
Good selling houses have these characteristics

author:Uncle Star room talk
Good selling houses have these characteristics

I am Uncle Xing, you meet and hate the late buyer soldier, has provided the best solution for 8,000 people to buy a house. Uncle Star is not like other self-media, which makes you confused! Uncle Star belongs to the practical school and only says the most useful operations and suggestions for you

Question: Uncle Xing, coordinates Chengdu. Before asking you, the top floor of the 13th floor can not be bought, mainly investment, and then asked two intermediary friends, are strongly recommended not to buy, because the late is not good to sell, and the selling price is cheaper than the middle floor nearly 10%, because only paid 20,000 deposits, please ask Uncle Xing, do you want to stop loss in time, give up this suite, after all, the house in the early 3 million, after all, really became "real estate", which is unbearable for the family.

In addition, please ask Uncle Xing, the total height of the 13-story house, it is best which floor is better integrated, the total height of the 7th floor?

Third, there are both villas in a small area, and there are 7 floors, as well as 13 floors and 28 floors of houses, for such a step-up house, investment in which type of best, the villa is not wanted, you have repeatedly stressed, investment avoids villas.

Answer: 1. Generally speaking, the top floor is not recommended for investment, and it is more difficult to sell in the later stage, and it cannot be sold at a good price.

2. The price of the general number of layers will be higher, and most of the layers in the middle of the number of 6 to 10 are more appropriate.

The house has seven floors, which is a multi-storey house and generally does not have an elevator. Regardless of whether there is an elevator or not, if there is an elderly person, a child, choose 3 floors. Didn't choose 5 floors, the view is a little better.

3. Choose from three dimensions: price, apartment type, and location of the building.

In terms of price, there must be a difference between high-rise small high-rise and multi-storey. If the budget is sufficient, the multi-level prefers the small high-level, and the second high-level is again.

In terms of apartment type, the proportion of the three types of products must also be different. Generally, the multi-storey apartment area is large, and the high-rise apartment area is small. From a design point of view, multi-storey apartment types are more reasonable, go back and refer to the first point, price.

In terms of the location of the building, the high-rise is generally a row on the outskirts of the community, a row next to the road. Most of the bungalows are in the middle, and the surrounding landscape resources are better. If you like quiet, definitely choose the middle of the community. If the view of the landscape on the upper floor is very good, it is not impossible to choose the upper floor.

In short, the budget is the biggest factor, if you do not consider the purchasing power, the order of purchase is: multi-storey > small high-rise >-up. Because if a community is configured with these three types of rooms, it must be multi-storey villas or stacked villa-level mansions, and they are all in the core location of the community. The small high-rise or high-rise is arranged along the road or elevated road around the community to isolate the intrusion of the outside world into the core area of the community.

Question: Uncle Xing, just need to prepare to buy a house, look at a suite in the suburbs, the environment is very good, there are mountains and water, the apartment type is also very good, my wife and I like this environment, but it is biased, the appreciation ability is definitely not as good as the city, I don't know if I can start, I don't know if I can win the trend for a long time?

Answer: Ordinary people buy a big misunderstanding that the first two sets are bought for consumption and self-occupation, and the third or fourth sets will consider investment appreciation.

When I first started thinking about living in, what would be the problem? Always thinking about buying a new house, buying a large area, buying a good garden, the result is very biased. It is cool to have a garden in the large community, and it may be very happy to live in at the beginning, but the more you live in the back, the more unhappy it is.


On the one hand, the cost of transportation is very high, to know that most of the employment opportunities are in the urban area, the pursuit of large areas of new houses, commuting time is difficult to stay up, 2 hours a year on the road is just the beginning, there is not much time to stay at home, long-term living down must have resentment.

On the other hand, the house is not rising, buying too biased, just start to live nothing, but after a few years, you will find that the house is still that price, other people's houses you can't see are rising, people are most afraid of the contrast, other people's houses have risen, your home does not rise, your mentality will also be affected.

In fact, the house is still that house, and every house will be depreciated, but why is it that some people live more and more cool, and some people live more and more angry?

I think that the increase is a very important factor, live well, rise fast, which do you want?

Of course, those who have money can have all of them, but if the budget is not much, you still have to make compromises. If you live cool, then don't care about the return on investment, just be at ease, if you want to rise fast, you should give up living at the beginning and buy the house with the fastest increase.

Question: Hello Uncle Xing! Coordinates Anhui Hefei, there is a suite in hand, Silihe China Railway International City, the school district is very general, there is no subway planning at present. Children are one year old, want to buy a school district house after the child goes to school, the current 2 plans, 1 is to sell the current house, buy a school district OK house, and one is to buy an old and broken child who can live to go to school later, while appreciating, the money in hand is not enough to pay the down payment, Bengbu has a set of houses bought by parents, can you sell it to buy a school district house? The price of school district houses has risen sharply recently, and the house prices in Bengbu really have no hope, so when the school district houses appreciate, or buy them a set of houses in Bengbu. The above 2 schemes, I don't know what Uncle Star suggests? Or have other suggestions, thanks

Answer: The second suggested plan is to go out of Bengbu to buy a house in Hefei School District. In fact, China Railway International City is also good, and the future development of Hefei Luyang District is to turn to the North Silihe area!

In the past ten years, Hefei's development focus has been to the south, including to government affairs, to Binhu, in recent years, many old city improvement customers and upstart groups to government affairs Binhu relocation.

But there are still many customers who are not willing to go away from the old city, and there are many indigenous people in the main urban area of Hefei, who grew up in the main urban area, more or less have the plot of the old city, and from the north of the south second ring road, there is no independent high-quality new area, there are many people who like the prosperity of the main urban area, and they are not willing to stay away from the improvement group of the old city, where will they go to buy?

Four Mile River is the only one to fill this gap, close to the main city near seamless docking, the small environment of the area is good, the park green space is more, the development of living experience is good, now many quality improvement plates, the property is also very good, the leader Vanke was developing there at that time, it was indeed a thought, but also the South Gate Primary School and the forty-five middle school were invited to run a branch campus, and came to run a commercial complex.

Unwilling to leave the old city, and then to improve, many of them ran to the Four Mile River plate to buy a house.

Then the original residents of the old city, the South Gate Primary School forty-five is very plot, well, this side just opened another branch, incidentally a wave of school district rooms.

What is the gold content of the school district houses in this precinct? Is there any growth? I think there is indeed growth, famous schools have successful school running experience and model, the area is very pure high-end commercial housing, the quality of students is very good, the school district has the potential to continue to improve, in the past two years, even many people for the school district to run there to buy a house, zf, school, family are attached to, the combination of the three parties, students' academic performance can be gradually improved, the gold content of the school district will slowly increase.

In terms of the price of China Railway, it is low in this area, you can continue to hold, the house in Bengbu can be sold, and then Hefei will buy a school district house for self-use and investment.

Hefei various sectors share and high return on investment of real estate, see the internal sharing!

Question: Uncle Xing, originally planned to invest in buying a house with spare money, but friends around me advised me not to buy, saying that now the global crisis house prices will plummet, there will be many people selling real estate, now I don't know whether to buy or not?

Answer: Many people who tell you not to buy a house actually have their own basic disk, their bank card balance, and their social circle are their basic disks, which gives them the courage to rent a house for a lifetime.

Just like married people always tell single people not to get married, marriage is the graveyard of love, and when you have children, you have to fight with the beast. But they won't say anything about the benefits of marriage.

When others tell you that living in the present moment and living in a life with poetry and distance, have you ever thought that the other party has a basic disk, and you have your own basic disk?

In your 20s, you can fight with others, fight overtime, and when you are in your 30s, thousands of troops and horses cross the single wooden bridge, even if you have embarked on the position of manager with extraordinary courage and ability, do you dare to ensure that you will not make mistakes in your life? Do you dare to say that you will be able to climb to the top of the pyramid?

If not, then you need to build your own basic disk early to help you resist risks.

I'm really not advocating how good a house is, but as a normal person, a house is probably the most accessible and stable type of asset for us.

Question: Uncle Xing, thank you for the previous reply, now look at a disk, the community environment is very good, the apartment type is also more like, but the location is not very good, look at the surrounding second-hand house listings are more, the price feels that the price can not sell the price, more entangled, but I think I am self-occupied, should not consider too much, anyway, pull a long time should not lose money, you think?

Answer: I think that whether buying a house is self-occupied or investing, liquidity is your last line of defense.

Before buying a house, it must be assessed whether there is liquidity in the property market of a city or region, whether there is room for continuous rise, whether it can withstand the impact of unexpected events, and whether it can continue to rise after the sideways adjustment, because the era of buying a house has passed.

What is liquidity? That is, the house you bought for 3 million, when you sell it in a few years, you must first sell it, and remove the interest and cost, and the amount in hand is at least more than 3 million, which is a cost-effective and capital-protected transaction.

Someone bought a house, and then urgently needed money, when it was sold, it could not be sold at all, the original price could not be sold, and it had to be discounted to bleed to ship, such a house was the most money-losing.

Anyone buying a house, whether to make money or not is not the most important, it is more important to sell it and not to lose money!

So how to buy a liquid house?

Good neighborhood, good house, good location, good price increase!

Liquidity indicates that there is demand in the market, and in the foreseeable future, market preferences will not change too much!

Summarize the laws of the residential market: in addition to the value of the house itself, the higher the liquidity of the house, the higher the valuation. If the liquidity of a house is strong, then its value may increase much, you buy me to sell, drumming flowers, the price is sold higher and higher, in turn, if the project has no liquidity, the house price will not go up.

It is difficult for the price of villas, tourist real estate, etc. to rise, and the rapid rise in the price of supporting houses such as schools and subways has a lot to do with the strength of its liquidity.

To buy a house with strong liquidity, you can pay attention to the following 5 points:

1. Buy residential products, ordinary people do not buy apartments, shops, office buildings and other commercial real estate;

2. Buying a house in a good sector and area, that is, buying in a place that is easy for most people to accept;

3, the area should not be too large, moderate area on the line, the apartment type is best to be normal;

4, the total price of the house to < relatively low >, too high the total price is not conducive to the flow;

5. Whether the loan can be borrowed and the number of loan terms also have a great impact on liquidity.

The above Q&A comes from the "Star Uncle House Talk" WeChat public account, which can be answered one-on-one + gifted with the most valuable cities and plates in the country in 2021.