
That little secret about deciduous teeth

author:Tease Tooth Han

Deciduous teeth will begin to grow out one after another around 6 months after the baby is born, about 2 and a half years old--- 3 years old, a total of 20 teeth. By the age of 6 or so, it will fall off one after another, and generally around the age of 12, it can be replaced by permanent teeth.

That little secret about deciduous teeth

Contains a hybrid dentition of the lacto-largo-thora and permanent teeth

The crown of the deciduous teeth is generally bluish white or nearly white, unlike the yellowish white of the permanent teeth.

The stabilization period of the deciduous tooth root can be seen in the following table:

That little secret about deciduous teeth

There is also a little secret about the deciduous tooth root, that is, it is the only hard tissue in our human body that can be physiologically absorbed and disappeared.

Since the absorption of the root of the deciduous tooth is intermittent, we usually find that it is sometimes loose and sometimes stable when we check it.

After the deciduous teeth grow out, they are not all closely together, and some children will have gaps between the deciduous teeth, generally between the maxillary deciduous incisors and the deciduous teeth (the second and third teeth above), and between the lower deciduous teeth and the first deciduous molars (the third and fourth below), which is a normal gap, called the primate gap (we are also primates); as the child grows up, the jaw gradually develops, and the deciduous dentition column will also appear gaps, which is the developmental gap, which is also normal.

That little secret about deciduous teeth

Finally, remind everyone: deciduous teeth have a decisive role in children's growth and development and mental health, and must be well protected!

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