
Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

author:Good song for you

Years have never defeated beauty, especially those who have experienced the precipitation of years and washed away the lead. The elegance and calmness of their bodies are by no means comparable to today's plastic surgery and refinement.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Maggie Cheung, who is hidden in the city, is such a beauty. Superstars like her are mentioned almost every once in a while as "talking points".

Recently, a group of fashion photos from 13 years ago by Maggie Cheung once again pushed her on the hot search, and netizens praised her as "beauty in the bone is not in the skin" and "still a goddess." ”

"Goddess" Maggie Cheung, who could have been like her contemporaries Liu Jialing and Guan Zhilin, could have lived the second half of her life like actresses Liu Jialing and Guan Zhilin, but she did not take the usual path and rewrote her own ending.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Earlier, Maggie Cheung was photographed by the media wandering around the market alone, and in the photo, she was plain-faced, simply dressed, cheerfully chatting with passers-by, and generously sharing with them the shoes she bought at a low price.

Speaking of this behavior, she just laughed: "It seems sad to buy only a brand name, and the 19-piece affordable shoes also have their own unique charm."

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

The words revealed satisfaction with the cheap goods on Silk Street, and this low-key and spontaneous look made it difficult for people to glimpse a little trace of the Chinese's highest achievement in the past.

And so on, unloading the status of a star, the daily whereabouts of the extremely civilian, there are too many to count in Maggie Cheung.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Although as soon as she appears, she will be attached to the comments such as "beauty is late" and "haggard face", but the rumors about her coming back from time to time will occupy the forefront of hot searches. It seems that the public still has expectations for the actress who has withdrawn from the screen stage prematurely.

Her path to fame was not easy, from a commercial film that only needed to appear and mix a familiar "vase" existence, to a budding acting role, which took about twenty years.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

But since 2004, she has only shown her friendship in "Love in the City", and since then, whether it is a famous guide book or an invitation from an old friend, she has been euphemistically rejected by Maggie Cheung.

Because Maggie Cheung feels that it is more important to live her own life than to play the lives of those characters in the script.

As she said: "After playing others countless times, now I want to play the role of Maggie Cheung, and I don't know who Maggie Cheung is." ”

While she enjoys a free life in a self-amusement, the gears of her destiny are also turning with her master.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

First, the path to fame: from vase newcomer to strength film queen

Maggie Cheung was born in Hong Kong and grew up in the United Kingdom.

When I returned to my hometown as an adult, I wanted to have a simple and pleasant vacation with my family, but I was accidentally photographed by a star scout and shot a few advertisements.

It was these advertisements that gave her the opportunity to participate in the Miss Hong Kong pageant in 1983, and finally won the second runner-up and most photogenic miss laurels, changing the trajectory of her life and officially entering the show business circle.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

After becoming famous, she was asked why she participated in the Hong Kong sister beauty pageant in the show "No Defense Tonight" run by Huang Xia, Ni Kuang and Cai Lan.

She pretended to put her arms around her arms, but couldn't help but laugh, "Definitely because of covetousness and vanity."

Think about it deeply, maybe it's just a joke from Miss Zhang, who came from a well-off family, moved to the UK with her parents at the age of eight, and was educated at Kent Secondary School.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

The year after winning the runner-up of Hong Kong Sister, Maggie Cheung took over the TV series "Drawing a Rainbow", and her performance in this drama was favored by Wang Jing, and she had the opportunity to star in his "Frog Prince".

In the same year, she also starred in the romance film "Fate" with her brother Zhang Guorong, who had just debuted, and played the delicate and cute Monica in the film, which made her win the trophy for best new actor at the 4th Academy Awards.

It can be regarded as the first appearance in the film world, but the role she played later had a repetitive personality and a single personality, which did not bring sublimation to her acting skills.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

At this time, the Hong Kong film industry developed rapidly, the industrial chain was also extremely mature, it only took one or two months to make a complete film, and Maggie Cheung also took a large number of drama contracts at this stage.

In these systematically generated films, she usually only needs to appear as a beautiful female character, and what really changed Maggie Cheung and made her acting skills breakthrough is her cooperation with director Wong Kar-wai to star in his debut film "Carmen of Mong Kok".

Maggie Cheung plays Ah E in the film, the cousin of Gu Qiuzai Ajie (Andy Lau), who lives in her cousin's house and has a secret affair with her over time.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Maggie Cheung's performance dealt with Ah E's ambivalence of longing for love but pretending to be estranged, and the role of Ah E also brought her a nomination for best actress at the next year's Academy Awards.

What really made her win the Role of the Queen of the Academy Award was Xiaoyu in "The Man Who Doesn't Take Off His Socks".

This year, she also had another work, which was "People in New York" with Guan Jinpeng, and she won the Golden Horse Award after "The Man Who Doesn't Take Off His Socks" and won the Golden Horse Awards.

Today, she has shed the name of "vase" and is justifiably a powerful actor, living on the theater screen and leaving people's questionable eyes.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

In the "Rolling Red Dust" cooperated with Lin Qingxia, many people felt that the Yuefeng she played overshadowed the limelight of the protagonist with limited roles and excellent performances.

In the following ten years, she won many golden horses, golden statues and Berlin film queens with works such as "Ruan Lingyu", "Sweet Honey" and "Fancy Years", and she is undoubtedly one of the actors with the greatest influence on the development of the Hong Kong film industry.

However, Maggie Cheung has three dreams, the first is to be a hair stylist, followed by cutting the hair of her idol Huang Rihua, and the third is to be a good actor.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Extremely spontaneous, she even thinks that acting is not a good personal skill, and cooking and housework are the most powerful.

"I don't want to be just a star, but cry and laugh, nothing more."

This sentence is placed on any artist today, and the public may think that this is a unique Versailles quote, and this is only Maggie Cheung's rare wish to be revealed in front of people.

Elegance and heroism go hand in hand, tradition and innovation go hand in hand, this is Maggie Cheung's unique charm, so that the viewer can not help but pay attention to the gaze, for her to lay a column to the glorious staircase of the highlight.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Second, the key to the establishment of the name: the romantic nature after the multi-faceted shadow

Jackie Chan once commented on Maggie Cheung:

"Her achievements are not mainly in acting, but in terms of being a person. She was the most successful woman I had ever met and the happiest woman. She lives herself, so she looks different and cuter than anyone else. I've never seen anyone as happy as she is. ”

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

In the era when the gods and immortals in the Hong Kong circle fought, if the actresses wanted to prosper in the red land for a long time, in addition to relying on their superior hardware conditions, they also had to have the well-being to gather the time and place to benefit people and people.

Maggie Cheung's luck has always been very good, but when it comes to beauty, it seems that it is not as good as Wang Zuxian and Zhong Chuhong, who have worked together. The reason why she is particularly appreciated by various directors is that her well-known good dramas have contributed to it.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

In 1985, Jackie Chan and Maggie Cheung starred in "Police Story", in which Maggie Cheung had many fights, although she had just debuted at that time, she still insisted on refusing to act as a stand-in, personally playing, really fighting and falling.

Later, for many years, when Jackie Chan was interviewed about actresses, he couldn't help but praise Maggie Cheung as the most dedicated actress he had ever seen.

Maggie Cheung's body has a natural and primitive charm, she has a persistent factor in her personality, but also has an uninhibited component, working hard for people, but dealing with things but with the encounter.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

It is these scattered characteristics that together make up the glittering her, making her beautiful but unaware that she is vivid and moving, romantic and lovely.

But Maggie Cheung's love path is not as smooth as her blossoming career, even bumpy.

In 1987, she met Er Dongsheng, a young talent who was seven years older than her, and the two fell in love. This love experience was full of happiness and joy when Maggie Cheung was mentioned on the show.

However, the good times did not last long, and the macho Erdao and the slender and sensitive Zhang Maggie, who lacked the father's love, eventually failed to run in, and the two had their own edges and angles, forcing them to break up and meet again.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

In 1993, Maggie Cheung met Real Estate Businessman Song Xueqi on the plane, one was a young talent and the other was a beautiful woman, and they naturally attracted each other.

But this relationship, for Maggie Cheung, hit the hardest.

At that time, Song Xueqi's company's capital chain was broken, and the capital turnover could not be opened, and Maggie Cheung did not want to see her boyfriend distressed, so she resolutely took out the 10 million yuan she had accumulated for a long time to help her boyfriend tide over the difficulties.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

But this ten million was lost in less than two years, and the road of love between Maggie Cheung and Song Xueqi also came to an end.

What makes fans feel most sorry is the relationship between Liang Chaowei and Maggie Cheung, who have publicly stated that the other party is the most suitable person with him, but Liang Chaowei finally chose Liu Jialing, who complements his personality.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

In 2004, Maggie Cheung starred in her husband Olivier's "Cleaning", in which she played an addicted mother Emily, who won the Cannes film in one fell swoop, and in the middle of filming, Maggie Cheung and director Olivier divorced.

Maggie Cheung, as a film artist, has sensitive empathy and perception, her feelings are meticulously contained in the environment she is set up, she believes in love, and dares to love, so she is not afraid of failure, after all, it is a big deal to break up.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Third, after the honor: leave the reflector and be a new person.

Director Guan Jinpeng asked Maggie Cheung in the movie "Ruan Lingyu" that she did not want anyone to remember her in the future, at that time, Maggie Cheung, whose career was in the sky, smiled and replied,

"It doesn't matter if anyone remembers me fifty years from now, but if anyone really remembers me, it's different from Ruan Lingyu." Because she allowed herself to stay on the most glorious days of her own 25 years old, she is now a legend. ”

Unexpectedly, this sentence she once talked about in the movie actually appeared in her own destiny as a kind of criterion.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Everyone suddenly found that Maggie Cheung, who thought she would always act, suddenly disappeared into the film world one day, and engaged in rock and roll like Emily, who played her role in "Cleaning".

Maggie Cheung, who is not willing to do only one thing in her life, feels that doing rock music gives her the feeling of chasing her dreams for the first time.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

But even if her influence in the film industry is deeply rooted in the field, as a newcomer to the song world, everyone will not buy it if she sings badly.

At the Strawberry Music Festival, she was ridiculed by netizens for singing the rock version of "Sweet Honey" throughout the whole time, and for the negative comments, she repaired it for a year, and then talked about it only self-deprecatingly:

"I searched online for how to sing and didn't go out of tune, but I didn't find it, so today I have to continue to run out of tune." I acted in movies 20 times and was said to be a vase, so please give me twenty chances to sing. ”

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Previously, a variety show invited Maggie Cheung to appear as a guest, and her free and confident performance in this variety show washed away the media maliciously put the hat of "demonization" on her.

The words printed on her poster by the program team are: Maggie Cheung, a musician who is not defined by achievement. Listening to her sing was like listening to her confession, and it was like listening to her confession. Word by word, sing to herself, and pay tribute to the busy life she loves all the time.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Maggie Cheung's life is full of surprising encounters, she chooses to subtract when dealing with all the encounters, everything is obedient to her heart, she has never been a "light as water" person.

But this may be the reason why she was able to safely retreat from the tip of the tide and the rapids.

Maggie Cheung rewrote the trajectory of her life from a vase to a powerful film queen, and also reversed her destiny journey as a good actor.

Maggie Cheung, in this way, rewrote her ending

Clothing and food are not her ideals in life, and wealth and wealth are like floating clouds.

Life is also rich and wonderful, but also full of the output of her values when she looks at problems, and let us look forward to how to use the rest of her life to play zhang Ying, who has played various roles large and small, how to use the rest of her life to interpret ordinary people "Maggie Cheung": have fun in time and enjoy a good life.

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