
Comparing China's fight against the epidemic to Nazi massacres, the New York Times is reprehensible! Original to the ocean reference news2022-01-2221: 37 The New York Times recently published on the front page

author:Mao Kaiyun

Comparing China's fight against the epidemic to Nazi massacres, the New York Times is reprehensible!

Original Xiangyang reference message 2022-01-22 21:37

The US "New York Times" recently published a front-page article by reporter Yuan Li, in which he compared Chinese anti-epidemic workers to Adolf Eichmann, one of the main organizers of the Nazi Holocaust, and falsely claimed that the vast number of Chinese cadres and masses who supported the government's epidemic prevention work had committed the so-called "evil of mediocrity", directly comparing them with the Germans who supported the massacre of Jews during the Nazi Germany period.

Such an absurd argument is not even to the Americans. Writing on the website of The Asia Times in Hong Kong, John Walsh, a former expert in physiology and cellular neuroscience at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine, bluntly described the New York Times article as "a distorted narrative of a newspaper deranged by China's success in fighting the epidemic." On social media accounts such as Twitter, many netizens pointed out sharply, "At least China has indeed controlled the spread of the virus, and this article is undoubtedly anti-China propaganda", "Nearly a million people have died in the United States, or some people pretend to stand on the moral high ground"...

The reason why Yuan Li and the New York Times have encountered criticism from public opinion is that their logic is chaotic and vicious, their hearts are reprehensible, and their deeds are despicable, breaking through the bottom line of human conscience.

How can the fight against COVID-19 be compared to the genocide of the Jews?! As Walsh puts it, "In Xi'an, a population of 13 million, the campaign against the outbreak ended without fatalities, with all cases limited to about 2,000." And Eichmann's planned Holocaust killed millions of Jews." If we have to use the word "extinction", the ultimate goal of China's fight against the epidemic is also to make the new crown virus extinct with the joint efforts of all mankind. As for the word "massacre", those American politicians who have not been able to fight the epidemic and allow the virus to rage are exactly the executioners. As early as May 2020, the Washington Post lamented that "the Fight against the epidemic in the United States has become a nationally sanctioned massacre." Today, the number of deaths from covid-19 in the United States is close to 900,000, but I have not seen any reflection and analogy between Yuan Li and the New York Times.

How can China's anti-epidemic policy of "people first, life first" be distorted?! In an article published in The New York Times, Yuan Li said, "For [Chinese] officials, controlling the virus is the first priority." The lives, well-being and dignity of the people do not rank high". Such a view is really not worth refuting. China adheres to the prevention and control strategy of "dynamic zero clearance", anti-epidemic workers are racing against time and fighting against the virus, and 1.4 billion Chinese have united as one to build a solid defense line for epidemic prevention and control, creating a feat in the history of human struggle against the disease, precisely to safeguard people's lives, well-being and dignity. On the contrary, in the country where the New York Times is located, in the face of the ravages of the new crown virus, in the face of the political self-interest of politicians and the ruthless cold blood of capitalists, the lives, well-being and dignity of the people are simply not ranked.

How can the New York Times smear China with hostility and prejudice deceive the world?! In order to smear China's epidemic prevention policy, Yuan Li has taken the trouble to select some extreme cases that have occurred in Xi'an's recent response to the outbreak. This does not represent the whole picture of Xi'an's anti-epidemic work, let alone represents the anti-epidemic work of the whole of China. In fact, there is no shortage of sharp criticism and rational reflection on these extreme cases in the Chinese public opinion field, and relevant individuals, institutions and officials have already paid a price for this. As Walsh put it, The New York Times "wants to write about the most perverse exceptions as if they were normal." Finally, on this basis, suppose that these anecdotes are representative, and then draw far-fetched conclusions". How can such a clumsy method make the reader buy it?

Yuan Li's report, which does not ask about merits, disregards journalistic ethics, and only wants to sensationalize, is by no means an isolated case in the large number of anti-China reports published by the New York Times. The "New York Times" prides itself on being an "international authoritative media," but it completely draws a line with ideology, promotes the anti-China narrative, and willingly becomes the "thug" of the US and the West's public opinion war against China.

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