
In the Water Margin, Li Kuitian was not afraid, even Song Jiang dared to split, but why was he so afraid of Yan Qing?

author:No one's rivers and lakes

First, Li Kui who swayed and changed

For Li Kui in "Water Margin", people's views have always been in a kind of swing change.

For example, in the eyes of the older generation, Li Kui is definitely the loudest business card in "Water Margin", no less than Wu Song who fights tigers. In the past, there was an animation called "True and False Li Kui", if you are interested, you can search for it.

It was only as people's living conditions became better and better that Li Kui's image was subverted. So much so that now, Li Kui has almost become the most unloved good man of Liangshan, why is this so?

In the Water Margin, Li Kuitian was not afraid, even Song Jiang dared to split, but why was he so afraid of Yan Qing?

For one reason, humans are environmental animals. The subversion of Li Kui's image is accompanied by the exclusion of "Water Margin", and now many people do not want to kick "Water Margin" out of the four famous works? And there is only one reason: the more the good han of Liangshan looks, the more he looks like a group of lawless bandits, and Li Kui is a representative figure.

So is this a good thing or a bad thing? Of course, it is a good thing - the so-called Guotai Min'an! Who among the common people does not want the little days to get better and better, and the red tickets in their hands to get thicker and thicker? When you meet someone who is committing a crime, the chances are that the smaller the better? It's complementary!

As for the ancients, especially those who read books, such as Jin Shengsi commented that Li Kui was "naïve and messy". Li Zhuowu went even further, openly saying that Li Kui was the "first living Buddha of Liangshan", and that was because Li Kui represented their repressed disposition. Therefore, Jin Shengsi and others all slammed Li Kui and stomped on Song Jiang!

In the Water Margin, Li Kuitian was not afraid, even Song Jiang dared to split, but why was he so afraid of Yan Qing?

In fact, this is also the psychology now? In real life, the author is honest and honest, but once on the Internet, I can't help but "release a handful". After all, people are rooted in the material world, wandering in the spiritual world (virtual space), naturally there is nothing to think about.

Reading is the same thing. Readers' attitudes can often feedback what they crave most! Such as this topic: Li Kui in the "Water Margin" is not afraid of heaven, anxious even Song Jiang dares to split, why was yan qing "repaired" clothes pasted, so afraid of Yan Qing?

In the Water Margin, Li Kuitian was not afraid, even Song Jiang dared to split, but why was he so afraid of Yan Qing?

Second, Li Kui's biggest feature

What is the biggest feature of Li Kui? It is estimated that many people will say that indiscriminate killing of innocents is not distinguished between good and evil, in fact, it is brainless! However, the author would like to ask: Then Li Kui let go of The Ghost of Li who pretended to be blocking the road and robbing him, how to explain it?

In "Water Margin", Li Kui gave the answer, he said to Li Ghost: "You have a filial piety, I will make a capital with you ten silver, and then go to change your career." ”

This is clearly Li Kui who understands good and evil and has a brain!

So the author's answer is: Li Kui is a person who lives in the world of self.

In the Water Margin, Li Kuitian was not afraid, even Song Jiang dared to split, but why was he so afraid of Yan Qing?

In other words, li kui does everything based on self-standards. Because he was not a good woman, he used this to ask Song Jiang, always hindering Song Jiang from finding a daughter-in-law, and killed the family of the third lady for this. And the reason why he later wanted to split Song Jiang was also because he learned that "Song Jiang first met Master Li, and then forcibly robbed the people's daughter."

At the same time, Li Kui's axe split innocent Xiao Yannei, as well as Gongsun Sheng's master Luo Zhenren, which was also the same reason. Li Kui decided that a good man going to Liangshan was the greatest righteous spirit. So it doesn't matter who you are, who stands in the way of this "righteous qi," he will chop whomever he wants. Therefore, Li Kui did not feel guilty and stubbornly believed that he had done it very correctly.

Even if he was eventually poisoned by Song Jiang, he also felt that this was the case, so he said: Even if he died, he would be Song Jiang's "little ghost". Therefore, Li Kui is not without standards of good and evil, nor is he brainless, but he is too self-centered and has always lived in his own world.

In the Water Margin, Li Kuitian was not afraid, even Song Jiang dared to split, but why was he so afraid of Yan Qing?

Third, the biggest characteristics of Yanqing

After analyzing Li Kui and analyzing Yan Qing, it is estimated that many people will blurt out at this moment, Yan Qing's biggest special is to live in the world of others (Lu Junyi)!

That's right! This is the characteristic of Yanqing. From Yan Qing's appearance in "Water Margin" to his final helplessness to leave Lu Junyi, Yan Qing exists, struggles and fights around Lu Junyi.

For example, Yan Qing was the first to see through Wu Yong's ruse and said: "This road, to Tai'an Prefecture in Shandong, is passing by Liangshan. In recent years, Song Jiang's gang of strongmen has been there to rob their homes and houses, and officers and soldiers have caught thieves. If you are at home, three words and two words, and you pour down Mr. Wu Yong, you dare to have a funny time! ”

Shrewd and domineering isn't it? Not only was the analysis reasonable, but even Wu Yong was despised by Yan Qing!

Look at Yan Qing's last words before leaving Lu Junyi: "It is only before and after the lord!" "Shrewd and helpless, right? Then advising Lu Junyi to leave quickly and not to return to Beijing to find death is useless. He had no choice but to lie, but he still remembered Lu Junyi!

Therefore, Yan Qing's shrewdness is the embodiment of a sense of responsibility (repaying Lu Junyi). And to this end, he is always accustomed to observing and analyzing problems from the perspective of Lu Junyi (others), and then combining his own cognition to finally come up with an answer.

In the Water Margin, Li Kuitian was not afraid, even Song Jiang dared to split, but why was he so afraid of Yan Qing?

Fourth, why is Li Kui so afraid of Yan Qing?

One: rationality is the mainstay

By analyzing the biggest characteristics of Li Kui and Yan Qing, it is obvious that this first answer can be obtained. Behind Yan Qing's shrewdness, there is a strong rationality doing support. Why does Yan Qing want to pry Li Shishi?

Because compared to martial arts, there are too many opponents, Wu Song and Lu Zhishen, these are yan qing's strong opponents. And the most lacking thing in Liangshan is diplomatic talent. The so-called rarity is precious, and naturally Yanqing has successfully consolidated the position of Lu Junyi, the second brother of Liangshan, through public relations Li Shishi.

Although you Song Jiang is the boss of Liangshan, in the end, you succeeded in recruiting security, but you relied on lu Junyi's strength! If you Song Jiang dares to hurt Lu Junyi, I Yan Qing can help you succeed, and I can ruin you--you must know that Yan Qing is the only one who has a personal relationship with the emperor's eldest brother and has obtained the Holy Will to avoid death.

What Li Kui did was an irrational state, everything was based on the self, and whoever dared not meet the standard would hurt whom. Therefore, Yan Qing can take appropriate measures against Li Kui, such as dropping you Li Kui, and also setting rules for you. This actually represents the triumph of reason.

In the Water Margin, Li Kuitian was not afraid, even Song Jiang dared to split, but why was he so afraid of Yan Qing?

Second: strength is king

This is equally important. Because the utility of reason is almost based on strength. Song Jiang spoke Li Kui listened, it was Song Jiang's strength was too strong. Even if when Song Jiang recruited An, Lu Zhishen shouted that he wanted to break up the gang, what was the result? Still dare not disperse!

Li Kui was Song Jiang's confidant and played the role of a thug, which led him to dare to run rampant in Liangshan, and other good men basically stayed away. But Yan Qing relied on his own strength and became a person that Song Jiang could not do without, recruiting a public relations master Li Shi for him. And Yan Qing himself is still the confidant of the second in command. In this way, it led to Yan Qing's actual status, far surpassing Li Kui!

Of course, strength must also include skills, after all, Liangshan is a place that pays attention to "fists"! Yan Qing sumo wrestled Li Kui to death, so that Li Kui could only shout "brother".

In the Water Margin, Li Kuitian was not afraid, even Song Jiang dared to split, but why was he so afraid of Yan Qing?

Fifth, the general analysis

The opening paragraph says that people generally do not like Li Kui today.

Now through analysis, we can know that all this lies in the irrationality displayed by Li Kui, who is too self-standard. Therefore, as a person, we should still consider the feelings of others, and stand in the perspective of others to see and think. Why do you have to be the one who everyone avoids? Isn't that a failure?

At the same time, if you really find yourself around, there are people like Li Kui, please treat it rationally.

If you find that your strength is not enough, it is better to hide away! If the strength is enough, it is more rational, after all, a person who is too selfish can go to heaven when he is good, and he can enter the earth when he is bad, and it is easy to cause himself to lose his direction.

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