
These 5 healing max books, warm cry! 1. Penguin Bloom (Cameron Bloom, Bradley Trevor Griffe) 2, Charlie the Parrot (Audrey Laney Topping) 3, Helen the Little Fox... (Takeda Tsunami) 4, Tiger Panda (Penny Stone) 5, Morre's Door (Ted Kelaso)

author:Amu teaches you to pretend to read a lot

Can't talk, can't work, always loses hair and urine, needs to shovel and remove insects and take a bath... But when they lean over to lie down in the palm of your hand, or rub it close to you when you are sad, the healing power of that soothing can't help but make people think, is that a little broken thing?

When people pet dogs, blood pressure becomes low, the heart rate slows down, and the secretion of oxytocin and dopamine that makes people feel happy and stable will also increase. Amazingly, it's the same for dogs. The inexplicable and wonderful bond between man and animal may be the magical code that the person who wrote the process of life has planted for us!

<h1>1. Penguin Bloom (Cameron Bloom, Bradley Trevor Griffe</h1>).

These 5 healing max books, warm cry! 1. Penguin Bloom (Cameron Bloom, Bradley Trevor Griffe) 2, Charlie the Parrot (Audrey Laney Topping) 3, Helen the Little Fox... (Takeda Tsunami) 4, Tiger Panda (Penny Stone) 5, Morre's Door (Ted Kelaso)

It's a story about being healed and being healed, about being dependent on and being relied upon, a story about how close animals and people can be, and at the same time, it conveys the great power of love.

Photographer Cameron Bloom and wife Sam have loved each other since they were 19 years old, seeing each other as the "first, final, and only love" of their lives, and they have three sons. Instead of erasing the Blooms' passion for life and each other, family life felt an increasing love for each other and their family. However, an accident robs Sam of his legs, and Sam is unable to regain confidence in life, plunging the family into suffocating pain.

At this time, the injured little magpie entered their lives. The whole family takes good care of it. After recovering, the little magpie still returns to Bloom's house from time to time, playing with the children, sleeping together, and being close to and accompanying Sam. Because of its black and white coat, everyone called it "Penguin" and gave it a surname, and since then the little magpie has had the name "Penguin Bloom". Because of the rescue, Sam once again feels the feeling of being needed; the courage of the "penguin" to overcome the pain and fly again also gives her encouragement; and the daily closeness also shows its naughty cuteness and tacit understanding between the two sides. The little magpie and this family, their healing is mutual.

<h1>2. Charlie the Parrot (Audrey Lonning Toping).</h1>

These 5 healing max books, warm cry! 1. Penguin Bloom (Cameron Bloom, Bradley Trevor Griffe) 2, Charlie the Parrot (Audrey Laney Topping) 3, Helen the Little Fox... (Takeda Tsunami) 4, Tiger Panda (Penny Stone) 5, Morre's Door (Ted Kelaso)

This lively family carries their animal retinue everywhere they go, and they often joke about it. Charlie won the hearts of all people and animals because of his proud personality and linguistic talent. Together with his 5 sisters, Charlie went through different stages of life: childhood, sad adolescence, love, marriage. He experienced celebration, joy, death, sadness, melancholy, until he finally found himself. It's laughable to travel with Audrey and the Charlie family, who have gone through unpredictable careers, several different cultures, a lot of history, and even a little bit of philosophy. This book may answer the question that is hotly debated today: Are parrots thinkers or bird brains? Even if it's just to feel the pleasure of Charlie squatting on his shoulder in his head, this book is worth reading. Touching and amusing, Charlie the Parrot is unforgettable. As the author's dedication goes in the English version: dedicate love and laughter to Charlie the Parrot and his loyal human companions.

<h1>3. "The Little Fox Helen Left Behind..." (Takeda Tsunashi).</h1>

These 5 healing max books, warm cry! 1. Penguin Bloom (Cameron Bloom, Bradley Trevor Griffe) 2, Charlie the Parrot (Audrey Laney Topping) 3, Helen the Little Fox... (Takeda Tsunami) 4, Tiger Panda (Penny Stone) 5, Morre's Door (Ted Kelaso)

This book tells the story of the whimpering of the wife downstairs, which has not dissipated for a long time. She called and told her children who lived in The City of Far Mile that Helen had left us. It was a quiet morning, and the cries of the children on the other side of the phone seemed to reach my ears. To me, Helen was like coming for death, what message was it trying to convey to me? I couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

<h1>4. "Panda Tiger" (Pan Wenshi</h1>).

These 5 healing max books, warm cry! 1. Penguin Bloom (Cameron Bloom, Bradley Trevor Griffe) 2, Charlie the Parrot (Audrey Laney Topping) 3, Helen the Little Fox... (Takeda Tsunami) 4, Tiger Panda (Penny Stone) 5, Morre's Door (Ted Kelaso)

Tiger is the only wild giant panda that has been followed and studied by humans since birth. It was baptized by nature and suffered from "electrocution" in the zoo. But fortunately, the tiger now lives freely in the wilderness that belongs to it. According to scientists, 1 in 10 giant pandas is still kept in a zoo or a breeding farm...

Through 17 years of field scientific investigation, pan Wenshi, the author of this book, truly records the strange way of life of giant pandas and their mysterious "social" structure.

Passionate words and precious pictures of wild pandas will completely change your impression of giant pandas and will also trigger people's deep thinking about environmental ethics.

<h1>5. "Mole's Door" (Ted Kelaso).</h1>

These 5 healing max books, warm cry! 1. Penguin Bloom (Cameron Bloom, Bradley Trevor Griffe) 2, Charlie the Parrot (Audrey Laney Topping) 3, Helen the Little Fox... (Takeda Tsunami) 4, Tiger Panda (Penny Stone) 5, Morre's Door (Ted Kelaso)

The main content of "Moer's Door" is the story of a dog, my dog Moer, but also the story of thousands of dogs in the world. They live in an increasingly urban environment, and if we humans can try to change our behavior, rather than constantly asking dogs to change their habits, maybe they will be happier.

Mohr was fortunate to live in the suburbs of northwestern Wyoming, WHERE the distinction between civilization and primitiveness was not so obvious. It has a lot of outdoor space and freedom, and can come and go as you please from the dog door at home, but it taught me how to get along with dogs, and I think it should be suitable for any corner of the world. Mole made me understand that the important thing is not just to install a door in the house and let the dog come and go freely, but to open a door to its spiritual and emotional world and to stimulate its potential. Mole taught me not how to train dogs, but how to be a companion to dogs. It did not teach me the method, but taught me attitude. And the most important attitude is to know how to loosen their chains, the locks of the body, the locks of the mind, the locks of life, and even throw the chains away completely, so that the dogs can learn to be independent, follow their noses, and run freely.

Well, I'll share it here today, and we'll see you tomorrow.