
What to do with deciduous teeth for oral health

author:Beijing Shunyi Maternity and Child Health Hospital
What to do with deciduous teeth for oral health
What to do with deciduous teeth for oral health

Recently, the 8-year-old boy tied the door with cotton thread to kick and pull teeth to attract attention, the little boy's mother recorded the whole process with a mobile phone, the boy tied his teeth with one end of the line, the other end was tied to the doorknob, with a foot to kick the door open, the teeth also followed the successful fall off, and then directly covered his mouth with his hands to rinse his mouth. Some netizens commented that when I was a child, I also extracted my own teeth. So what should the child's left-in deciduous teeth "go from here" is scientific?

What to do with deciduous teeth for oral health

1. When the child reaches the tooth replacement period, the deciduous teeth are loose but have not fallen out, do you need to pull them out in a hurry?

If the deciduous teeth are not obvious, but the permanent teeth are not cute, you can wait, do not have to rush to extract, but if the deciduous teeth are very obvious, the child is afraid of the pain of the bite and dare not eat with this tooth, nor dare to brush the teeth, resulting in poor oral hygiene, loose deciduous tooth tooth surface and gingival margin food residue long-term accumulation, resulting in chronic inflammation of the gums and even bleeding, etc., should be timely extraction of very loose deciduous teeth, in order to facilitate normal chewing of food, oral cleaning and healthy germination of permanent teeth.

2. Is there a risk of self-extraction of teeth using the soil method? Is there a risk of rinsing your mouth immediately after self-extraction?

With the above tooth extraction method, there is a certain risk, first of all, the sterile conditions can not be reached, it is possible to cause infection of the tooth socket extraction, rinse the mouth immediately after the tooth extraction, it is easy to wash away the blood clots that have just formed, resulting in obvious bleeding. In addition, there are some patients if there is a coagulation problem, self-extraction of teeth caused by bleeding, in ordinary families, it is generally difficult to take the correct first aid and emergency hemostasis measures, medication and other aspects are not achievable. There is also a safety issue that cannot be ignored, under the action of this impact force, the risk of wired loosening and deciduous teeth falling into the airway.

3. The permanent teeth have grown out, but the deciduous teeth have not fallen out, forming double rows of teeth, how should this situation be handled, or should the deciduous teeth be extracted?

If there is a double tooth discharge phenomenon, it is recommended to extract the remaining deciduous teeth to facilitate the eruption of the permanent teeth in the correct position, some parents are worried about whether the permanent teeth that are misplaced and erupt need to be corrected immediately, in general, it is recommended to observe for three to six months, most of the children's lower anterior permanent teeth can gradually erupt in the normal position.

4. What problems should I pay attention to during my child's teeth change period? (including diet, life, hygiene habits, etc.)

Dental replacement period, it is recommended to give the child to eat some apples or pears and other some hard fruits, do not cut too fine or even squeezed into juice, but should try to let the child bite these fruits on their own, so that it is conducive to the replacement of teeth, but also to promote the development of teeth and jaws, and is conducive to the self-cleaning of the mouth, it is also recommended to eat some coarse fiber food, and pay attention to meat and egg collocation, balanced nutrition. Usually cultivate to rinse your mouth after eating food, brush your teeth in the morning and evening, brush your teeth correctly and use floss, it is recommended that parents help their children clean their teeth before going to bed. The cleanliness of oral hygiene, on the one hand, is conducive to the health of the deciduous permanent teeth, preventing the occurrence of caries, on the other hand, to avoid acute swelling and pain of the gums during the process of tooth invasion, the formation of erupting gingivitis, and severe cases causing symptoms such as infection and fever.

5. What are the precautions after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, the doctor will let the child bite the sterile cotton ball or gauze to compress the bleeding for about half an hour, the child should learn to swallow the saliva in time, so as not to loosen the cotton ball in the process of compressing the hemostasis, can not achieve the effect of hemostasis, avoid parents or children themselves repeatedly take out the cotton ball, or bite the cotton ball for too long, do not brush the teeth on the day of the tooth extraction and do not rinse the mouth, it is recommended to eat soft and cool, avoid nibbling on the side of the tooth extraction, prevent bleeding and infection.

Text | Department of Stomatology Ren Zhiming

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