
The cat came back after 5 days of disappearance, and the owner was surprised and delighted: escaped from the black coal kiln?

author:Little Lotus Mom Pro

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Will the lost cat come back on its own? Probably not, because many cats are kept at home and rarely go out, so they can't recognize the way home, sometimes maybe the cat is just a moment of greed, jumped out of the window, ran out of the door, but it can never come back...

However, two days ago, Xinhe saw a more interesting thing, about the "funny experience" of the cow and cat, let's take a look at it together

This cat is a very cute cow cat, usually basically stay at home, but sometimes the owner will take it out for a spin, walk around, in fact, for the outside environment, there is still some understanding, but the other day I don't know whether it is because of estrus or for what reason, this cat actually ran out on its own, and there is no news.

The cat came back after 5 days of disappearance, and the owner was surprised and delighted: escaped from the black coal kiln?

At this time, the owner is worried that it is broken, this cat has never run out alone, can it come back? Looking for two days did not find, the owner was disheartened, the other day the family just bought cat food, there are ten pounds, has not how to eat this guy ran away, alas, do not know where it is now, is running to other people's homes, or that they can't recognize the way home ...

This cat, netizens have been raising for three years, suddenly disappeared it, always make people feel a little sad, just like the three years with the cat, three years of memory has been all dug up, making people feel sad.

The cat came back after 5 days of disappearance, and the owner was surprised and delighted: escaped from the black coal kiln?

The owner posted a cat hunting notice nearby, but no one has called any phone, it has been four days, it seems that the cat really can't come back, the owner looks at the toys and snacks left by the cat at home, the heart is lost, but the heart is constantly looking forward to its early return.

But unexpectedly, the miracle really happened, just on the fifth day of the loss, the cow cat actually came back by itself, without any warning, it was the appearance of the return changed, as long as the body was white hair, basically dyed black or gray, like entering a black coal kiln.

The cat came back after 5 days of disappearance, and the owner was surprised and delighted: escaped from the black coal kiln?

Only to see it sitting stupidly on the cement floor downstairs, as if waiting for something there, the ear has become the ear of the airplane, as if to say: Eh, out of the door is simply the adventure of the century, it is difficult to escape from the "black coal kiln", I remember this place, why has the master not come to pick me up?

Seeing this cat sitting there with a silly appearance, the owner was simply surprised and delighted: Are you in the black coal kiln? How does that look like this? Your face and feet are all gray, do you still know how to go home? Tell me where you've gone?

The cow cat sat on the ground with wide eyes and looked at its owner with a serious face, as if to say: To tell the truth, I really escaped with great difficulty, and you don't know how exciting the outside world is!

The cat came back after 5 days of disappearance, and the owner was surprised and delighted: escaped from the black coal kiln?

Although this cow cat is back, but many people in life lost the cat, have not found it back, so everyone in the process of raising cats should also pay attention to, sometimes the cat will be outside some of the sounds, birds attracted, and even jump out of the window, some live on a relatively high floor, may be the cat will encounter danger, some live relatively low, the cat may also faint, can not find which is their home.

Therefore, everyone should pay attention to closing the doors and windows, installing screens, fences and so on, otherwise your little cute may never come back!

The cat came back after 5 days of disappearance, and the owner was surprised and delighted: escaped from the black coal kiln?

Finally, why do you think this cow cat in the text became like this? Did your cat come back after it was lost?

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The cat came back after 5 days of disappearance, and the owner was surprised and delighted: escaped from the black coal kiln?

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