
The strength of the second generation of Digimon is generally low, is the joint exhibition evolution a subordinate evolution method?

author:Silent Bell

In the digital world, if the digital beast wants to become stronger, evolution is the best way, there are many ways to evolve, such as normal evolution, leaping evolution, X antibody evolution, armor evolution, etc., today I will talk about the joint exhibition evolution of the digital beast.

Syndic evolution, also known as hop-on evolution, is the main evolution method of "Digimon Adventure 02", in the setting of the story, because the "Divine Plan" was destroyed, resulting in the selected children's Digimon can not evolve normally, so they have used "armor evolution" and "joint exhibition evolution" to solve this problem, although the combat power is not satisfactory, but finally saved the digital world.

The strength of the second generation of Digimon is generally low, is the joint exhibition evolution a subordinate evolution method?

The evolution of the joint exhibition literally has the meaning of union and display, and the joint exhibition evolution is precisely the combined evolution of the power of the two digital beasts, because the "sacred plan" of the second generation is destroyed, the joint exhibition evolution always gives people an evolution quoted due to lack of strength, so the digital beasts of the second generation protagonist group are generally not high in combat strength. So is the digital beast evolved by the joint exhibition really not strong? Like the "Mecha Dragon Beast" evolved in the joint exhibition, it is only at the general level of complete body, and the re-evolved "Imperial Dragon Beetle Beast" is ridiculed as a "zero-combat beast" because of its poor performance, but is this really the case? Is "Syndika Evolution" really so bad?

The strength of the second generation of Digimon is generally low, is the joint exhibition evolution a subordinate evolution method?

Personally, I think not, first of all, the "Omega Beast" is also a digital beast evolved from the joint exhibition.

In fact, "Omega Beast" is the first group exhibition evolution digimon to appear in the anime. In Digimon Adventure: Our War Game, the two ultimate bodies, the Battle Tyrannosaurus Beast and the Metal Garuru Beast, are fused by the strong will of people expecting good deeds to deal with the Diablo Beast, and the strength of the most powerful royal knights of the norm is undoubtedly born from the evolution of the joint exhibition.

The strength of the second generation of Digimon is generally low, is the joint exhibition evolution a subordinate evolution method?

In digimon tri, the blackened "Seat Angel Beast" and the blackened "Laguire Beast" evolved into the final BOSS "Order Beast" in the joint exhibition, and finally with the help of the "Omega Beast." The Mercy Beast Form" defeated her. And here we learn about the "evolution of the association", due to the "Omega beast. The Mercy Beast Form is an evolution of the "Omega Beast" and the "Six Ultimate Bodies" exhibition, so the Digital Beast of "Joint Evolution" is not only two Digital Beasts, but also two or more. Like the "Ogudu Beast", it is the digital beast of the seven demon kings jointly evolved, and there are also the "Ultimate Chaos Beasts" of the four powerful people's joint exhibition evolution. The multi-digimon group exhibition evolution seems to be the standard for the strong.

The strength of the second generation of Digimon is generally low, is the joint exhibition evolution a subordinate evolution method?

Therefore, the evolution of the joint exhibition is not a subordinate evolutionary way, maybe the second generation is just an accident, or the strength is really not good. There are countless strong people in the evolution of the joint exhibition, like the first person of the digital beast now" "Jace Beast GX", "Jace Beast X" and "Stubborn Beast X" Joint Exhibition Evolution, the strength of the world. The "Apollo Beast" with the power of the sun and the "Beast of Diana" with the power of the moon are on par with the "Elegant Nova Beast" of the evolution of the universe. The "Duranda Beast" of the strongest sword and the "Blivi Lutheran Dragon Beast" of the strongest shield are like a savior in the joint exhibition of the evolution of the "Lord Beast of the Gods".

The strength of the second generation of Digimon is generally low, is the joint exhibition evolution a subordinate evolution method?

This all proves that the evolution of the joint exhibition is the upper evolutionary way. Today's sharing is here, welcome to discuss and exchange, and thank you for your patience to read, this article originated from my original, the picture comes from the network, if there is infringement, please contact to delete, thank you for cooperation.

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