
This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

author:Cobain said

Recently, the epidemic is serious, almost all theaters are closed, in addition to Netflix will launch some new movies, there has been no new film released for a long time, I believe that many small partners are like Cobain, caught in the film famine.

Yesterday, Cobain dug up a treasure movie, and after watching it, I had a lot of memories -

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Only Beasts</h1>

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

Douban scored 7.2 points, but believe me, this rating is really not credible.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

The structure of the whole film is quite clever, whether it is the suspenseful atmosphere or the profound connotation, it is very interesting, comparable to the Indian film "The Tuner", which was very popular in the previous two years, and it is heavier than it.

Comparable to the Indian movie "The Tuner", which was very popular in the previous two years.

Friendly reminder, there are spoilers, in addition, there are more characters in this film, be sure to watch carefully.

A remote town in France.

After a snowstorm, an off-road vehicle was parked on the side of the road and a woman named Evelyn was missing.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

The disappearance was just an introduction.

The development of the story is in a way that breaks the timeline, divided into four chapters, and tells the ins and outs of the whole story in a jigsaw puzzle way.


Alice is an insurance clerk, and her husband, Michelle, is honest and cares for the animals on the farm at home.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

By middle age, Iris had already lost her passion for Michelle, so she cheated.

Iris cheats on his client, named Joseph.

On this day, as usual, she came to Joseph's house to date him.

But unlike usual, Joseph was absent-minded, and even if Iris tried desperately to tease, he didn't react much.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

The woman's intuition made Iris think that there was something wrong with Joseph, but she couldn't say what was wrong.

A few days later, Iris returns to Joseph's house, only to find joseph's dog dead.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

Back home, Iris finds her husband's nose bleeding again, must have discovered her cheating, and then got into a fight with Joseph and killed his dog.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

Iris, a sleepless night.

But is this really the case?

Second, Joseph

Iris comes to the house to date herself, and Joseph is not very interested.

Because he found a body in front of his house.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

Joseph, on the other hand, did not choose to call the police, but hid the body.

I believe that everyone can also see that this corpse is the woman Evelyn who disappeared at the beginning of the film.

He hid the body on the farm and slept with her every day.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

The dog was killed by himself, because the dog kept barking when he smelled the corpse.

So why would Joseph do this?

Joseph's mother died last year, and he couldn't accept it and didn't want to believe it.

So he left his mother's body in the room until it decayed.

Evelyn's body reminded him of his own mother, of the warm days he had lived with.

In the end, Joseph was still unable to face reality and jumped off the cliff with the corpse.

So why did the body appear at Joseph's door?

Who killed her?

Three, Maria

Maria is a waitress at a restaurant, around 20 years old, and is gay.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

On this day, after confirming the look in her eyes with a guest, she rolled the sheets.

The guest, it was Evelyn.

After the one-night stand, Evelyn left a note and left.

But Maria took this as true love and fell in love with Evelyn.

After several twists and turns, Maria found Evelyn's home.

The two were passionate again.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

But who would have thought that Evelyn would not recognize anyone when she lifted her pants, or even want Maria to live in her own home.

Maria had no choice but to open a room at a nearby hotel.

But the hotel's room rate is too expensive, Maria is reluctant to spend money, only to find a nearby car camp, living in a motorhome that does not even have heating.

Maria's love for Evelyn has reached an incurable point and has been pestering her.

Returning to the motorhome that day, Maria found an envelope on the door that contained 500 euros.

Maria assumed that this was Evelyn's breakup fee for her, so she called her.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

In the evening, Evelyn arrives at the caravan and the two have an argument.

In order to end the relationship as soon as possible, Evelyn slapped Maria hard and then flew away.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

The next day, the police found Maria and told evelyn about her disappearance.

Maria was heartbroken and wanted to leave the place.

In the evening, Michelle suddenly appears in Maria's motorhome, shouting the name "Amanti" and asking Maria to elope with her.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

Maria then slammed her foot on Michelle's nose.

Why is Michelle here?

Who is Ammanti?

4. Ammanti

Now, let's shift our gaze to the city of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire.

There was a black guy named Amon, who bought a set of beautiful women photos and videos from the Internet, alias "Amanti", played online fraud, and specialized in fishing for lonely old men on the Internet.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

Michelle, thousands of miles away, was hooked.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

Alas, the man who suffered.

The wife cheated, and the online love object was a black man who cut his feet.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

Amon used various excuses to manage Michelle for money, and since then he has lived a life like a local tycoon, going to nightclubs and bars every day, and getting drunk and gold fans.

He also tried to win back his ex-girlfriend's heart by buying her a diamond necklace.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

But the ex-girlfriend has already been raised by a French boss who came here to open a mine, where can I see Amon?

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

Amon is reluctant to give up and can only ask Michelle to cheat more money.

Michelle genuinely likes the "Ammanti" who flirts with herself online, and also pays a lot of IQ taxes.

So guess whose photo Amon bought from the Internet?

That's right, it's Maria.

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

When Maria came to find Evelyn, she hitchhiked all the way and was just seen by Michelle, who did not dare to say anything because her wife was nearby, and then secretly followed Maria.

Michelle thinks that Maria is impressed by her charm and travels thousands of miles to find herself, and she is immediately overjoyed.

At this time, Amon said to Michelle online that because he owed money to others, the other party found the door and was beaten.

Upon hearing that her beloved woman had been beaten, Michelle couldn't bear it and rushed to Maria's motorhome and saw her being slapped by an old woman.

Enraged, Michelle followed suit in a car, tackling the old woman and then throwing the body into the wilderness.

He was happy because he protected the people he loved.

On the other hand, Amon was caught by the local police for online fraud, and honestly confessed to his pseudonym "Amanti" to defraud Michelle.

Subsequently, the police called Michelle and told him the truth, and there was no such person as "Amanti".

Michelle certainly didn't believe it, so she went to the motorhome and looked for Maria.

At this point in the story, I believe that everyone already has a complete piece of the puzzle.

Let's sort it out again according to the timeline.

First, Amon pretends to be Maria and Michelle online dating.

Maria was emotionally injured because of Evelyn.

Michelle kills Evelyn in order to help Maria out.

Joseph picked up Evelyn's body and hid it.

Iris, on the other hand, thinks that her cheating has caused Joseph and Michelle to fight.

Unfortunately, Michelle loves Maria, Joseph loves Evelyn's corpse, and all the love and hate has nothing to do with her.

At the end of the film, Amon's ex-girlfriend finds him and says that the French boss's wife is dead and that she wants to follow him to France.

Guess who this French boss is?

Haha, it's Evelyn's husband!

This French suspense movie is too heavy, but I like "Only the Beast"

Did you think of the rabbit in The Tuner?

Such a link-by-link narrative is really clever, until the end you can't understand the ins and outs of the whole movie, and it also makes every story very interesting, and every character is worth scrutinizing.

As a suspense movie, "Only the Beast" is quite qualified, although there are more characters in the scene, but the portrayal of each character is vivid and full, and it is not facial.

And the scale of the film is also very large, there are more cigarette pictures, do not shy away from it.

Overall, highly recommended.