deciduous teeth is fast and slow, and related to many factors

Babies need to "grind their teeth" to soothe their gums, and parents can buy them some safe biting gum or teething sticks. This is cleaner and hygienic, and it also reduces biting.

(3) Appropriate distraction

Babies in this period need more companionship from parents, parents can read to the baby when the baby is irritable and anxious, or play games, go outdoors to run, divert the baby's attention, and also help the baby to smoothly pass the "teething period".

How old is a baby to teeth? Regarding the eruption time and care method of deciduous teeth, it is necessary to know in advance how old the baby is and whether teething is qualified? About the eruption time of deciduous teeth Parents should understand in advance that deciduous teeth eruption is never lacking in the nursing method of the baby teeth here, parents can not miss the mommy has something to say: the growth of deciduous teeth is fast and slow, and related to many factors

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" > Mommy has something to say: The growth speed of deciduous teeth is related to many factors</h1>

★ Parents' genetic genes: If the parents themselves are relatively late in their teeth, then the baby's late teeth are normal, and parents do not have to worry too much.

★ Self-nutrition intake: Some babies are born with a strong mouth to eat, rich milk intake, teeth will be earlier, and children who are more picky or have poor gastrointestinal function may have teething "half a beat later".

How old is a baby to teeth? Regarding the eruption time and care method of deciduous teeth, it is necessary to know in advance how old the baby is and whether teething is qualified? About the eruption time of deciduous teeth Parents should understand in advance that deciduous teeth eruption is never lacking in the nursing method of the baby teeth here, parents can not miss the mommy has something to say: the growth of deciduous teeth is fast and slow, and related to many factors

★ Boys will be relatively later than girls: in general, boys will develop physically and mentally later than girls, and the same is true for teething.

These are some of the common influencing factors. But in any case, if the baby still has no signs of teeth budding when he is one year old, parents must take the child to the hospital for examination.

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