
Hangwai, Jianlan Middle School, White Horse Lake School, Tianchang Primary School... What homework was assigned this summer?

author:Hangzhou Net

City Express News Last week, Hangzhou primary and secondary schools have completed their final exams and entered the happy summer vacation mode. Along with the summer vacation, there is also your eternal friend - summer vacation homework.

Orange persimmon interactive reporter helped everyone ask a circle, some fast-moving schools, the final exam has been arranged as soon as the final exam is over, and some schools are holding homework design meetings these two days, waiting until the off-campus students return to school and then unified arrangement.

Every summer, a number of interesting and interesting summer homework will emerge, this summer, what interesting homework do the teachers plan to assign?

Hangzhou Foreign Chinese School

A reading list and a photo list

Every summer, reading is an eternal theme. Many schools give a reading list for children to choose from.

Hangzhou Foreign Chinese school will arrange a reading list and a movie list every year during the holiday homework, and it has also become popular on the Internet because of its wide reading range. Take a look at the reading list and movie list of this year's new first year.

First, choose five books from the following recommended books and write a reason for your favorite. Select a complete plot paragraph from "Journey to the West", prepare for the "Journey to the West Story", and hold a "Journey to the West Story" meeting at the beginning of the school year.

Required Reading:

Journey to the West (Wu Cheng'en) (original)

"Chao Hua Xi Shi" (Lu Xun)

The Little Prince (Fa Saint-Exupéry)

Animism and Beauty (Ind. Jimmy Harry)

"Starry Spring Water" (Ice Heart)

Crescent Moon (Tagore, India)

Selected Readings:

Wilde's Fairy Tales (England Wilde)

Italian Fairy Tales (Italian Calvino)

Things on Earth (Reed Bank)

Sand Country Yearbook (Meordo Leopold)

The Ring of King Solomon (Laurenz, Austria)

Hunter's Notes (Turgenev, Russia)

"Xiangxing Sanji" (Shen Congwen)

Chronicle of Baiyangdian (Sun Li)

The Autobiography of Lao She (Lao She)

"Old Things in Seongnam" (Lin Haiyin)

"Feng Zikai Essays" (Feng Zikai)

Zhang Xiaofeng Essay (Zhang Xiaofeng)

"Zhu Ziqing Essays" (Zhu Ziqing)

"Jia Pingwo Prose" (Jia Pingwo)

"Me and the Temple of Earth" (Stetson)

Poems for Children (Kitajima, ed.)

"Sky" (Shuntaro Hitanikawa)

Everything Is Silent as a Mystery (Ýímposka, Poland)

Second, with the topic of "my life territory", we will continue to write about the new spaces and new attempts we have experienced in our summer life. The format is eclectic: both graphic and textual, or handwritten or computer-made, all kinds of planning or schemes are available. (The number of works is not limited, no less than two, exchange at the beginning of the school year)

Choose to watch at least five recommended films, write about 1500 words of movie notes, describe wonderful shots, and think about and evaluate the characters and themes of the film.

Recommended Videos:

Kikujiro's Summer (Japan, directed by Takeshi Kitano)

Seventeen-year-old bicycle (China, directed by Wang Xiaoshuai)

Red Balloon (France, directed by Albert Raméris)

Landscape in the Mist (Greece, directed by Theo Angelopoulos)

"Raw And Growing Streams" (Iran, directed by Abbas Kiarostami)

Little Shoes (Iran, directed by Majid Majidi)

The Diary of the Emperor Penguin (France, Luc Jacques)

Documentary series Blue Planet (Eresta Fassergil, UK)

Documentary Series "Aerial Photography of China"

Jianlan Middle School

Read "Chao Hua Xi Shi" and "Journey to the West"

Write a short essay on famous books

The summer vacation language homework of Jianlan Middle School is to read famous works such as "Chao Hua Xi Shi" and "Journey to the West" and write a famous essay. In addition, there are also a number of reading list recommendations.

Hangwai, Jianlan Middle School, White Horse Lake School, Tianchang Primary School... What homework was assigned this summer?
Hangwai, Jianlan Middle School, White Horse Lake School, Tianchang Primary School... What homework was assigned this summer?

Hang No.2 Middle School White Horse Lake School

Make a shredded sour potato

One of the summer science assignments of the new junior high school of Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School White Horse Lake School is to make a sour and spicy potato shredded by yourself.

How to pick a good potato, how to cut the potato shreds, how to grasp the oil temperature, when to put the salt, each step of making this dish must be completed and experienced by the students themselves.

Hangwai, Jianlan Middle School, White Horse Lake School, Tianchang Primary School... What homework was assigned this summer?
Hangwai, Jianlan Middle School, White Horse Lake School, Tianchang Primary School... What homework was assigned this summer?

Qian Xuesen School

Read a book related to Qian Xuesen

On Children's Day this year, all the teachers and students of Hangzhou Qian Xuesen watched the movie "Qian Xuesen" together, and Qian Xuesen was inspired to study, waded into dangers and returned to China, and the tortuous experience of overcoming all difficulties deeply touched the children.

This summer, the school is ready to let the children of the new and second grade read a book related to Qian Xuesen, and come together to communicate and discuss at the beginning of the school year.

Tianchang Elementary School

Read coming-of-age novels and write about yourself

Fifth grade children of Hangzhou Tianchang Primary School should read several "growing up" novels, including "Childhood", "Little Hero Rain", "Education of Love", etc., and feel laughter and tears. Ask to write a post-reading feeling about a book, or create your own coming-of-age novel.

In addition, there are several selected books to read, including "People Are Reluctant to Be Old", "The Complete Collection of Gibran's Prose Poems", "Selected Essays of Zong Pu", "Hometown", "My Life", and "Selected Short Stories of Chekhov".

Math Reading also has several books as a reading list for the sixth grade year, which can be read from the summer vacation, hoping that everyone will experience the endless mysteries and fun of mathematics. These include "Mathematical Magic: 84 Magical Mathematical Tricks", "The Secret Life of Numbers: The 50 Most Interesting Mathematical Stories", "The Mystery of Three Cars: Mathematics Hidden in Everyday Life", and "Where is Mathematics".

The English department requires watching at least three original films. Features: Hotel Transylvania3: Summer Vacation Elf Hostel 3: Crazy Vacation; Moana Ocean Adventure; Rio Adventure; Luca Summer Friendship Day.

Victory Elementary School

Victory Elementary School also has a number of recommended books for the summer.

New fifth-grade book list: Lin Handa's "Spring and Autumn Story", Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Poor Child", "National Treasure".

The new sixth-grade book list: Gorky's "Childhood", Lu Xun's "Chao Hua Xi Shi", Ye Shengtao's "Scarecrow", Turgenev's "Hunter's Notes", Chen Zehua's "Chinese Scientist Yuan Longping".

Baochu Tower Experimental School

Play fairy tales and follow the books to the West Lake

The summer vacation homework of Baochuta Experimental School adopts the form of project-based homework: taking the required reading list of the second semester of the unified textbook as the main reference basis, starting the summer project-based learning journey with driving problems, and finally completing the entire learning project under the impetus of one phased task after another. For example, the fairy tale theme of the first grade, the Asian Games activity of the second grade.

Hangwai, Jianlan Middle School, White Horse Lake School, Tianchang Primary School... What homework was assigned this summer?

Wenxin Primary School

Grow upland rice

1,700 children in Wenxin Primary School, Wenxin and Fuyuan, Hangzhou, received a mysterious "homework" last week - planting dry rice.

The school prepared more than 30,000 upland rice seeds and distributed about 10 seeds to each child. Children with fast hands, they were planted when they came home that day. In addition to the children planting at home, the corners and corners of the school were also planted. In the past two days, the circle of friends has posted photos of dry rice germination.

Looking at the green seedlings, some children are very anxious and ask their mothers when the rice is ripe and they can eat the rice they grow.

Teacher Chen, director of the school's Moral Education Office, said: "Everyone has come to be a little agronomist this summer to grow a magical dry rice. With practical actions, pay tribute to Grandpa Yuan Longping. Moreover, planting upland rice is not just a simple variety, and low-grade children can observe the growth of upland rice and write a planting diary. There are even more things that children in the upper grades can do, and the fifth grade makes dry rice cultivation a project-based learning content throughout the semester. ”

Teacher Chen said that this wave of upland rice can be harvested in about October. After the start of the school year, students will be invited to bring all the dry rice they have planted to the school, and there will be more interesting activities waiting for everyone.

The math teacher left a debate question

Ding Lan's first-grade math teacher left a question for the children during the summer vacation: In the era of electronic payment, do we still need to learn the calculation of renminbi?

Teacher Qiu Jingge introduced: "After a semester of study, we found that students are very unskilled in RMB calculation, a large part of which is caused by objective phenomena, they do not have many opportunities to contact cash, and they have been replaced by electronic payments. So we hope to use this problem as a driver, so that students can find materials to find information to prove that we still need to learn the calculation of the renminbi. However, there is no absolute conclusion on this issue, but it is enough to cause children to think and argue. After the start of the school year, we decided to organize a grade debate competition to let the children speak freely and improve their thinking and argumentation, language organization and expression skills! ”

Wash dishes and mop the floor 20 times during the summer vacation

Is that too much?

Xixing Experimental Primary School's summer vacation homework for the first grade has the "service to the family" item, when the grade group teacher designed the homework, the original version of the regulation: 20 times to wash dishes, mop the floor 20 times, wash clothes 5 times in the summer...

60 days of summer vacation, is this amount big for first-grade children? Regarding this issue, the teachers in the grade group also discussed it in particular. Some teachers feel that this amount is not large, and first-grade children can also help parents take on housework. Some teachers also pointed out that washing dishes and mopping the floor is a daily chore, and it is difficult to count the number.

"After we discussed the revision, we blurred the number of 20, and there was no clear quantity requirement." The school teacher said, "Housework is a daily task, deliberately counting it seems to be 'intentional', in the summer still hope that children can consciously participate in housework, rather than to complete a task." ”

Calculate the family's two months of living expenses

The fifth grade math homework of Xiaohe Primary School is also very special: be a small statistician, record the cost of electricity, water, vegetables, fruits and other expenses in July and August at home, and then make a double statistical chart with the above expenses, try to draw a fan-shaped statistical chart, and finally calculate a few fractions of the total cost of the above expenses, which are also represented by graphics.

Chen Haiya, a fifth-grade math teacher, said: "Before the second grade, I also learned the concept of statistics, but in the fifth grade, I learned more deeply, including bar charts, polyline charts, etc. This assignment also asks students to try to draw a fan-shaped statistical chart, which is a sixth-grade knowledge point, and it is also a preview in advance. ”

Teacher Chen said that this kind of exploratory and interesting homework is very popular among the students. And by the fifth grade, the children are getting bigger and bigger, and they need to master more common sense of life. "This is also to let everyone know more about the concept of money, understand that the family expenses are so large, and understand the hard work of parents to make money."

Did you get your summer vacation homework list? Do you have any special and interesting summer homework in your class? Welcome to leave a message to tell us!

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